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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. I suspect that's the case. Vincent is in a very good position if he can negotiate with teams needing safeties. God bless him...and I hope he is ridiculously successful on some team that we don't have to play.
  2. Best horse for me was an extreme long shot named Snoopy's Prince. Won a substantial amount of money on that fine horse and will always consider SP the greatest racehorse of all time. Until I win more money on another horse, anyway.
  3. I don't think there is something fundamentally wrong with the offense. Its the offensive line and to a much lesser extent a qb moving up the learning curve. We'll improve in the next few weeks. We have to address the line in the off season but right now the trick is to get everything we can out of them for the rest of this season. I think we'll be okay, not a playoff contender as of yet..but moving in the right direction.
  4. Lake Placid Ice Arena..Son played goal and won a state championship there. Neat to see him skating around the same ice the Jim Craig skated wearing the American Flag.
  5. Cute...but you're a republican...wouldn't you rather have a condom some KY jelly, and key to the page's dorm?
  6. Yeah... Guess if I had kids who were underaged I wouldn't want to be going to Washington these days with all of those Republican pedophiles! Actually the contribution was specifically earmarked for Ford for Senate, so I'm still hoping for victory. Corker seems to be getting a lot of gas and oil money though. This is his letter. Too bad about Warner. I really thought he'd have been a great candidate. Dear Tenny, Nine months ago, I left the office of Governor in Virginia. I was immensely proud of what we had accomplished. We faced historic challenges and got real results. Upon leaving office, I committed all my time and energy to Forward Together because we need a new direction in America. Everywhere I’ve traveled, I found hope that we could turn this country around. That Americans are looking for leaders who at this moment of enormous challenge for our country can actually bring us together and get things done. I’ve heard that regardless of the depth of dismay at the direction President Bush has taken our country, rank and file Democrats are energized, and want ours to be a party of hope, not of anger. I am especially proud of the work we’ve done in supporting those kinds of candidates throughout America. We got a lot done. Forward Together has contributed more money this year to Democratic candidates and party organizations than any other federal leadership PAC. Our effort raised over $9 million. I headlined 86 events in 25 states to help raise or directly donate $7.3 million to Democrats this cycle. And our work is not done—especially at home in Virginia, where I continue to work to help Jim Webb win. But this has also been another kind of journey—one that would lead to a decision as to whether I would seek the Democratic nomination for President. Late last year, I said to Lisa and my girls, “Let’s go down this path and make a decision around Election Day.” But there were hiring decisions and people who’ve put their lives on hold waiting to join this effort. So about a month ago, I told my family and people who know me best that I would make a final decision after Columbus Day weekend, which I was spending with my family. After 67 trips to 28 states and five foreign countries, I have made that decision. I have decided not to run for President. This past weekend, my family and I went to Connecticut to celebrate my Dad’s 81st birthday, and then we took my oldest daughter Madison to start looking at colleges. I know these moments are never going to come again. This weekend made clear what I’d been thinking about for many weeks—that while politically this appears to be the right time for me to take the plunge—at this point, I want to have a real life. And while the chance may never come again, I shouldn’t move forward unless I’m willing to put everything else in my life on the back burner. This has been a difficult decision, but for me, it’s the right decision. It’s not a decision I have easily reached. I made it after a lot of discussion with my family and a few close friends, and ultimately a lot of reflection, prayer, and soul-searching. Let me also tell you what were not the reasons for my decision. This is not a choice that was made based on whether I would win or lose. I can say with complete conviction that—15 months out from the first nomination contests—I feel we would have had as good a shot to be successful as any potential candidate in the field. As for my family, Lisa and our three girls have always had a healthy amount of skepticism, but would have been willing to buckle down and support the effort. I love them all and appreciate their faith in me. So what’s next? First, I know that many friends, staff and supporters who have been so generous with time, ideas, energy, and financial support will be disappointed. My decision does not in any way diminish my desire to be active in getting our country fixed. It doesn’t mean that I won’t run for public office again. I want to serve, whether in elective office or in some other way. I’m still excited about the possibilities for the future. In the short-term, I am going to do everything I can do make sure Democrats win in 2006. It’s an exciting year to be a Democrat. I leave shortly to go to Iowa to support folks running for state and congressional office. Hope they are still excited to see me. I want to thank the thousands of Americans who have donated to Forward Together, hosted me in their homes, shared their ideas, and given me encouragement. I also want to thank all of the staff and key advisors at Forward Together who have created a great organization. If we had chosen to go forward, I know they had the skills, talent, and dedication to take us all the way. And finally, as I have traveled the country, I have been amazed at what pent-up positive energy for change exists. In my speeches, I always acknowledge that what disappoints me most about this administration in Washington is that with all the challenges we face . . . and the tragedies we have experienced, from 9-11 to Katrina . . . that the President has never rallied the American people to come together, to step up, to ask Americans to be part of the solution. I think a number of our party’s potential candidates understand that. I think, in fact, we have a strong field. A field of good people. I think they’re all hearing what I heard: that Americans are ready to do their part to get our country fixed. I wish them all well. And I want to say thanks to all who’ve been part of this effort. Mark Warner P.S. You can use this page on the Forward Together site to write to me: http://www.forwardtogetherblog.com/letter -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Forward Together Political Action Committee. www.ForwardTogetherPAC.com Not Authorized by any Candidate or Candidate's Committee.
  7. The fault for this game is this. THE BEARS WERE A MUCH MORE TALENTED TEAM. Great defensive line, great linebackers, great everything. If we do something bad against a team like that, we are going to pay dearly. And we did...every time we did something bad or someone did less everything possible. We should learn a lot from this game. Review...learn a thing or two...and forget about it. The O-line could have been better, JP could have done better, Peerless could have done better and our special teams could have done better. Nate could have done better. DJ could have coached better. Okay...lets do better this Sunday. Getting the shyt kicked out of you once in a while builds character.
  8. hey..the guy led the patriots to the superbowl the year he was hurt. He made the pro bowl as a Bill. Parcells believes in him, right now. He led the Cowboys to 9 victories last year and may do the same this year. He may not be Canton material yet, but he's still a good quarterback...better than anyone we've had since Jim Kelly. He certainly isn't in any way to blame for the downfall of the Bills. The blame is all on MM, GW and TD. And of course RW for hiring and putting up with them.
  9. Right...but nobody thought Starr was a quality quarterback when Lombardi was "stuck" with him when he came to Green Bay. As to Bledsoe...he made the pro bowl and just about made the playoffs last year after being "destroyed". The only coaches who didn't do well with him consistently were none other than GW and MM. I'm not saying we'd necessarily be better off if we kept him (although one could easily make that argument.) but I am saying that our downfall had nothing to do with him and everything to do with horrible coaching and a nightmare GM.
  10. Mybe I'm missing something but Bill Parcells went to the Superbowl with Drew Bledsoe and Belechick went twice to the playoffs with him. Parcells went 9-7 with him last year, and may do pretty well with him this year. In my opinion, for what its worth Bledsoe gave us the 9-7 season (making the pro bowl for the fourth time.) and would have done a hell of a lot better but for god-awful coaching...see Ruben Brown's comments before the Chicago game and listen to what most Buffalo Bills players have said about Gilbride, Williams, Mularkey and the various coaching folks we've had. Losman may be a good quarterback. Lombardi didn't have an impressive quarterback in Bart Starr by any means when he arrived at Green Bay..but did pretty well with the guy.
  11. Takeo Spikes...guy gets talked up more for all the injuries than anyone I've ever seen. Not to blame the guy for injuries, but hardly worth the hype until he gets playing. Get healthy TKO!!! Get out there and earn your kudos!
  12. nonsense. The last two coaches deserved to be run out of town for taking clear playoff caliber talent and running the team into the ground through god awful personnel decisions and bad coaching. Jauron has made some darn good decisions and we are 2-3 with a team that many considered one of the two or three worst in the league, and I suspect they will go into the bye with a 3-4 or 4-3 and that's pretty darn good. Nobody is going to run DJ out of town. Was this game against Chicago bad? yup...badly coached yup (but overshadowing bad coaching in this game was bad playing.) that happens. Get up..dust yourself off...get ready for the next game.
  13. Ahh...the nazi board invades Poland! Actually considered that as a possibility but thought we were limited to fiction. Wait a minute...maybe George W's, Dick's and Rummy's Excellent Adventure in the Axis of Evil? oh...we're still in the first episode in Iraq....
  14. spikes has been hurt a lot and I'm as frustrated as most fans. However, I suspect he is at least as frustrated as we are. Hope he comes back soon and proves he's as good as he's touted to be here. Right now I've gotta put him as the most over-rated player...not because he isn't good..but because he just isn't playing.
  15. Smokey and the Bandit...great art...Why they missed the best picture shows terrific bias on the part of the academy against the South.
  16. yup...down by 40 and still fighting. I like that in a team. Reminds of that great BEEBE play running down Leon in the Superbowl and stripping the ball just before Leon crossed the goal line.
  17. Well, I think we are bit more advanced than you pose...but your points are all well taken. I think the defensive line is a better than last year's. The biggest problem continues to be the offensive line. JP is fine, McGahee is fine but we need better protection and better blocking up front. I think that ML and DJ did a marvelous job with this year's draft filling a bunch of holes (maybe even in the DT with Williams and maybe McCargo...we'll just have to see). However there can never be enough big ol' fat defensive and offensive linemen with extremely bad attitudes. That being said the Bears I guess are REALLY that good. The consensus seemed to be that if we got to the bye week 3-4 we'd be on track and if it were 4-3 we'd be dancing in the streets. Let's put this baby behind us and move on.
  18. 1. Run the !@#$ing ball between the tackle. About twenty to thirty times. This is the sine qua non of beating the Bears. 2. Use the blocking fullback and tight end primarily as blockers to give JP time in those situations where he is going to pass. When JP passes...short passes and screens with two exceptions...two long bombs and only two. While a big gain or score is one objective, keeping their defense honest is almost as important. 3. An occassional (not TOO occassional) qb draw and a bit more of a green light to scramble in the beginning of the game. This is different from scramble after the Bears have "taken control" of the game, where it will be seen as a sign of panic. on defense: 1. I think the Bear line is experienced and very good at black and blue blocking against the big offensive lines. I see us doing what we did at Miami, keeping our DT's fresh and using imaginative blitzes. Their receivers are NOT all that good and we should have the ability to present a lot of different looks. Let's see how good Grossman really is. 2. The Bears running game isn't all that impressive and frankly looks kind of pedestrian this year. This is the game to pull out the stops in the pass rush and make things happen. Grossman is the key to the offense and getting on him with everything we can throw at him would be the best way to go about shutting them down. Special teams. We have to continue giving the Bears lousy field position and setting the Bills up with great position. The Bears punter is hurt. Very aggressive on blocking punts (Coy Wire as MVP?). Us? Keep the penalties down. JP has to get rid of the ball quickly on those few times that he passes and the o-line needs help from the tight ends and fullback on pass protection.
  19. If the guy specifically wants to kill another human being.(or torture to death) the guy should be ready for the penalties attendant thereto...going to prison for a while. I'm not sure how I would actually react. My experience as a police officer was that in the vast majority of cases the victim's families were angry enough to talk about doing some of the things described but realized they would only be making the situation worse for themselves, their own family and in most cases the victim. Let the police and the authorities handle the situation. Killing someone, even for revenge, is not an easy thing to do and there are significant emotional and psychological repercussions.
  20. If you do the crime...you do the time. Dad goes to jail. Period.
  21. Grossman isn't that good. The bears running game isn't "all that" either. Our defensive line is not the same kind of defensive line the Bears are used to. Much lighter and faster and may pressure Grossman more than expected. Our aggressive defense and our speed behind the defensive line may expose Grossman as a very "ordinary" (gasp!!!) qb and will result in turnovers, field position and perhaps even points. Our Special teams are better (BLASPHEMY!!) than their special teams and lots of neat things (field position, turnovers and even scores) happen from the special teams front. Their defense is awesome...however we have a very good running back and may eat up lots of yardage and clock. JP is raw, but he has a rocket arm that will be turned loose once or twice in the game (no way we expose him more often than that) for a strike. Yeah...we can win. (WHAT!!!????? )
  22. Excellent point. We aren't getting any love nationally until we whip somebody good. I think the O-line is playing better and this could be a real statement game on Sunday if we can successfully run against the Bears. If that happens...then (hold your breath!) WE COULD ACTUALLY BEAT THE GREATEST FOOTBALL TEAM THAT EVER EXISTED IN ALL OF HISTORY!!! God I would love to shove the ball down their throats between the tackles and come out on top on Sunday. Not just for the victory but to listen to all the back pedaling in the media.
  23. Chicago fans can't possibly be too arrogant. This Bears team is the best thing that has ever happened on the North American Continent. I would say in the whole world, but the birth of Jesus may be serious competition from over the pond. I don't understand why on earth we don't just cancel the season. We are so not worthy to be playing these Bears...soooo not worthy.
  24. Beat cover 2? Run it between the tackles. If you can't do that, you won't beat the Cover 2. I think we have as good a chance as anyone to do that with Willis and Thomas and the trick will be using that as the base with some screens (careful on those with those particular linebackers) and once or twice just hauling back and stretching the ball downfield. Control the clock with the running game, and its time for special teams to show that they are the best in the league (next to the Chicago Bears who are the best team that has ever played any sport in the history of the world, and whom we should be humbled to be allowed to be standing on the same field with.)
  25. Actually the Cowart analogy is beginning to seem appropriate. TKO had best get into the game soon or the game is going to pass him by. He's great...but he's no better than Mike Williams or Rob Johnson if he isn't in the game.
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