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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Let's assume the facts of the previous coaches. Gregg Williams and Mike Mularkey had successful NFL experience prior to their beginning their respective coaching tenures.. I don't know why they wouldn't have been AT LEAST as much of a "best hope" as Marrone. Jauron, Phillips and Levy were successful coaches with a lot of NFL experience and quite respected in NFL ranks. I hope Marrone turns out to be the best coach...but I see no reason to give him any credit at this point in his career.
  2. Exactly...it was almost a spiritual experience. Seeing those things close up is something we all should do. You appreciate what those whalers did back in the day with harpoons and their longboats.
  3. why would Marrone be a "best hope"? He just happens the coach at the moment, hasn't won any playoff games, hasn't gotten to the playoffs, hasn't head coached an NFL team, and hasn't even coached a freakin pre-season game yet. Why on earth is he a better hope than Jauron? or Wade Phillips? or for that matter...gag, gag. Chan Gailey? Let him get a winning season under his belt and he will be in the ranks of coaches such as Wade Phillips...Let him get four losing superbowls and he'll be in the ranks of Marv Levy. Let him win a superbowl and he will be the best bills coach of all time. But the best before pre-season actually gets going? I don't think so.
  4. Sounds like a good idea. They are in the talk about it stage. Think about how long they were in the "talking about it" stage when it came to getting a quarterback. Little less talk-little more do.
  5. Bingo...give that man a cigar. Win a few games and I'll be a fan. Nix and Gailey were a dismal pair giving us a dismal team. Whaley and Marrone will hopefully turn that around.
  6. That is quite a wish and I would be ecstatic if it happens. I think this truly is a rebuilding year so I would cut them some slack and give them a stretch goal of 8-8. Boy I hope I'm wrong and you're right though...I'd LOVE to see us in the playoffs.
  7. Uhhhh..yeah...."We are so happy with the path the bills have taken under Buddy judging from the win/loss record, his outstanding drafting, his ability to keep our better players and the fact that las vegas is predicting us to be a three-freaking-win team next year that we were devastated when Buddy unilaterally decided to step down." Purely his decision? Right-..like Socrates drinking hemlock was purely his decision.
  8. Hey Pollyanna, do you think he's going to say he fired the guy? That's not the way it works in pretty much any business. Its called face saving. Is it lying? Hell yeah...but its accepted in the real world.
  9. Seiously, how would you spend that amount of money? I could take care of any and all obligations, get the beachouse, fancy car etc and still have a ton of money left. I imagine I would give a big hunk to family members, The rest would go to charities ...but I'm not sure to whom and for what.Telll you what I WOULD do. Huge Buffalo Bills tailgate party on me.
  10. There was a sucky Die Hard before the last one. The last one was, I thought, terrific. Magnificent 7 and Dirty Dozen had crummy sequels.
  11. Right...if he is relying on Buddy certainly won't be successful. If he's successful I don't care who he gives credit to.
  12. "I hold it true whate'er befall-I feel it when I sorrow most...tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." Tennyson....RIP
  13. Know it well, You might want to look at "funyaking" (a rubber one person canoe) for a real rating adventure on the Nolichuckey. Not for the faint hearted though. Be sure and drive through the Blue Ridge Mountains ( a sight you'll never forget.) There are also "Branson-type" music halls which are quite good. The park is EXTREMELY crowded in the summer and if you are a camper or nature lover try the Cherokee national forest and bits of the Appalachian trail. Have fun!
  14. He wins football games I don't care he mixes metaphors, splits infinitives, or uses run on sentences. Hell if he wins football games I won't give a good poop for whatever else he does!!!
  15. If Whaley is successful he'll get the credit. If Buddy were to deserve credit, he would have been successful. He wasn't...end of story.
  16. proof is in the pudding. If Marrone wins more than Kelly does...he's the better choice. If Kelly wins more than Marrone does...he's the better choice. Kelly has a little edge in the talent in my opinion, but you gotta play the cards you are dealt. End of the season we will have a pretty good idea who is the better coaching choice. At the end of season 2 we will know for sure.
  17. Well, the guy has a lot of experience with the Steelers, and hopefully wasn't corrupted by the incompetence of Gailey and Nix. Let's see what he can do.
  18. Not only remotely true...Geno himself didn't get selected until round 2. On the other hand we did trade down and got the guy we wanted late int he first round (although I still feel THAT was a stretch...given that we could have gotten either him or Geno in round 2.
  19. I am pretty cool with Steve Johnson as a number 1 and probably a middle of the pack number 1. Miami isn't going to go out of their way to throw us kudos.
  20. Hey...it isn't whether you win or lose...its how the fans read the tea leaves.
  21. Actually I kind of liked the grammar police. A number of times found myself using words I thought I knew and was educated. However I don't think I'm here mostly to be educated...combination of lifelong Bills fandom and enjoying the comments.
  22. Not unless they've started putting our win/loss records on stone tablets...
  23. about time. We went from a mediocre team on the verge of being a better than average team to a less than mediocre team on the way to becoming a bad time. We have dug ourselves deeper into the hole, and now we can start working to get out of it.
  24. I'm waiting for a few games to get played before I get too excited. Having a new coach is a huge difference. The personnel changes are big question marks, Mario coming off an injury is a question mark and the offensive line is a question mark. The biggest question mark is the qb. Everything is so fluid and there is little to indicate an actual improvement -on paper. The game isn't played on paper though so I'm going to put my faith in the new coach and gm this year and hope for improvement.
  25. I'm not excited because there isn't much out there but question marks. On the good side there are interesting question marks at the qb position. The bad question marks are still the offensive line and a less than stellar defense. Let's see how it all shakes out in the first few games. So much is riding on the coach and his staff as I don't see any significant improvement in player personnel.
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