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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Read Woodward's new book. If Condi and GWB hadn't been asleep at the switch for eight months WTC would probably not have happened. Clark's book against all enemies might be a good read too. Actually your clown president has only accomplished a foolish and needless war in Iraq and an increase in terrorist power in the world. Clinton was friggin Abraham Lincoln and George Washington combined compared to GWB.
  2. I'll wait a couple of games before I judge Preston too harshly. He stepped in against one fo the best defensive linemen in the game. He's got a full plate ahead of him and its time for him to get out there and establish himself.
  3. Geez. Going to school is going to be like going on a plane trip. TSA agents at the door. Armed security guards. The armed security guards may not be a bad idea for schools. Its a different and crazier world...that's for sure.
  4. I like the way JP is developing as well. I also think you can't teach a guy to have a rocket arm as JP and Jim Kelly had. However...all that being said and optimistic as I am about JP...its a little early for Jim Kelly comparisons...If we make the playoffs though, I'll be glad to entertain comparisons!
  5. or better yet... Conservatives-Republicans-hypocrites-pedophiles-Congressman Foley "I did not have sex with that underaged boy!" or... "Jack Daniels made me do it!" or possibly Conservatives-Republicans-facilitators of pedophilia-Dennis Hastert?
  6. hmmm..didn't mike williams get cut from the fish? I imagine by now he is hovering at the 450 lb mark, but what the hell, he played gaurd for us once before.
  7. George Allen would have been at the game as well, until he found out about all those colored people on the field!
  8. Went there years ago ( We lost 9-6) but went into a bar by the stadium with our Bills memorabilia on and were treated well. The stadium crowd was pretty well behaved as well. Chicago is a great city to visit. Have fun! Bring back a Bills victory though.
  9. Geez...WM really improved in his blocking in this game which is one of the big reasons we won the friggin game. M and M are morons.
  10. Neocons=Republicans=fascists=torturers? (what's good for the goose!)
  11. Agreed...but then..isn't Mangini from the belichick tree. Come to think of it isn't Belichick from the Parcells tree? Is Parcells from the Walsh tree? I like Jauron...he's from the Levy tree.
  12. The operative fact is that he appointed two exceptionally bad coaches and took a perennial playoff powerhouse and ran it into the ground. A couple of good picks? Yeah..but that is pretty basic, and I don't think anyone is touting JP, McGahee or Evans for the Hall of Fame as of this year. Donohue was a lousy GM based on what he did with the team. There is a bottom line in this business.
  13. I thought Nick Saban was the guy we should have got when we got Mularkey. Given his hiring of Mularkey (????????) and the condition the Dolphins are in, I'm not all that sure about Saban anymore. Jauron is looking better and better as each week goes by.
  14. I notice the announcers can't help themselves anticipating a JP Losman turnover every time the poor guy breaks a huddle. He could go the rest of the season withouth a turnover and they'd talk about him being turnover prone right through the playoffs. I'm impressed with the offense so far and I think they'll have a few real breakout games soon. All the ingredients are there and sooner or later it will come together in a great offensive display. Against Chicago would be nice...
  15. I was curious about that as well. They did however say some nice things about this draft class...which is turning out quite nicely. Hell..most of them were contributing on the field.
  16. Geez..a guy from Texas complaining about a past President and a future president givent the clown he gave us as our present President. At least Clinton kept his finger out of his nose. oh...no!!! not again!
  17. Well said. I think JP is really coming along and is going to be a very good qb. Still doesn't get love from the media though. I think he'll need to beat the Bears to get any real appreciation. Hmmmm....
  18. I love it. Actually most of us (including me) thought it was a reach. What a nice comeuppance for ML and DJ. Now if we only finish this season over .500-how do you get elected to the Hall of Fame twice?
  19. Next time use a clean glass when you taste. Using the kids Spongebob chocolate milk cup that has been in the sink for two days makes the two beers taste suspiciously alike.
  20. college days...what a change? Guess all that money and stuff goes to one's head?
  21. I'm starting to like the rankings. I'm hoping to see us in the top fifteen by the bye week! We will get respect the old fashioned way, I guess.
  22. Holcomb or Losman? Flutie or Johnson? Kemp or Lamonica?
  23. Walt Whitman (1819-1892) When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer WHEN I heard the learn'd astronomer; When the proofs, the figures, were ranged in columns before me; When I was shown the charts and diagrams, to add, divide, and measure them; When I, sitting, heard the astronomer, where he lectured with much applause in the lecture-room, How soon, unaccountable, I became tired and sick; Till rising and gliding out, I wander'd off by myself, In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time, Look'd up in perfect silence at the stars. I'm not sure why this poem came to mind in light of this discussion. But what the hell. Guess it has to do with being over thinking.
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