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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. you forgot to point out the relevance to which plays football better. Also failed to spell out the allegations, the fact that it was a one-time occurrence.
  2. The titans are a 7-7 team, just like the bills. The Titans sucked early and came on late, just like us. Bring it on. Sunday night the media will be talking about the Titans, how wonderful they were, and how they will be looking forward to next year now the Bills have knocked them out of contention. You can have the media sniffing your ass all you want. We Bills just wanna play some football. You come on up and enjoy our wonderful western new york weather and our charming hospitality. Our pro bowl defensive end will enjoy going to work on your pro bowl...your pro bowl....hmmmmm.....never mind.
  3. I tend to agree. Archibald Cox was a great labor lawyer and teacher at Harvard (before Watergate.) His article on union agreements compared the relationship to a "marriage contract" Since then the employment relationship has gone from "we'll work and we'll deal with business til death do we part", to "you'll do til something better comes along" to the hooker relationship. "Here's x dollars an hour, do what I tell you and move on"
  4. I know she's loaded with seamen, but I think marines aren't all that big on girls.
  5. Skeeter Davis-End of the World. James Taylor=Fire and Rain Gloria Estefan=Anything for you Bonnie Raitt-Can't make you love me if you won't Johnny Cash-I Don't like it, but I guess things happen that way. Pavorotti-Nessun Dorma Edith Piaff- Je me Souviens Barenakedladies-What a good boy DANNY BOY!!
  6. I'd pm erynthered. He's in Clearwater and familiar with the Gulf Coast. While his political leanings are on the Bizzare side, he does have a good sense of the Gulf Coast and living there as a Buffalo Bills fan.
  7. Right now it looks like UB, Albany, Appalachian or UMKC
  8. You wonder about the pathology of kids who do things like this, and the likelihood that will engage in that kind of treatment with humans later. How someone could kill a little puppy is beyond me. I guess with ieatcrayonz fictional allegations I should qualify that and say I don't condone killing even gypsy puppies!!
  9. Geez bill, you conveniently forgot to point out that WM played 28 games while TH played about 22. WM had a 3.9 yard average both years while TH went from 3.8 to 4.3. fumbles Willis 4 Travis 5. Sounds more and more like we traded a first round pick for pretty much what we had. I like Willis, but he and Travis are about the same value in my book. Remember as well that only one of the two has been to the Pro Bowl yet...Travis.
  10. Yeah..you British have been doing that to us Irish Catholics for eight hundred years.
  11. Krispy Kreme is still big here, although I'm not much of a fan. I can't drive by a Dunkin Donuts or a Tim Horton's. Maybe I'm better off not pursuing an opportunity to bring these things closer to me!
  12. Welcome. I'm a tennesseeboy, and I am a fan of TH. I have to admit the Titans are my second favorite team. But, believe me its a distant second. And believe me...if we get ahead with less than 20 seconds left and we have to kickoff to you don't even THINK of doing anything funny!!!!
  13. I understand (BOY do I understand) why he wouldn't have wanted to play in Buffalo the last few years, but I think this year has been a great one for him. Professionally he is showing all-pro play with a defense that is proving to be quite good. We will be making a playoff run next year and might even be making one this year. I suspect he likes DJ and ML (haven't heard any different) so I don't think he is any worse than neutral on the bills, and I suspect all things being equal he would stay here. The rub is that all things will not be equal. He will be looking at outrageous offers from any number of teams. It will be up to the Bills to put up the dollars to match or come close to the best. He is not going to get a better PLAYING opportunity at another team, so if we can come close, I think we can keep him. The trick is to convince the Bills to acknowledge he is going to want #1 D-Back money.
  14. Actually, she played soccer and worked at a patent law firm in high school, and worked as a waitress through college. A lot of law schools forbid ANY outside work in the first year (although I don't know how they enforce that rule.) She takes care of her rent and most living expenses even now.
  15. I think having sex with Cameron Diaz would relieve MY stress anyway.
  16. I see your points, but I think it is really important in the first year of law school at least, for a student not to work. Critical decisions are made about law review membership, summer internships, and inns of court that are wonderful educational opportunities. Without complaining (I actually learned a lot as a cop) I missed lots of educational and networking opportunities with working. I don't like carrying debt and I don't want my kids to get into a major habit of carrying more than they can actually pay for reasonably or starting their careers with crushing debt hanging over them. After she graduates she'll be on her own, as was her brother, who has done quite well. And then in a few years they can pool their resources to take care of their grumpy old man!!!
  17. You apparently have a lot of things that make doing anything but apologizing and saying it won't happen again something that might be job threatening. 1. You apparently don't have a union. Hence tactlessness of the supervisor is a given 2. I suspect you are in a firing at will state, meaning pushing it could have very bad consequences.] 3. No union, employment at will means the supervisor pretty much owns you while at work. Try to get along. Wish I could be of more help, but if the rule said finish before you sign off, then that's what you have to do.
  18. Boy, that is very generous on Saban's part, or maybe Saban is just letting some time pass before he has to admit what a huge mistake he made in hiring that jackass.
  19. I think ML/DJ and RW will do the same thing they did last year. They'll bring in some O-lineman and maybe a DT on the free agent market, but won't go after "name" (break the bank) players. If smart their break the bank player will be Nate Clements, who will effect our team more next year than almost anyone from outside.
  20. Couldn't agree more. We have two of the guys we need for sure at the tackle position but should upgrade the other three. I see us drafting guard and center and it will be a much improved line next year. Kudos for the line these last few games, though. Fine performances overall.
  21. Remember Haynseworth is back and he is a stud. Gotta handle him as a run stopper and pass rusher. The defense for the Titans is different with him That being said I think if we can bolster our pass protection (tight ends, fullback) and the offensive line can play like they have been, I think we should probably open it up a bit, and not play too conservative. Thats's based on my increased confidence in JP's throwing and decision making and the much improved offensive line. Defensively..I'm still eight in the box with Wire as the fourth linebacker leaving Clements, Whitner and McGee to hold back the passing attack. Go Bills.
  22. good point. The kid works two jobs and waitressed through undergrad. Paid her own living expenses and rent. Tuition at UB when I went was a little under $4000 per year. Law school tuition at most places in this day and age is closer to $20,000. I teach at a law school and most of the students are not looking for the best job (long-term or what they want to do.) but for the job that gives them the shekels to pay for student debt. I worked midnights as a cop for three years and went to school after a shift. Character building, but hell..so was Vietnam. I wouldn't want my kids to have to do either.
  23. Not surprised. I have a daughter going to law school next year and I'm footing the bill. Many have asked me why I am doing that given that I worked my way through college and law school. Well...it was different then. The tuition and living costs can be (and are) crippling to many. She'll do fine when she finishes and then will be on her own, but without $130,000 or more in debt. Me? I'd probably piss it away on Bills memorabilia anyway.
  24. This last month has established that we have a lot fewer needs than we appeared to have. I see us drafting a DT and some OL's and not a huge need for free agents. Marv likes to keep the stars on his team, and I think Ralph will pay the bucks to keep clements. I don't think Clements has some big need to go elsewhere and playing with a defense he is familiar with has at least some cachet. I thin we can and will make a legitimate run to get him. What impresses me is not only the rookie play, but the way our backups at linebacker and defensive back, at running back, tight end, and some on the offensive line have shown their stuff. I think that puts the signing of Nate in a different light.
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