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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Losman played quite well. The pass interfeence call, Evans not being able to hang on to the almost perfectly thrown bomb, the touchdown callback, and he would have had outstanding statistics. The big statistic is the win and the offense did what it had to do in this game. What a relief not having that moron Mularkey calling the plays. I wonder whatever became of that guy?
  2. But on September 1 the guy simply was not hurt. I hope he gets a chance to contribute to some other team. He really is on his last year or possibly two and clearing the decks for the new guys is probably for the best.
  3. I agree as well. The safety was not the best called offensive play in the first place, and the offensive line gave too little protection, and there wasn't anyone in the backfield to pick up Sure, in retrospect JP should have thrown the ball away, but to do so in those circumstances would have been almost to take the snap and consider throwing it away the first option. He was much better in this game than I have ever seen him. Also as far as I know he hasn't in any way shape or form tried to place the blame for the safety and loss on anyone else.
  4. There isn't anyone who can fill TKO's shoes. Lets hope he can play.
  5. 1965/ Bills/Houston game. My little brother myself and two friends (all later to work with the Buffalo Police Dept or ECSD) were 17 and sneaking into War Memorial by climbing afence after the game started. As we started climbing a Buffalo Police Officer shows up from nowhere and grabs MY leg as I'm reaching for the top of the fence. He's pounding on my leg with a billy club while the other s get over, go to the ramp into the stadium and get caught by security. I finally kick the cop, pull myself over and limp to the ramp which now has no security. Great game. Blanda was qb.
  6. I've been a fan since day one. At first the hated rivals were the Boston Patriots, because they were our most serious competition (Babe Parelli, Nick Buonoconti and many other great players. Actually it was hard to hate Miami when they first came into the league as they were so bad and so far away. (John Stofa of the University of Buffalo was one of their first quarterbacks.) The Patriots were hated and respected. Over the years its been Miami. the Marino/Kelly comparisons, and the fact that for years we couldn't beat them and then for years they couldn't beat us. I hate Miami and the Patriots.
  7. How about a topic on how people don't read the threads before posting? I saw one of those a while back and was just thinking about posting a thread about how it pisses me off.
  8. REBUILDING? Like we won the superbowl or League or Division or made a wildcard spot last year? Face it, we weren't going anywhere with most of the guys we had and Vincent (the guy at issue right now) wasn't getting better with age. Judging from the way Whitner and Simpson played they are ready to play NOW better than Vincent and I hardly consider our defense any worse without Vincent. What the hell does Spikes think...that we were contenders with a team that couldn't shoot straight last season? We aren't RE-BUILDING anything. We are BUILDING a playoff contender.
  9. Oh...i had forgotten about Mularkey...COME ON SUNDAY!!!!!!!~!
  10. Boy JP seems to have the Fell syndrome: I do not like thee, Dr. Fell The reason why, I cannot tell And yet I know, and know so well, I do not like thee, Dr. Fell. Sounds as if he is suffering from lack of any respect whatsoever from the media. I heard Jerry Rice badmouthing him on the safety play as if JP didn't care whether he got tackled in the end zone.
  11. Wouldn't it be nice if folks would check to see if a thread has already been posted before posting a new thread on the same topic?
  12. Amen...Spikes is a great player. He ain't even close to Jim Kelly.
  13. EXACTLY...TKO is a good player, but doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut. Management ought to tell him to STFU. He's not a cancer, just a bigmouth. That doesn't make him a bad football player. Hell..TO is a great receiver.
  14. I think Conlan was the reason we didn't win the first superbowl. He was injured and didn't play, and if he had, I'm certain Parcells wouldn't have eaten up the clock leaving us with only 19 minutes withthe offense on the field. Conlan could stop the run as well as anyone. In fact, I'm hoping our linebackers and d-tackles become a little Conlanesque on Sunday or we're in for a long day!
  15. No question this game is a real gut check. I think the pressure will be on the defensive line to address the run game. Running is the way to beat the cover 2, and we'll just have to address that. I think we might make more use of McCargo in run situations, and hopefully will be working his hamstring as hard as he is working his mouth, and will be in for this game.
  16. When my brother tried the Jayson Williams case she was all over him, saying he was intimidating the witness and the jury wouldn't like it. Fact is...the jury did like it and acquitted Williams. She isn't all that bright. Like Ann Coulter she gets by on being abrasive.
  17. Jauron ought to tell him to STFU and concentrate on getting his own ass on the field.
  18. Let's watch the X offensive line (or qb or wr) is worse than ours talk. Sounds like loser talk. Doctrine of Invidious Comparison. Easy to get wrapped up in talk that has us arguing who is nearer the top of the garbage pile. I like the fact that we shook up the frigging Patriots and are going to whoop the Dolphins.
  19. 7-step drop with a questionable offensive line and an unproven quarterback from the 8 yard line? Not a great call and what might be expected to happen, happened. I like DJ, but the call was not the best under the obvious circumstances.
  20. Enlightening. Given that most of our "war on terrorism" seems to happening in this general area, it would behoove most of us to have some idea of the geography of the area.
  21. Two very good running backs is the way to go. I would have run them between tackles all game (especially the second half). Believe me, after a 30 plus carry game both of them would be so exhausted they would be grateful the other one was there.
  22. People do drive home from work after 1:00 am, and most bars and clubs in most cities stay open until after 1:00 am. DWB is a fact of life in most major cities, and only someone extremely naive would think it wouldn't. I say wait and let the legal process take its course. Whole dam thing is curious to me.
  23. Losman did a good job. He's got a lot of upside to show and will show it throughout the season. The safety? Hey it was third and 11 and he wasn't given any time whatsoever. I see it as just one of those things and can't wait for next week. The Sirius guys seem to think Buffalo is the worst team in the NFL...I wanted so much to get on the air and ask them what they thought of the "joke" draft choice of Whitner now.
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