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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. In my opinion low expectations for the rookie qb is not a bad thing. He can do what he can, learn and improve without the national media breathing down his neck. If he shows up as a star from the get go, the press will be at his door soon enough. If he makes a normal progression, the less press scrutiny the better. Let the guy learn the pro game. I'm pulling for him.
  2. I only saw a couple of shows, but that Cochran guy seemed to be on top of his game throughout. I couldn't imagine how any one being fair could have voted for the other two. From the questions the jury was asking I think it was pretty much a foregone conclusion.
  3. Stratton was a good solid linebacker, but that hit against Lincoln was what made him. By the way, judging from the number of people who were in that stadium and saw that hit war memorial would have had well over 100,000 fans in attendance! LOL I will say this about that team...the linebacking corp of Tracey, Jacobs and Stratton (together with the D Line of Sestak Day Dunaway and McDole) made for one of the best defenses the Bills ever put on the field. Not meaning to slight Butch Byrd, Porkchop Warner, Booker Edgerson, George Saimes and Hagood Clarke! Great great defense.
  4. He looks good. 215 is way too light for a TE, but I suppose if he were to put on 20 pounds it might be worth a shot. I suspect he'll be competing at WR though.
  5. hmmm..thanks for posting. This guy may really be something. Let's hope for the best!
  6. put up or shut up Marcel. I'm getting tired of folks telling me how great this defensive line is going to be. Proof is in the pudding.
  7. I guess if we went on quality of the pool of quarterbacks this year compared with others, Manuel would be a late second or early third round pick. But the fact is he is the best, in the judgement of the Bills of this draft. I like that the Bills decided he was the guy to get and that they were unwilling to take a chance on losing him. Obviously they think he is something special. I'm sincerely hoping they are right and we'll all be laughing at the ESPN crew come next year.
  8. Isn't this what we were saying when we drafted J P Losman? Trent Edwards? The best quarterbacks we ever had were not enamored with the idea of coming here. Jim Kelly went to the Houston Gamblers and Jack Kemp got here on a waiver screw up. We seem to have our best luck with guys who aren't necessarily in love with the place. We're Buffalo...we have to kind of grown on you.
  9. I watched Bray through his time at Tennessee and was surprised he was being talked up as much as he was. He had two possible pro bowl receivers and never did amount to much in the win/loss column over time. Maybe he will grow into a mature leader, but he didn't show much of it in college. That being said because of his physical talents I'd have been interested in him in free agency or in the last round of the draft. He must have really shown some low-life behavior to not get ANY nibbles.
  10. I'm sorry but I just don't have it in me to ever feel sorry for the Jets (or Pats for that matter). I like what they say about Manuel, but I'm not looking for a prom date for my sister...I'm looking for a qb. Let's see how he does after training camp and after a few games. I'm optimistic. The fact that they took their time looking very seriously at all the qb's and picked him over the "obvious" choice of Nassib leads me to think they saw something special in the guy. I'm hopeful we'll see something special in the Fall.
  11. boy...Butkus, LT and Ray Lewis...in a tier by themselves and you can make the case for any one of them. Second tier...Huff, Nobis, Nitschke, Singletary.... Third tier...you might find Talley Paup and some bills in this rather large group IMHOP....by the way this group would be a list of really terrific linebackers as well.
  12. Let's see now..if we followed your advice we would have traded up to pick a guy who didn't even get picked until the second round?
  13. I gave it a C grade, but I have to admit that this was a gutsy draft and that the Bills are to be commended for going where their own analysis took them. They obviously felt that Manuel was not only the best qb of the draft but that he was significantly better than the other "top five" qb's. Trading down was good, and I can see that further trades down might have been risky. My reservation? Manuel sounds a little too much like Losman-all the tools but slow eyes and inability to react to the speed of the NFL. Obviously the Bills coach and GM disagree and I hope they are right. The other picks look ok to good.
  14. How do they get those butts? Special diet? Exercise? God-given? Shouldn't this be a competition in the real international Olympics?
  15. I'm as huge a critic of Nix as anyone and until Marrone shows me some wins I'm not all that big on him either. However, I can buy the decision to go with Manuel at QB. He was, in their judgment the best qb available, and we needed a qb. If he traded back much further the Jets might possibly have gotten Manuel or aomeone else would have, and apparently they thought there was a significant quality drop between Manuel and the next four "top" qb choices. Sounds like a professional decision and I hope it pays off next season.
  16. Well....The staff did a lot of looking and learning and "fell in love with" Manuel as apparently did a few other teams. I guess as we finished our first trade back we might have considered a second if we were optimistic about Nassib, Smith, Barkely as fallbacks...but I guess we were really seeing Manuel as a guy we didn't want to take any chances on so we pulled the trigger. I have to be trusting of the staff that gave him such a serious look. Let's see how he does. We have two second round picks so we can perhaps get help for our defense there. Risky pick for sure but I'm not about to call it a bad pick by any means.
  17. Wait a minute what are the odds of my wife and my girlfriend both having their batteries run down at the same time? What are the odds that they are together when it happens? Assuming they are together, why do I care about their phones when I should be worried about keeping alive....?
  18. Nice, but it doesn't look like Myron was the hottest football player to come down the pike. I suspect he realized his playing days were either numbered or over and that it was time to move on. Happens all the time in the NFL. Good luck to you in med school Myron.
  19. he was a great one in that era. WNY had Calvin Murphy at Niagara, Lanier at Bonaventure, Randy Smith at Buff State, and Brockport had some good teams in that era as well. I was in Biloxi during Pete's days and he was considered the greatest then....and come to think of it those folks may have been right.
  20. We afre going for a second or third round selection quarterback in any normal year with the number 8 pick? Only a moron GM would go that route. Oh....wait a minute.....Nix. Damn....
  21. Wow...Kiper putting Nassib in round 3 while many on this board want to draft him at 8....seems to be a disconnect here. Me? I think Nassib SHOULD go very late first or up to the middle of the second round. Bad choice at 8....wishful thinking that he gets to the third round.
  22. Reason 6....Buffalo not getting value for a first round pick in years...
  23. I like the draft overall. Tyler Bray has as much chance of being a starting qb as Nassib or Barkely (not much) but we should pick a qb in this draft. Matheiu is a question mark but CERTAINLY worth taking a chance on if available at that point in the draft. Patterson is a stud receiver. Nice job.
  24. Hmmm...the buck stops at defensive co-ordinator? Who hired him? Who agreed with his strategies and management? Who failed to keep valuable players and failed to draft strong players. As long as Buddy is GM we will continue to go downhill.
  25. I can see us tgrading back from 8 and perhaps taking Smith or, if not available, Nassib later in the first round and going for a SS or OLB in round 2. Lots of high quality OLB's and offensive linemen running around in rounds 2 and 3 so the extra pick we may get may be extremely valuable.
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