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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. WHAT? JD Hill, Bobby Chandler and Paul Seymour (in addition to being great blockers) were no slouches as receivers. Jim Braxton was a darn good fullback. And Robert James on the other side of the fence was maybe the best defensive back ever to wear a Buffalo Bills Uniform. A team doesn't get nine wins off one running back, and Buffalo was no exception. Was he the primary offensive option? Sure...read any interviews with offensive players. Saban told them it would be blocking for OJ that would earn them a paycheck. The 9 win season belongs to the guys in the trenches at least as much as it belongs to the guys in the backfield.
  2. Just a comment...Charleston and Folly Beach are two of my favorite hangouts!
  3. Actually, I always thought it was Occam's Razor....but maybe some guy named Occum brought up a shaver or something wherever Crayons is from...(Canada?)
  4. I think I'm going to hope for god-awful weather. I'm not sure how LD does in really piss poor winter weather, and I suspect Rivers won't be as effective. The weather will probably mean more and more LD...but I think we'll be better off just facing ONE dimension of that offense. We'll stick with the two tight ends and keep sending WM and the A-train into the line and hopefully we'll get off a few good passes.
  5. ohhhhhh...I would LOVE us to win next week and one of the main reasons would be to have the announcers and press suddenly having to talk about us. I watched coverage on NFL channel, listened to Sirius and the Blitz, and didn't see anything bout the Bills except an offhanded remark about how Jacksonville had to be off. Come on, the Roscoe Parrish catch was a thing of beauty to rival pretty much anything that I saw yesterday, and his punt return should have been a highlight. I think JP would have to throw for five touchdowns and run for more than 100 yards to get any love from those guys. we played well enough against New England and Indianapolis, but love ain't coming our way til we whip one of the big guys. And right now San Diego is about as big guy as it gets. The other, more rational, reason is that if we should beat them we are definitely a contender for the wild card slot.
  6. I wouldn't flame you, as TKO is still on the mend and is somewhat less than impressive. Depending on salary and all, I think keeping him is a good idea. He's got a couple of good year's in the tank after he's finally healed. It might be good to be on the lookout for a replacement in the draft (after we take care of the offensive line.)
  7. it is a possibility, but I think we would have to win out to get into the playoffs. Beating San Diego? Wow...that would be a win for the ages. And then its a matter of playing to potential. Remember the hated dolphins have the same record we do (and did beat the Bears) so I wouldn't say they were a gimme, and the jets have every incentive to go for the playoffs that we do. All that being said, its still something that at least theoretically could happen. Go Bills!
  8. okay..but how long does it take to cook Greg?
  9. Probably be a high motor guy as well...Given our pass protection until last week, I'm not sure I wouldn't be looking for a momma and sister raping dog kicker. I'd like him to do that to some defensive ends we're going up against.
  10. Losman is showing some stuff. I looked again and again at the passes to Evans..beautiful...but the pass to PP (and of course the catch by PP) were something to behold. JP has had his ups and downs, but I think he improves week by week and I think he has a tremendous upside. Hang in there, and I think we will have the qb we need. The offensive line (of which I have consistently been critical and which I think is our area most in need of help) has to be mentioned for excellent play in the game against the Texans. They deserve lots of credit for playing a very good game.
  11. I think we'll have to adjust somewhat with Jacksonville to increase pass protection which means using a lot of the two tight ends and running game as a base set. I think we can still open up JP a little for (of all things) an occassional bomb. How about this as a first play? Evans and Parrish coming out of the huddle and going to each others normal side of the field, quick snap, and a bomb to Evans with Parrish as a second choice. I was thinking that Jacksonville (and everyone else) will be soooo worried about Evans that they will set up a defense based on Evans in a certain position. Moving him around might give us an edge for a play. Just a thought.
  12. The sick thing is that this is an example of "there is no such thing as bad publicity." He'll go into rehab or blame mental illness, appear on late night tv with an apology (whoops, he already did) and he'll claim another 15 minutes of fame. Look, how many times have we mentioned him since the end of Seinfeld? None..and here he is on a pretty long post...getting famous again. Disturbing isn't it?
  13. Love the optimism. I think it would be a long long shot, but hey anything is possible. Offense seems to have come to life, and the defense and special teams have it in them to be playoff caliber. No wiggle room left though, and san diego and jacksonville are going to require one hell of a game from us.
  14. Repeat after me...OFFENSIVE LINE....pass protection has been horrible. A stud tight end would be nice. I think a replacement for Spikes is probably going to be the one thing on defense we will have to address as well, either in the draft or free agency.
  15. not really...However I was screaming at the 4th and one with 2:25 left and the decision to punt!! I was livid with DJ...wanted him fired and tarred and feathered and run out of town...I wanted to kick his dog!!! What was he thinking!!!!! And then...we got the ball back and got a touchdown. Hmmm...what a brilliant man that DJ is..another f-ing Bill Walsh...noooooo...vince lombardi....noooooo....KNUTE FRIGGING ROCKNE!!! All is well with the world. Fickle aren't we?
  16. I'm sorry to say it, but I think we'll have to go back to maximizing pass protection. Remember that Texas didn't have much a defensive line (two tackles out and Mario with a hurt foot) Not taking anything away from a MUCH IMPROVED offensive line, I think we'd be wise to stay with two tight ends for the better part of the game and use Evans as our go to guy. Next year, when we have a high quality pass protection we can turn loose the speed on a regular basis. Right now I think we have to pick and choose our opportunities depending on how bad the opponents pass rush is.
  17. hey...take it easy on the guy. The Bills did play a great game yesterday even if it was against the Texans. The problem areas looked very good. The offensive line was clicking, the quarterback was terrific...It would be a terrific long shot to make the playoffs...but we can always dream. I'll be happy with 7 or eight wins but absolutely delighted if we do better.
  18. Just keeping us posted on the Travis Henry story.
  19. I vote for Achy Breaky... What about "Feelings" or Richard Harris singing "MacArthur Park" WTF is it with that cake out in the rain?
  20. hmmm...an offensive line that plays well in one game out of ten against a perennial bottom team? I wouldn't jump to conclusions. That being said they were very good today. Lets hope they keep it up. We still should be drafting more linemen.
  21. EXCELLENT JOB Offensive line. See how much better our quarterbacks and receivers look when we have effective pass blocking. Game ball to the offensive line. JP should get a game ball as well...come to think of it Evans might get one..hmmm...Price's last second catch...hell...give a game ball to the entire offense.
  22. aI saw it this weekend. I thought this Bond was quite good. I would rank him just above Moore and just under Connery.
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