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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Lets consider the year in question. Bledsoe had an 86.7 rating, a playoff record and 23 touchdowns his first year in Dallas (the year under discussion.) I think that kind of play would have gotten us into the playoffs, at least. I'm not sure it would have gotten him into the pro bowl again..but who knows?
  2. We are 3/5 with a bad offensive line. We don't have much to go on as to whether Losman is good or not. Should we have addressed the o-line in the offseason? Yup..but getting rid of Losman isn't the way to go. At the end of the season they can assess him and cut him if necessary. Nall or Holcomb aren't going to take us to the playoffs, and neither of them is our qb of the future, so we might as well continue and get a good assessment of Losman for the remainder of the season and just plain cut him if he doesn't work out. I suspect he might work out to be a fine qb.
  3. Nuclear War? Global Warming? The Bills winning the Superbowl?
  4. I suspect its cause I wasn't drinkin the Kool aid you and your buddies were serving!
  5. The trial was the proverbial cluster!@#$, and the killing of judges and their families was only MORE evidence of our failure in Iraq. The next two or three years of the appellate process, the ongoing needless sacrifice by American and Allied troops, and the burgeoning civil war will just be more and more evidence of Bush's folly. I remember before this whole thing started when I pointed out it was foolish to go in, being called a fool when I said I didn't believe that there were wmd's there...and being called a dupe of the dems because I posited that the war might cost as much as $100 Billion (I was very wrong...on the LOW side!) and being banned from the nazi board when I posited that in the future we might have as many as 3000 American deaths. Well...obla dee obla dah...life goes on!
  6. I'll support the bills no matter what, but as far as showing effort I think a claim can be made that they have taken on a defeatist attitude since Chicago. Hey..you get beat bad once in a while no matter who you are. Pick yourself up off the floor and go at the next team!! Hopefully after the bye week they will attack with the same enthusiasm they showed in the first few games. I see that kind of effort through the season and I'll support them even if we end up 4 and 12!
  7. Hitler costume? I think the kid posts on PPP! Along with his buddy in flight suit costume with the "Mission Accomplished" sign!
  8. nah..I think Bledsoe had another good year in him with a team he was familiar with, and with Whitten, Moulds and coverage he could have had a very successful (maybe pro bowl) season. He didn't play all that badly for Dallas, a new (and not awfully good) team. Does he have the skills in the last two years that he showed for the decade before? nope..but I don't think even Jim Kelly could have played like Jim Kelly forever. The Drewster may be a little over-ripe for retirement. I say go with the max protect offense until the defense over reacts to it, and we'll have plays that attack them when they do. Using Willis as an occassional flankerback on a line of scrimmage call, the use of our "Whitten" tight end on occassional long passing routes, and our running game would kind of limit the defense. I'm not describing the ideal offense, just the one that best hides our most glaring weakness.
  9. I was shocked he was the 63rd or 64th pick...no way he would have made it to 94th..i'd have gone for him with the Chris Kelsay pick. I think if we'd have made that pick Bledsoe would have had another pro bowl and we would have made the playoffs.
  10. As opposed to just plain getting smashed before anyone can get open and before he can get the ball off? What I see happening (and why I've been pushing for Jason Whitten a few years back in the draft) is the tight end being a decoy and possible passing option in addition to blocking. Some passes and screens to receivers, and yes..occassionally having JP run. Until we get an effective pass blocking offensive line we ought to scrap the wide receivers with the exception of Evans.
  11. The solution is to fix the pass blocking situation so that Losman doesn't HAVE to run to stay alive. This means two tight ends and keeping a second back to hold back the rush for now...and hope Evans can find a way to get open. Also means more reliance on the run game. if we get to where we are relying on JP's running to win games...we're pretty well at the bottom of the heap.
  12. "different than the other mindless crap on tv today"? Hmmm...mindless crap of another flavor?
  13. He has some 'splainin to do to that girlfriend.
  14. Gotta admit my support is waning. I went on a drive through the Blue Ridge Parkway and Cherokee National Forest instead of watching the Pats game, and haven't really discussed the Bills much at all the past two weeks with my Buffalo expatriate friends. The Sabres are getting a lot of attention though. Further, I turned down an invitation to go to a Buffalo home game to go to Albany and visit my grandkids. I'm not listening to the football channel on Sirius very much when I'm driving. The Bills had better get to work, if even MY support is waning.
  15. I hadn't thought of that...talk about going from the sublime (72) to the ridiculous (06 Dolphins). I HATE the Dolphins, so don't get me wrong...but I can't actually believe they are as bad as they have been playing.
  16. But...doesn't love mean never having to say you're sorry?
  17. maybe I'm wrong...Maybe its not a TV show at all, but a message from God to all watching the show and each show reflects character defects that we might have and suggests ways we can come to terms with our defects and become one with the universe....oh...wait a minute...that was "Gilligan's Island."!
  18. Alternative Lost prediction: Its really an F-ing TV show and all of the characters are actually actors who have real lives off the set, and the point is to somehow trick the gullible into watching it for years on end without any idea of what the hell is going on and make a lot of money selling commercials!!
  19. Yeah...but tell us about waking with the gay brokeback cowboy in your bed!
  20. This year? I think we have the talent to compete and did compete with some pretty good games until the Chicago game. What I don't like is when a team gets whipped and lays down on the floor licking its wounds for the rest of the season. I am disappointed that seems to have happened and expect the Bills to take this week to get off the floor and come out fighting. That being said we have mediocre talent overall and poor offensive and defensive lines. We can and should win 5 or six games and I'd love to see us win 7 or 8 games. If we had addressed the lines in the offseason we'd be in the hunt for a wild card. We have to play out the rest of the season for pride and development and then address the personnel problems in the offiseason.
  21. Forget Defense versus offense. All of our problems (or almost all) are attributable to poor line play, offense and defense. Going with the offensive line helps offense and defense. Time eating drives with a dominant running game (and McGahee is a better than average running back) keeps defenses fresh and keeps the other teams offense off the field. I remember a SuperBowl some years back where a guy named Parcells won the game against a much more talented team by keeping the much more talented team off the field for all but 19 minutes. The other team scored 19 points in those minutes...but lost.
  22. Some of the best criminal lawyers in the country are in WNY , Harold Boreanaz, Harold Price Fahringer and any number of others come to minc
  23. I liked the guy as a tackle, but those injuries sure add up, don't they. Once your injured it doesn't matter how good you are, you're just another ass sitting on a bench.
  24. yeah...let's all close our eyes and pretend he's doing bad!!
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