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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. I like Marshall Faulk, but I don't think there's much left in the tank there. I think we will kind of be stuck with the backs we have. We have to work on pass protection and improving the line. I kind of like Cory Anderson out of Tennessee in the third round for us as a fullback who can clean up (270 lbs) on pass protection and get short yardage.
  2. I'm aware of one incident with underage girls. I believe it involved 16 year olds who met him at a gas station, representing they were of age. If it only happened once, it was wrong, even if he was mistaken. Were there other incidents? I was focusing on his running with a broken leg, pro-bowl appearance and performance rather than off the field activities.
  3. Don't give up hope JSP. Donohoe, Williams and Mularkey were an aberration of abrerrations and tore down whatever good was on the team. Where we did have talent Bizarre coaching served to put us into more of a hole. I don't know about Jauron as far as coaching goes (some strange clock management, but overall he seems pretty good...I'm not going to fall into the trap of faint praise by saying he's the best coach since Wade...I actually think he is good.) I like this draft as to talent(but believe we should concentrate on building the offensive and defensive line in order to get to the playoffs...and I think we will this year. I like the way we are playing now, and am looking forward to more improvement in the remainder of the season, and more rebuilding in the off season. I know you don't want to hear this JSP...but wait til next year!!! I'm still very hopeful for this team and think we're generally on the right track.
  4. What surprise? When I was pushing for Ngata or other huge defensive tackles I pointed out that the way to beat the cover 2 was to run up the middle. why are we surprised that that is exactly what teams are trying to do? It took a year to figure it out. We'll address it in the draft, hopefully. Offensive and Defensive line...you ain't going nowhere without it.
  5. Blaylock. That's where we need help the most. If I could take two I'd go with the tight end...but Offensive pass blocking is what we need.
  6. Agreed...I vote for skipping the darn thing altogether! Nice thing about getting old is going to the kids house and enjoying THEIR tree.
  7. The best coached team in a long time is not exactly a major achievement! Mularkey and Gregg were horrible. I think DJ is on a par with Wade, and doing a very nice job putting the team together. I thought he was a terrible choice at first, but he is gradually convincing me that he is the guy for the job. It is possible that he is a "transitional" coach and we'll need someone else to get to the Superbowl, but who knows? I grade him with a comfortable B so far and if we finish with 8 wins I'll be the first to give him an A and lable him the best coach since Marv.
  8. We could use more depth at linebacker. I think sending Coy to the weight room through the off season might not be such a bad idea. We have a lot of things to address in this year's draft (mostly Big OL Offensive and Defensive linemen.) but maybe in the latter rounds there might be some help for LB. I was worried about a replacement for Spikes, but he seems to be coming around just fine.
  9. Actually I think he was a pitafile...liked to store bread in file cabinets.
  10. I'm a nut on drafting offensive linemen, but I think we may have to give a hard look to this position, depending on how the rest of the year plays out.
  11. nice post. Hey... Gwyneth is entitled to her opinion.
  12. I thought going for the field goal and an onsides kick with a significant amount of time left was the way to go. Especially without time outs. That being said, I can't be too critical of the way they played it, since with just a touch of luck we might have tied it upgoing the exact way we did. I like the second idea. However it does pretty much diss your defense, so if you're the coach, the idea had better work or you're going to have some really pissed off defensive players to face up to.
  13. I think Willis 3.7 average and 650 some yards versus TH 4.4 and 850 some yards would be a better comparison, but who's arguing? We did give up a number one draft choice and trade a guy who is at least as good. Now maybe someday WM will be better, and I do hope so...but so far WM has a lot of work to do.
  14. I think tko is recovering nicely. Let's see what he still has in the tank. When he is healthy he is a force to be reckoned with. I wonder how much he will be able to recover and if he going to continue to be injury prone.
  15. I think Travis Henry got 93 yards in the win over Indianapolis. Never understood that personnel decision.
  16. I'm one of those who is pretty happy with our wider receiver corps, and I'm getting more and more impressed with our tight ends the last part of the season. I think JP (and Fairchild, I suppose) like using all receivers. JP sure does mix it up and use pretty much all of the receivers. When one guy stands out like Evans does and they put a guy like Jammer and extra coverage on him, other guys get open. I suspect Evans is just fine...just getting lots of respect from opposing teams.
  17. She's in my prayers. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
  18. whatever...boring as usual. Actually I pointed out that there were NO weapons of mass destruction (before we went into Iraq)... I pointed out that there was no justification for the war in Iraq (using St. Augustine) I pointed out that the war would probably cost $100 billion (preposterous you guys said!) Actually, now we are working on 300 billion. I speculated that there would be a civil war before we left (wrong again..we've got that going for us while we're still there) And finally, when I said we'd probably reach 3000 American dead before Bush would get us out of this mess....you banned me! Ahhhh...you guys are a kick. Go back to your bobble-head right-wing circle jerk on PPP...
  19. It all boils down to which team plays the best on Sunday. Yeah San Diego has strength going against our weakest areas (their defensive line and running game.) On the other hand we are coming into our own and don't downplay momentum. I wouldn't bet the farm on our winning..but you just never know, and I think we have some really blue chip guys who might make a difference. Our special teams, our renovated pass game (with modifications to strengthen pass protection). I think we have to strengthen our defense against the run (four linebackers on the field?) and lets give it a go. I ain't ready to concede to these guys.
  20. to put that baby to bed. I think JP has pretty much earned the job with a few very admirable performances. Are we unanimous on this point?
  21. Do you two always follow each other in "me too" posts? I'm still wondering if this is a "Brokeback Mountain" thing or if you're just carbon copies of each other? I would refute your various assertions but its hardly worth the effort, and certainly is more appropriate for the nazi board...oh...wait a minute..I've been eliminated from the nazi board!
  22. I think if I were you I'd pull him out. The kid is the most important thing, and you aren't going to change the coach. You are so right to be concerned, as this kind of coach can spoil the kids interest in the sport. My son was about that age with a swim coach, and it was awful. I took him out walked to the other end of the facility and enrolled him in a hockey program with a great coach and great staff and that led to a lifelong love of sport, to the junior and college level (he still plays today and his own son will start skating soon.) and played football, baseball and soccer. Never cared for swimming after that experience. So yank the boy SDS and find a better coach!
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