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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. What was it Al Pacino said in Godfather III? "Every time I try to leave they just pull me back in!"
  2. I thought the best restaurant in Tampa was Taco Bell...at least before this onion thing!
  3. There are always some guys who could have helped us more, but you gotta admit we did just fine in the overall draft. Look how many guys are starting or at least getting significant playing time...Kyle, Whitner, Simpson, Pennington, McCargo (before being hurt) and Youbooty (sp?) may be a good player as time goes on. While I was a huge Ngata fan, I have to admit the guys getting paid to make the selections in the Bills org. did a darn good job this year.
  4. Maybe after 2008 I'll be happy with the way things are going in this country! Hillary's going to have her work cut out for her with the way our nose-picking flightsuit wearing scion of Halliburton is !@#$ing things up. Looked like a whipped mule on tv yesterday.
  5. Used to love Eddie's Chop house in Rochester. Story was told that Bishop Sheen ( a tv personality and one time Bishop of Rochester) ate at Toots Shor in New York and as he left Toots asked him how he like the state. Bishop Sheen "Marvelous Steak Toots...but it set me back 15 bucks...I can get a steak this good at Eddie's Chop House in Rochester for 6 bucks." (obviously a LONG time ago). Toots..."Sure you can, father...but when you eat that steak and step out the door...you're still in Rochester!" I'll go with Morton's in Chicago over any place on earth.
  6. Wait a inute...we do the recipe...wrap in bologna...deep fry...Then a cinnamon frosting glaze!!! Serve with a couple of twinkies and three or four boilermakers. Ahhh....what a meal!!! Call the hospital tomorrow and let me know how the game turns out!
  7. All in all I'm pretty happy so far with the way things have been going. I'm still hoping to go back to VietNam before I finish to see the country at peace. Maybe next year.
  8. Almost certainly not going to happen. However I think we gotta play like it is going to happen and knock off some of these hot teams.
  9. In college I worked at the Courier Express on the press line. Filthy ink in hair, up nostrils, unbelievable noise...most of the printers were missing fingers from replacing sheet breaks. Nice guys and great money, but one unhealthy place to work.
  10. potential and fifty-six cents will get your a senior citizen cup of coffee at McDonalds.
  11. Well that might make Cory Anderson at 270 a little more attractive. Who the hell would have thunk of a fullback at 270 a few years ago.
  12. If God is God and not man (and not God created in man's image) how can we comprehend God's plan. Given that God if God existed created time/space and whatever we have how could we dare to think we will understand God's "will" assuming whatever it is God has is comparable to what we think of as a "will". If we were a speck on the mural of the Vatican could we comprehend what the rest of mural looks like or what the mural would look like from the floor of the Vatican, let alone comprehend what was in the artist's mind when he created the mural? That being the case the only thing we can have is faith...assuming we want to make a leap of faith. If we don't want to make that leap, we are free to do so. e, I'm convinced there is some kind of intelligent design, but I base it on faith, not on a Bible Koran or Jesus, Mohammed, the pope or Jerry Falwell.
  13. Wow...If we could only get the Jets to eat this for breakfast.
  14. If they should win out I'll be delighted...whether or not we make the playoffs. If we make the playoffs I'll be surprised...and ecstatic.
  15. a tenacious blocker and threat to run or catch the ball from the backfield. Leonard has rushed for 2,731 yards and 1,862 receiving yards during his career. Tenacious blocker...hmmm...I doubt if he will make it to the second round though. I'm thinking Cory Anderson of Tennessee if he makes it to the third. The killer blocker fullback would be a nice addition, but our other needs will use up rounds one and two, and no way Leonard is going to last that long. He'll be a nice catch for someone!
  16. I believe in God, but not necessarily in a Christ based God. I figure the mountainop has lots of avenues to get there, and Christianity as good a road as any. I think the thing about God is he is not a "man upstairs" and when we think he is (or that he is a "he") we try to make God in our own image. The God that is doesn't operate within the realms of time or space nor does the God that is play by our rules. That is the wonder of God, and the need to have faith as opposed to "proof" that God exists.
  17. Maybe Willis is good, but, like Losman, the proof is in the pudding. I'm the first to admit that the offensive line has been so bad in the pass protection scheme, it has been impossible to evaluate JP until recently...when DJ made adjustments to enhance pass protection and the line improved somewhat. The impression I did have was that our run-blocking was less bad than our pass blocking. I'm just not seeing that much from Willis. Never understood why we drafted him when we had Henry, nor why we traded Henry. Hopefully WM will show us more.
  18. I suspect for the rest of this season we would be best off sticking with Willis with a generous dose of A-Train in particular situations. Neither is a real franchise back and using them both would probably have the best result. It is an area where we could use a replacement, but the area is not bad enough to be a high priority. O-line, D-line and then Linebacker, Tight End. Willis and A-Train will do for another year.
  19. And they didn't let her back on the plane? Wow that must have been one hell of a fart. Actually..if you combine the match and the actual act of farting, if I remember from my boy scout days...you can probably do a lot of damage to an airplane.
  20. Didn't he win some kind of Hugo award?
  21. Doing a very good job. Agree with most of the critics however as to how he handles the clock. Some decisions are puzzling. Maybe as he gets more coaching experience he will improve (only joking!) I think he will have a good solid team by next year and we will be going to the playoffs.
  22. hell...if we are going to get forrest gregg, we might as well sign Paul Hornung.
  23. In my experience in a number of employment situations, this is a sign that your promotion potential there is extremely limited and you might want to begin looking around. Either your boss is not telling you the truth, or someone up top has a very bad impression of you to not even give a courtesy interview. Take a deep breath, pull out the resume and get looking for a better job. If you look for reasons they will probably lie to you or worse yet tell you that you don't have promotion potential. Of course that is usually bull sh--, but they are holding the reinds and if THEY think that that's all that counts.
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