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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Pat O'Brian coaching Ronald Reagan in Knute Rockne...but then I'm an Irish catholic, so anything with Notre Dame and Pat O'Brian is going to be high on my list.
  2. I always figure if you're going to criticize the bullfighter you better not be afraid to get into the ring. And you ran for office, when? Bullfight critics rank in rows, And crowd the large arena full But in the crowd there's one who knows, And that's the man who fights the bull. Kinda like combat, eryn...if you ain't played the game, don't be makin the rules.
  3. I ran for political office many years ago and the Republican party bigwig had one of his rather dimwitted flunkies file an unfairlcampaign practice charge against me. I appeared before the board and the flunky came in represented by the Republican bigwig (a lawyer). He said..."I'm here representing "flunky" and I note that mr. tennesseeboy is representing himself. I hope he is aware of Abraham Lincoln's adage that a man who represents himself has a fool for a client." I responded.."I'm aware of the adage, Mr. Republican. I just wanted to make sure we started out even."
  4. First and foremost the all time bills team is: Teddy Bruschi Teddy is the all time everything team for every nfl, afl, nba or nhl team. I don't think it is at all funny that we don't acknowledge that fact up front. I'm surprised Billy Shaw who is the nfl hall of fame and probably the best gaurd we ever had is not mentioned on most posts. Pete Gogolak (who single-handedly began the AFL-NFL merger by signing with the Giants, should get some mention for kicker. Sestak, Dunaway, McDole, Dunaway and Day were a defensive line that may be the best ever. Butch Byrd was a magnificent cornerback. As to wide receivers two guys who wouldn't make the all time team but deserve speical mention are Bobby Chandler and Glenn Bass. If KRC is still posting I'd love to see his list as he maintains the best best Bills history website I've ever seen.
  5. Okay Jason...if there is any way to play, pal...we need you this week. If he makes it onto the field I'm going to get me a Jason Peters jersey next year..I promise that right now!!!
  6. Do you notice how you jump to abusive terms in these discussions. "Ass" and "idiot" are hardly attempts at friendly conversation. Now I am one to consider the source, so I'm not that offended or concerned. (Having been both in the military and in combat and a police officer, I'm no stranger to abusive language) but it does say something about your style.
  7. you should be Bush's top advisor...at least you know enough to get out when you're losing!
  8. AAAAARGH....how could I forget Tom Sestak and Kent Hull....mea culpa mea culpa, mea maxima culpa...Jerry Butler, Andre Reed, JD Hill, Elbert Dubenion, Bobby Chandler, and a host of other wide receivers come to mind.
  9. No matter how you cut it...beating Miami is essential. Everyone better bring their a-game. I wouldn't want Mularkey keeping us out of the playoffs for a third straight year!!!!
  10. So much for that Semper Fi stuff...guess that must be more of a goal than a practice!
  11. At the time the war started "Flightsuit" and "Haliburton" hadn't even happened yet. He had been picking his nose for quite some time previous though...Remember I posited that there were NO weapons of mass destruction, nor significant indications of a serious intent to use such weapons against us. I used Augustine to argue against going in in response to an inquiry on the part of BIB. Todd...I believe...asked me directly whether I believed there were weapons of mass destruction...and I said no. There weren't many folks taking that position then...certainly not you, my friend.
  12. Frank Reich out...I'd go Kemp, Ferguson, LaMonica as backups to Kelly the starter Halfback, OJ first, Thurman second, Wray Carlton third Fullback Cookie Gilchrist, Jim Braxton, Sam Gash TE...Pete Metzlaars, Ernie Warlick DE...Bruce Smith, Tom Day, Phil Hansen DT, Ted Washington, Fred Smerlas, Pat Williams O-Line..Billy Shaw (hall of famer!) De Lamellieure, McKenzie, Ballard, Peters (I know..too early to tell) Reuben Brown LB Shane Conlan, Darryl Talley, Mike Stratton, London Fletcher, Bryce Paup, Jim Haslett CB. Robert James, Butch Byrd, Nate Odoms, Nate Clements, Booker Edgerson S. George Sames, Tony Greene, Jeff Nixon, Kurt Schultz and the much maligned Mark Kelso P. Brian Moorman K. Steve Christy.
  13. When you figure out what "winning" is...give me a call. The "decider" is wandering around Washington with his thumb up his ass (guess he gave up nosepicking) while our soldiers die every day he fiddles. Bet he goes to Crawford for Christmas and diddles around for another month.
  14. In point of fact lots of people (including you) were NOT saying that at a time when it would have made a real difference. I suppose now most people do agree with me politically. As to the Halliburton, Flightsuit, nosepicking and mission accomplished, I stopped that a while ago, and only have fun with it when you guys bring it up. As to GWB not being the greatest president, I continue to rank him pretty dam low.
  15. You know my daughter has applied to UB Law, and I'm kind of pulling for her to go there. That would be another good reason to get up there for a few good weekends. I do some work with local universities up there and always look forward to visiting Buffalo and the Falls. This summer we vacationed on Lake Erie, Chatauqua, Niagara Falls, and had a terrific time. I can think of a lot worse places than my hometown. Maybe someday I'll move back (at least during the non-winter months)
  16. Well...I'll say the same thing I said BEFORE we went into Iraq, for which I was roundly criticized. Those who have never actually been in combat seem to find it easy to start a war, with no idea what it all entails. I pointed out we needed a very good reason to go in. None of the reasons given to date hold water. I pointed out that going in was easy, staying in was hard...no one bought that idea. I pointed out that the Shia, the Sunni and the Kurds had very differing attitudes about each other and their rightful place...we didn't buy that. Most important I pointed out that wars had a tendency to take on a life of their own. This one certainly has so far. We are more and more irrelevant to the outcome of the situation. The Iranians, the Syrians, the Saudis and the Turks will have a significant interest. All we are is a stopgap (if that) to what is to come. Pull out and let the games begin, or we are going to be in the middle of a mess far bigger than we ever anticipated. Bush had better stop mincing around and meeting with every person he can meet with and make some decisions. I'm starting to wonder if his model in government was Nero.
  17. EXACTLY!!! From the minute Gregg got to Buffalo dismantling a team that barely missed the playoffs seemed to be his number one goal. He tried to implement his system even though the personnel here were not only right to be successful in that system, but the people who WERE here were right for the Ted Cottrell/Wade Phillips systems that got to a number of superbowls. He was a very bad head coach and would be awful but for the fact that Mularkey came after him and made him look a little less awful. I thought Nick Saban was a very good coach, until he hired Mularkey, and I think Joe Gibbs a great coach IN SPITE of hiring GW. In fact I was pushing for us to hire Nick Saban instead of Mularkey. Boy did we take two losers.
  18. we gotta get to .500 this week. Then we should move up a few more. This week is really critical to our rather long shot playoff hopes. We beat Miami and I'm going to start getting excited.
  19. Seriously you marines and army guys are okay.. I don't know how the air force could have won all those wars without having you guys to call on for ground support occassionally.
  20. The "kid" was Susan Sarandon in her first film.
  21. I was damn near obsessed with us picking Ngata for exactly the reason cited. However as the season has gone on I'm not complaining about the Whitner pick, especially with our drafting McCargo, Williams and bringing in Triplett. We could still use a run stuffer, but that will come a little on down the line.
  22. 1. Whoever is playing the Patriots 2. Whoever is playing the fish.
  23. Agreed...this kind of stuff gets the right wing aroused over there on the nazi board!
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