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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. I think they are waiting for one of those "Osama Bin Laden is planning on blowing up a building tomorrow morning at 9:00 am" kind of memos. At least it won't be delivered to Crawford.
  2. Pretty good selection of possibles. Marv and Dick are on pretty short leashes as well. I suspect they all get a bye this year, but beginning next season I suspect that all of the above will marching up to Golgotha.
  3. Sounds like the intelligence is really on top of things these days.
  4. Didn't say they couldn't do it. Just remarking that there may be consequences beyond what we are expecting. But then, given our tendency to applaud shortsighted knee jerk actions that backfire to our detriment (Iraq comes to mind for some reason) I should be less than surprised.
  5. Having just spent three weeks in Kazakhstan which is becoming a major player in the Caspian oil, hydroelctric power market, and spending time in Almaty and enjoying its rich culture and heritage, I suspect the film may be perceived as rather insulting to most Kazakhs. But then we don't really need friends outside of the US so we might as well go out of our way to piss them off.
  6. I don't see KH as the guy to improve the team. The interceptions are somewhat indicative of what everyone recognizes as the problem with him as a starter. Now the point to consider is that KH's weakness doesn't make JP any better. I'm more interested in in how JP performs from here on out. This is not going to be a very pretty season, but if anything we will have a good sense whether JP is the answer. I think we pretty much know the KH is not the answer.
  7. Don't see how firing the head coach will have any effect. How about firing the players themselves? Conviction of a felony, a one year suspension without pay as part of every contract? If the NFL and the Players Association thought they wanted to address the situation it sounds like an easy way to do it. Since they don't I'd suggest we just STFU about the whole situation.
  8. If we were hoping to be a playoff team we should have kept Bledsoe, refurbished the offensive line and gotten a good tight end. We didn't and decided to "wash" the season from day one with JP. That meant staying with JP through at least most of the season. It was a mess all around last year mostly the fault of the coach. We'll hopefully use this season to see what we have in JP and make adjustments as we have to.
  9. I used to run in 5, 10 and 15k's. Buffalo was always a kick, because they had great beer parties after almost every race and I got a charge out of seeing people finish a race and actually smoke cigarettes! Rochester was very yuppy. Finish the race have a banana, yogurt bottle of water, get in the Volvo and BMW and get on with your day. Now UTICA....the Boilermaker was a helluva race (close to my favorite..15k) and the party out of this world. Great for St. Pat's as well. y son played a high school state championship hockey game there on St. Pat's (lost to Massena...monster hockey players up there.) and we all had a great St. Pat's there.
  10. My dad took me to the parade when the bills first came to Buffalo in 1960. I caught a little football from one of the players (Warren Raab?) followed them from the beginning.
  11. seems like the guy is expected to play a big role in this years cover 2...so if he thinks he is going to start it is time for him to get into camp. If I were him I wouldn't want some clown getting all that many reps and maybe impressing the coaches enough to put my young ass on the bench in my first season. Time to get to work, Donte.
  12. Amen! I think MM was a lousy coach who made a rash of lousy decisions and not giving JP a chance to succeed or fail may be one of the most damaging things he die...both to JP and to the Bills. I'm pulling for Losman to do well, and I'm not going to judge him until he gets this season under his belt. I think ML and DJ have been around long enough and are patient enough to give him a good look, and gutsy enough to pull the trigger on him if he doesn't work out at the end of this season.
  13. The other day on Sirius I heard a reporter from Green Bay give a critique of Nall. Essentially he said Nall showed some real stuff in games at Green Bay but most of it was on mop up duty. The scary thing is he said Nall had an accuracy problem which hopefully would be alleviated as he played on. I'm hopeful for Losman to produce this year as I think we sink or swim with him. Holcomb might keep us "respectable" but the team won't improve with him nor is he the guy for the future. Nall may get back in time to get back into the hunt, but it is not looking very good. This will be an interesting year for Buffalo. Let's hope for the best.
  14. It isn't the first round picks alone. The draft for the Jets seemed focused on the offensive defensive lines (also LB's and a Tight End which bolster the line) and their moves have seemed to make that their priority. All I'm saying is that it will be interesting to see how the theory pans out in comparison to the Bills philosophy of rebuilding to fit the scheme of the season (Tampa cover 2 and St Louis West Coast.) I'm going to wait and see.
  15. I'm interested (for the first time in a long time) in the Jets this year, because they seem to have decided to rebuild from the trenches out, which I think is the way to build a great team. Ferguson and Mangold aren't going to get much press, but my thought is they have even less talent than the Bills, but have addressed the offensive line problem. I'm curious to see how the experiment plays out over the year and whether the Jets or Bills headed in the right direction.
  16. Buffalo is always my favorite city. Rochester is nice too. Let's not brag too much about it, though. Keep the crowds away!
  17. Given the places George put his fingers in his Ranger days he should be glad he flipped him off as opposed to shaking his hand! They KEEP DRAGGING ME BACK IN!!!
  18. He's got some points. Up to us to prove him wrong. I'm getting more and more in tune with having DJ and ML, and most of their moves do make sense. The proof will be in the pudding. Let the season begin and let's see what we've got! zuntil we prove something we aren't really in a position to argue with anything anyone might say. New QB, New coach, questionable OL, big changes on D. Hell...let's jump into the pool and start swimming!!!
  19. My cousin worked in the Clinton white house and was a honcho on Clinton's presidential campaigns. Says Clinton is one of the most interesting guys you'll ever meet. Has a way of making you feel like you're the only person in the room when he's talking with you. Great golfing partner, outstanding sense of humor and pretty self-deprecating. Has a truck with astro-turf in it and puts on a good-ol-boy persona.
  20. Guy shows some darn good judgment. Dinner with Bush doesn't sound all that enticing to me.
  21. Durgin Park is a standardand Anthony's on the Pier. My experience there is a little dated, but both of those places were pretty good.
  22. I would recommend the book Kitchen Confidential and the various sequels not only for a great read but for information regarding restaurants. One pointer the author (a New York City chef who apparently is more an author and celeb these days) gives for checking out a restaurant is to check the toilet facilities. If they are not clean, he says, you can be pretty sure the rest of the place is suspect...and leave. He calls the buffet the owners delight as it can be designed to fill people up on the cheap stuff in the beginning with the expensive things at the back. He calls the buffet line a disease petri dish as the food tends to stay too long, too many people are touching, breathing on, and sneezing on the food, and he recommends avoiding it at all costs.
  23. There is no other real choice but to go with Losman throughout the season. The only reason for a change is if Losman goes 0-8 and its clear that he would never be able to qb the team. In that case it might be worth giving Nall a shot. KH offers pretty much nothing of an upside for the team. This is Losman's season..for better (I hope!) or for worse.
  24. Judging from the recent report of the offensive line coach making comments about Losman, it sounds like a continuing problem that Jauron and Levy had better address if we ever want to go anywhere. Whining assistant coaches should be shown the door post haste.
  25. It is Losman's season. He will perform, and if so, we will do pretty well. If he doesn't, we will have an extremely high draft pick at the end of the season. I don't see Nall fitting into the picture at all if he is out for more than a week or two. He pretty much had to come in and wow the Bills if he was going to get more than a cursory look.
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