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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. I see Steve Tasker getting in as an anomaly. If ever a person is in for special teams play, he's the guy. And he is the only exclusive special teams player to be MVP in the pro bowl. I'd love to see all the bills get in, but I gotta feeling Tasker will be the guy this year.
  2. Definitely not doormats (although we've played like doormats the last three games). I think we are a very average team but better than last year and will have a much better season after the bye than we did in the first seven games. That being said..6 to 8 wins is all I'm realistically hoping for.
  3. Actually he is better than Kay Stephenson and gary Marangi as well...
  4. he and his brother are already broadcasters and analysts. I get a kick out of "The Barber Shop" on Sirius NFL football. They really have a great show, speak well, and generally have interesting things to say. They both have great futures ahead of them as broadcasters.
  5. We are solid in the areas you set forth...and it looks like the safety position is looking pretty good as well. But none of that matters without an offensive or defensive line. Hence that's where we go. The tight end can be a difference maker, which is why I threw that in there. One more good draft and a few judicious free agents, and we'll be pretty good. That is assuming JP develops on schedule.
  6. Big offensive tackle Big defensive tackle if JP fails...a quarterback secondary needs stud tight end middle linebacker (I don't think Fletcher is going to be around much longer...actually i think TKO has seen his best days as well.)
  7. i acknowledge that JP has great raw talent, a rocket arm and I like his attitude. However he does seem to stare down his receivers and throw when he shouldn't. I'm hoping this changes as the season progresses. JP is improving, but he definitely hasn't established himself as the qb of the future. I'm pulling for him to do this during the remainder of the season!
  8. llap tops? does this have to do with those Canadian ballet places you guys are always talking about?
  9. How could I play on the LEFT side of the line and not be liberal? Kind of like life...the left does all the important work and the right is a bunch of fat guys making big bucks!
  10. Its ALL about the trenches. Lienart, Cutler, Young...hell...kelly Unitas or Montana and we'd still be pretty much where we are now. If we had a good free agent signing on the line, and one or two real gems from the draft on the line? We would probably be 5-2 (one loss to New England and of course a loss to Chicago-they really do have quite a team!)...quarterback may or may not be a problem, and we'll never know until we have an offensive line.
  11. We can't invade. Someone (hint..picker of noses, wearer of flightsuits and "Mission Accomplished"...friend of Haliburton) has committed our forces to whatever the hell mission he is planning in "Stay the Course" Iraq. We look a little foolish threatening to use force when we simply don't have the wherewithal to actually follow through. We could boycott them...but South Korea and China are apparently not buying into this concept. There are international protocols on the rights of the disabled (many countries are patterning their laws after our Americans with Disabilities Act) and we could try to get world opinion to influence ol' Kim (lotsa luck with THAT one!). In short, there isn't a dam thing we can do about it. We'd better off keeping our own side of the street clean.
  12. Gee...I played left tackle my first two years of high school. I don't remember anyone thinking I was special. Oh...wait a minute..I weighed 160 pounds and was slow...no wonder.
  13. Nope..he is in his sophomore season and believe it or not pretty close to the dean's list. Those folks who adopted him are pretty terrific people, and he sounds like no slouch himself.
  14. Seems like we are kind of on a nazi board topic right now, but here goes. Firebombing of civilian populations specifically to kill civilian populations such as Hitler did with the V-2 rockets is not a strategic use of force, in my opinion. This may be outmoded thinking with the onset of Mutually Assured Destruction, but the idea of firebombing a city for the purpose of killing as many civilians as possible. (Tokyo, Dresden and of course Hiroshima and Nagasaki, neither of which were very significant military targets.) just isn't a good practice in war. I say it may be outmoded because once done it becomes a standard...hence a policy of Mutually Assured Destruction (Failsafe) thinking that takes the wholesale slaughter of civilian populations for granted.
  15. In light of the Jason Peters move to the blind side tackle position, perhaps it is a time to review the importance of that position (why is this position different from all other positions, one might ask?) Recommended reading... Blind Side By the way, we ought to be keeping an eye on this kid Oher...In high school they were comparing him to Orlando Pace...
  16. Had a minor back injury this summer and ended up getting two full seasons of "24" and watched it back to back no commercials. Really an adventure to watch! I'm going to wait until I can get the whole year on DVD and have another marathon. Ever try to explain it to someone who hasn't seen it? As your explaining the ins and outs it really becomes hilarious.
  17. I've always said you judge the GM and coach in the final analysis at the end of the season and the first thing you look at is the win loss record. Of course the w/l record can be affected by injuries etc. I'd say now it ain't looking good at seven games into the season. I'd have expected three wins and been delighted with four. I think we played better at the beginning of the season than we have been as the season progressed (after Chicago). I suspect ML and DJ will sink or swim on producing after the bye and they had better come up with 7 or 8 wins. I think opportunities were missed. Hutcheson and other very good offensive line acquisitions were available. Ngata and other line additions might have been available in the draft (although McCargo and Williams are no slouches). Whitner and Ko seem to be two pretty darn good choices. JP is JP...we'll know more at the end of the season and drafting, trading or signing a replacement before now would have been to write off a guy who has a lot of the tools of a first rate quarterback. report card on ML/DJ? I guess a C right now and a note home to the parents saying they are in jeopardy.
  18. Actually I'm all in favor of the strategic use of overwhelming force. Burning hundreds of thousands of civilians to death for no good reason doesn't fit into my idea of strategic use of overwhelming force. I don't like what Korea is doing...nasty nasty...but I don't vote in Korea and don't have much say over their policy. You think we're going to send our what, 20,000 troops in South Korea over the DMZ to kick ass and change their policy? I don't think so.
  19. Ah...an ad hominem attack. Guess you don't have anything to add on the topic?
  20. One could discourse on the firebombing of cities such as Dresden or Tokyo and the killing of literally hundreds of thousands of civilians as a strategy of war or nuclear bombing of civilian populations in Hiroshima and Nagasaki ( I think we own the franchise so far on that one.) Leaving aside the issue of whether these strategies are "justified" (a nice post for the nazi board, from which I have been banned, but not so much for here) I'm just a little reluctant to take such a "holier than thou" approach when it comes to others. Kind of like what the guy in the beard from the Middle East said about he who is without sin throwing rocks and sh--.
  21. Actually, Robert McNamara wasn't a democrat. And given his work with General LeMay in the firebombing of Japan, I suspect he wasn't awful liberal on rules of engagement either. Me? My rules of engagement actually are similar to McCains. flying in Laos and Cambodia, one tends to hope the folks that get ahold of you might follow the Geneva Conventions. But...hey...that's those of us who have actually flown in combat. Those who sit home and watch Bills games don't have to worry about what's good for the goose being good for the gander.
  22. "nothing like that done by us?" I'd say My Lai was not a very nice thing, the rapes and murders in Iraq kind of leave us somewhat vulnerable as well. War is s nasty ol' thing cincy...You don't get to far into it before you find yourself doing pretty despicable things...American or not.
  23. Thanks Cincy...you've established that you don't know sh-- about Indians either.
  24. Probably consider trading down and getting three linemen in the first two rounds. Between that and free agency we should be able to address the trenches. Depending on the season the only position other than line I would address might possibly be quarterback.
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