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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Darn Right...the street names were of Buffalo streets.
  2. You beat the cover two with running. We have to work on our run defense and hopefully Spikes will be back to assist. I don't see Miami as an easy game, and understand that they are favored. All that being said I'm optimistic we will win this one. It really hurts to lose like we did in New England and I'm suspecting we will be coming into Miami with a "take no prisoners" attitude. I hope Jauron continues to be aggressive on offense and establishes the run before going for the bombs. Prediction? Buffalo 27-Miami 24.
  3. Whitner really made a statement. I read USA today last week and they called picking him over Lienhart the bonehead play of the draft. Well...would you like a little salt with that big helping of crow, USA Today? Hell..save some for me...I was pushing for Ngata (who is doing quite well...but Whitner may prove to be one of the best choices of the top ten!)
  4. I have no problem with the call. The first down and touchdown would have been a devastating blow. The Field goal at that stage of the game wasn't all that important. Sure in hindsight it would have made all the difference. But if I had perfect hindsight I'd be buying a lot of lottery tickets. All together a game that showed an improving team. I'd have liked a win, but I'm getting more and more confident in DJ and ML.
  5. Amen! Doesn't speak all that well of you that you invited him or her in the first place (and you still don't know if its a him or her?). Tell him or her to get the F out of your chair and get the F out of the house and take the frilly little napkins and watercress sandwiches with him or her!!!
  6. a lot of things have to come together, but its certainly not impossible to win this game. Outstanding special teams play (as usual) is something we will probably get. The running game is essential (keeping Brady on the bench...he's no more effective than Rob Johnson if he can't get on the field.). An occassional long pass when Belichick is cheating to stop the running game...and we've got a major upset. I really like Royal at tight end and see him being a great target in the red zone.
  7. The first drive will start at the Billd 48 yard line thanks to a major runback by Mr. McKee. Willis will run three straight times for a first down. Evans makes a mid range catch. In a time killing effort the bills run for two more first downs. Royal has the reception for a touchdown. Second verse...same as the first. Brady and the offense sits on the bench getting frustrated.
  8. Under the circumstances I wouldn't be all that quick to throw Foley under the bus either.
  9. Having been a police officer and having had to deal with all sorts of jurisdictional disputes involving car chases and where jurisdiction ends, I can assure you whether the guy has state jurisdiction (I don't know about California law, so I can't say.) can be a major issue. HOWEVER the issue of him being off duty and getting so involved in a "swerving car" issue is going to be a great bone of contention.
  10. Sounds pretty darn suspicious to me. Off-Duty cop (was he actually in Coronado when this happened or outside of his jurisdiction) sees a car weaving. I understand calling it in and following the vehicle but what the hell is he thinking trying to stop the car by himself in plain clothes and in a non-police car? Should have waited for the squad car. This is going to be messy.
  11. I feel very good about this game, even though I have to admit we have had super turnover and are a major question mark to most observers. I think Losman will be good, and know Jauron will be a major improvement over Mularkey come game time. I'm looking forward to the game!
  12. Good summary. I think we beat Chicago and go into the bye 4-3 and might possibly (realistically possibly) finish the season with 9 wins. 8 or 9 wins would be a terrific season! So many unknowns here. Losman is looking fine so far, lots of new guys on the O-line who should get better as the season progresses, Whitner is a quetion mark. Let the games begin!
  13. There must be something to Mularkey that I'm not seeing. I can't believe ANYONE hired him even as an offensive co-ordinator. I can't believe he wasn't the FIRST one fired at the end of the season. I can't believe WE hired him in the first place! Maybe he has great talent. He just never showed it in Buffalo.
  14. I think there big weakness is at linebacker (Junior Seau starting at 38?) and if Bruschi is out we should be able to eat the clock. I'm not a huge McGahee fan, but I really think he can take care of business on this game. I'm not all that impressed with their secondary either, but I think the running game again and again is the best way to neutralize the Patriots real threat, the offense. I reallly think we have a good chance to beat these guys. If we establish the run and force BB to "cheat" on defense to deal with it, Evans and Price will finish them off with a few long passes. Establishing the run game will assist Losman and our question mark at offensive line pass protection.
  15. I think our strategy should be to run McGahee if we can. He has been somewhat successful against the Patriots. Clock control and a running game that goes first down after first down does what Parcells did to us in the first superbowl...keep a future Hall of Fame quarterback and a high powered offense on the bench. Bruschi is injured there have been some defensive losses and I think that is the way to go. If the running game is effective, and BB is forced to adjust (which he is known to do) then Evans and Price can get free for some very long passes to keep them honest. I have a feeling that we are going to be 4-3 at the bye week and one of those wins will be the Pats.
  16. I don't have anything against CJ Leak, and hope he does well...but I can't believe we aren't looking at some of the O linemen cut. We don't have much depth...and I'm not sure we have a complete starting line that it going to cut the mustard. Weakest spot on a team that has pretty much improved everywhere else.
  17. Sometimes hard decisions are the easiest decisions. The three receivers we are debating are pretty close to equal (hence making it hard), but we'll be pretty much in the same boat whichever one we keep (making it easy). I'm much happier with PP showing some fine play and I think he and Evans and now Royal at tight end give a lot of options. The interesting receiver problem is who will be the man at #3.
  18. Actuqally there already is competition. I can send my kid to Canisius or St. Joe's instead of Bennet or South Park. Assuming the kid is smart enough I can send him or her to Calisanctius. We could just shut down the school districts altogether, fire all the teachers etc. and let them form schools on their own and people can either get an education or not. Hell..it worked in the dark ages.
  19. Channel 118 Sirius will carry the game.
  20. We are undergoing big changes with a lot of new and/or untried people at new positions and a new coach installing a new system. 8/8 would be a really wonderful season and should earn Jauron consideration for coach of the year. I'm optimistic and hoping for 8/8 and will be perfectly happy if it turns out that way. Any more wins than that I'll be ecstatic and will probably try to see if they will sell Bills jerseys with Jauron and Levy on them.
  21. Given the chargers situation Holcomb might look good enough for a low round draft pick. Or maybe they have a decent reserve Offensive lineman they might give us for him. In any event I don't think Kelly is long for the Bills.
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