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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. We could sure use him against Chicago. If Takeo could play, I suspect he would move heaven and earth to play in this game.
  2. Maybe we had better phone in this game. The Bears have been anointed the greatest team in the history of sport. Forget the Yankees with Mantle and Maris (or DiMaggio) The Celtics with Cousy, Russell, Havlicek. Its offer...the apocalypse is upon us. There will NEVER be a team to compare with this year's BEARS!!! Johnny Unitas, Joe Namath, Dan Marino, Sammy Baugh, Jim Kelly? Pikers...REX GROSSMAN. I hear Canton is building a WHOLE FRIGGIN NEW MAIN BUILDING to hold the busts of not only Chicago's starting line-up...but the whole team...INCLUDING THE PRACTICE SQUAD. Perfume manufacturers are lining up in the Bears locker room to collect Bear crap as it not only doesn't stink but gives off an odor that will be the basis of perfume through the next millenium. WE ARE DOOMED....DOOOOOMED....
  3. Happy to...although I think we're getting to the point where transfer to the nazi board would be a good idea. Since I'm "banned" there I won't be able to respond of course. warner The guy is a self made success (NEXTEL) and did a marvelous job in Virginia. He helped found Appalachian School of Law, where I teach and has a great record as governor. I don't think he was ever convicted of drunk driving like our incumbent, hasn't sent pornographic emails to minors and hasn't gotten us into an unnecessary war that increases the threat of terrorism. Given that the bar is presently so low, the fact that he would be an improvement isn't all that surprising.
  4. lets see...indianapolis playing tennessee....new england playing the fish (which just lost to the friggin HOUSTON TEXANS) and WE are the lock of the week? Give me a break.
  5. Actually I wote the biggest political contribution check of my life for our Democratic Senatorial candidate on Sunday and had the chance to meet and chat with our next President, Mark Warner, who will begin to put things together after your hero managed to !@#$ up the economy, foreign policy, immigration, and the supreme court. Its a start, eryn.
  6. whoops..in football world the buffalo beats the bear...
  7. in real world...a bear...in real world....a buffalo
  8. I'd probably give the same grades. I'm hopeful in that they have gotten better and better each week. Let's regrade them at the bye week, when I hope they will have a good solid overall B or Bplus.
  9. I'll email you. I'd catch you in a chatroom, but I think I want to be careful in a chat room with conservative Republicans from Florida these days!
  10. EXACTLY!!! I actually heard some announcer on Sirius (Announcer..not caller!) trying to say this team was better than the 85 Bears-one of the greatest teams in NFL history!!! Geez ...and after only four games. I think the Bears will come into the stadium on Sunday on a huge pedestal.
  11. Whatever works. Run as much as you can in the first instance. Our run game is among the best in the league and we might as well go with our strength. I think a strategy that is based on running and ball control with an occassional bomb thrown to keep them from cheating to stop the run. (Okay, okay...I can see the argument that so far they haven't had to cheat to stop the run..but what the hell.) might be the best way to go. The problem is there isn't a defensive weakness to exploit. We just have to do what we do best and do it better.
  12. Turned out not to be a mini-stroke (actually they said it was a "silent heart attack") I was being seen for something else and was examined by a guy who is considered the best heart guy in the Tri-States area. He said there was no heart attack and that the previous guy had misread a test. Still have the partial blindness, but I'm running a 5k in less than 30 minutes (about 11 minutes more than I did a few years ago, but what the f...I'm old and fat now.) Seriously I'll treat at Frenchy's in Feb and we'll get the time set as soon as I make reservations. I'll be the guy with the Senator Harold Ford Jr. T-Shirt on.
  13. Know how they separate the men from the boys at Republican National HQ? They use crowbars!
  14. Eryn my friend, I never went bad on the bet. Had the Grouper at Frenchys and invited both you and paul. You both failed to show. However I'll be down there again in February and we can have a grouper or two and toast our late friend. Maybe your Florida Republican friend Tom Foley might want to come too. I'd email him and ask but I understand that email communications with him might get a bit wierd.
  15. ME? It was erynthered who turned this into a rant against a political party. I would just as soon be talking about the bills and leave politics to the nazi board. How are they doing on the new Republican "Leave No Child's Behind" legislation, by the way?
  16. Actually, the angel did say it was two offensive touchdowns. One a long pass that actually connects (She was unclear whether it was Evans, Parrish or Price). There is a touchdown from other than the offense (Special teams? Whitner? Fletcher?) the safety is going to really piss a bunch of us off and it will be a great comeback drive for the win. But hey...she's only and angel. Now if GOD will only appear and confirm. I'd like the passing and rushing stats too..but I don't want to piss the big guy (or girl) off.
  17. Bills 24 Bears 19. JP and the offense don't let the safety get them down this time. Defense continues to play well. An angel appeared in a dream last night and told me this was going to happen. She had a Bills throwback jersey on.
  18. Or "is that all there is?" ? " Feelings? " or, God Forbid..."I can't get no Satisfaction" On the other hand..."Hard day's Night" might be a best seller.
  19. Being a fellow Vietnam combat veteran ( he wond the Navy Cross and a host of other combat medals) I am predisposed to liking Webb. Serving in combat with people of other races and nationalities tends to water down prejudices, so I doubt you will find him engaging in racially derogative remarks like old Macaca. I agree with free speech and am glad Allen is telling it like he is...so people can vote accordingly. Maybe he doesn't mean what he says and is pandering to the racist vote!
  20. This game against Chicago is a huge opportunity to move up in everyone's power rankings. A tough game or, better yet, a win would definitely put the Bills on everyone's radar. Boy am I hoping for the Bills to put it all together on Sunday.
  21. Agreed. That being said they are the media darlings and a great opportunity for the Bills to get the props they deserve if we can beat them. I'm hoping for a major breakthrough game next Sunday for the Bills.
  22. Oh...and Byrd is making racist remarks today? Old Macaca has a lot of splainin to do the good citizens of Virginia.
  23. I was a huge Saban fan, but his decisions in the past year (particularly hiring Mularkey!) make me wonder. He isn't making the best personnel decisions in getting players, and he sure isn't winning football games. I suspect Nick will be in a lot of trouble if he doesn't turn things around...and with MM I don't think he will be able to turn things around.
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