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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Doesn't it seem that suicide is becoming more and more common? I noticed it coming up in universities a lot more than it has in the past and suicides and suicide attempts are certainly in the new a lot more. Wonder what's going on.
  2. I stand corrected on JJ. I didn't realise he was THAT injury prone. Hasn't done squat since he left the bills. I was very impressed with him when he played. But beign a good player that can't play isn't going to get you very far.
  3. Descartes...Actually doesn't make sense. More sensible to say "I think, therefore I think I am." Thinking is not a precondition to being.
  4. Didn't he let Jonas Jennings go? I thought he was a darn good offensive tackle. Imagine Peters at one tackle and Jennings at the other. The proof is in the pudding. He took a very good playoff caliber team and turned it into a team at the bottom of the league.
  5. Girlfriends son just came back from Camp Humphreys after a rather long gig there as an Army Captain. Seemed to like it, but is happy to get home. Living in a foreign country can be a great experience.
  6. I think the coaching staff is trying hard to get to JP to NOT rely as much as he has in the past on his running skills, and that is probably good. As he matures and the season progresses, he'll probably use his very good running skills more. I think the efforts are to "rein him in" in a positive sense and get him to rely on the offensive line a little more and make smart reads rather than rely on his running skills. I suspect he will be running more in the future as everyone gets comfortable with his maturity in the other aspects of the position.
  7. yup...left my job as a cop to take a lower paying job as an Assistant Attorney General after law school. Turned out great and in fact I tripled my salary in three years. Go for your bliss. There's never enough money, and there's always enough. I'm old enough to know that money and happiness generally do not have much to do with each other.
  8. Playoffs would be extremely ambitious for this team. Rebuilding and maturing into a very fine football team, and playoffs or a division title might be realistic next year. We need some offensive line fine tuning and a lot more playing time to be a legitimate contender. That being said, I'm still holding out for at least 6 and possibly 8 wins. 8 wins would be a remarkably good season and anything beyond that would result in Jauron's canonization.
  9. yup...I love his accuracy. Peerless and Lee are just gonna have to work harder to get under those bombs and reel them in! My goodness when they start connecting we are going to kill some teams with those bombs. With Willis running well defenses are just not gonna have the horses to cover those two deep. Gonna be a very interesting day once that long passing game actually comes together.
  10. Tampa is a hurting team. I would not be surprised if we got a fourth for Holcomb. He's one of the only capable starters available, and would really fit into the Tampa Bay situation.
  11. Excellent comment Joe. The Bills are rebuilding and did some good things yesterday. Good running game, good defense, good to great special teams, O-line improving. I'd like a win and still am hoping for 3-4 or even 4-3 at the break, but I'm seeing a team that was predicted by all to be very bad improving and looking pretty ok and on its way to being pretty good.
  12. There was very heated exchange between Moose Johnson and Jim Mora on NFL Radio on tuesday which is kind of on point. Johnson went on about the hits Michael Vick took when he ran with the ball in the previous game...and Mora jumped all over him saying Vick in fact didn't take ANY hits running but did get hit trying to pass and he criticized Johnson in particular and the media in general for getting an idea in their head (Vick is going to get hurt running) and manipulating (or in this case actually lying) to "prove" their point. Losman may be a victim of this kind of thing. His first interception will PROVE I guess that he is a turnover waiting to happen. The only way to respond to this kind of mularkey (where did I get that word?) is to play through it and prove the media wrong. Hope Losman does it with a vengeance.
  13. I know...that's what makes this board so much fun for me!
  14. Yeah...and Pennington is a reinjured rotator cuff waiting to happen. I have a feeling that very shortly we are going to see a breakout game from Losman that will shut the critics up. For that matter I'm pulling for Pennington to finish the season healthy and performing well (not well enough to put the Jets ahead of the Bills though.)
  15. Your point being? Like someone heredidn't know it wasn't easy for a rookie quarterback to start?
  16. Hey...I thought Saban was a genius and wanted him instead of Mularkey. After he's hired Mularkey and after Sunday, I'm rethinking whether Saban is all that great after all.
  17. I agree to some extent. I thought 8-8 was a pipedream but was remotely possible, and if that happened DJ and ML should be canonized here in WNY (Actually I guess ML has already been canonized here). However I gotta admit the team is performing far better than I anticipated. Are there still weaknesses? Yup..run defense and the offense has to operate on more cylinders in the future. I'm not believing we are playoff contenders yet, but I'm pretty dam giddy about our performance in both of the two games we've played.
  18. No way around it. Whitner was a GREAT pick where he was picked. And I was hung up on drafting Ngata or other outstanding lineman. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. This guy Whitner is going to be All-Pro very soon.
  19. Unfortunately, the way the rankings run, Auburn will probably show no mercy. I'm serious about the injuries and the potential effect on the rest of the season. And that isn't just emotionally. Turner is going to go from a football coach to a rehab counselor after the game.
  20. fan of his play. Still think he ought to stfu about the running of the team and concentrate on getting on the field and helping out.
  21. I'm pulling for him to play. I liked the linebackers last week, but TKO is one of a kind.
  22. I think you are right. JP has thrown a few bombs, but I don't think enough to have anyone respect him yet. I suspect we will continue with the same general offensive strategy of run until they "cheat" to stop you and then go deep. What I love is the situation where they "cheat" to stop you....AND THEY CAN'T STOP YOU!!! In that case, sorry JP...you'll get modest yards and stats...but then we will get a WIN. JP will get turned loose at some point in the season. Maybe against the Jets.
  23. A game like that could destroy a team. We did it some number of years ago, playing Miami with Edgerrin James. We had so few players by the half, a quarterbck who needed to intravenously given fluids to continue, and the team, which was quite good at the !-AA level, never recovered the rest of the season. Advice to Turner Gill. Get in, get out, and try to limit injuries.
  24. Boy...that's a difficult one to answer in this game. Any of the sacks. Whitner's play on the go for two late in the game. Coy Wire's blocked punt. Moorman's punts. Willis' running. JP's maturity. Geez..it was an awesome game. Good offense...Great defense (with FIVE rookies playing.) and AWESOME special team play. AND TO TOP IT OFF....MULARKEY CALLING THE OFFENSE FOR THE FINS!!! Be still my beating heart....
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