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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Willis is a very mediocre running back at this point. I not only wouldn't renegotiate his contract, I'd be seriously looking at taking a flyer in the third or fourth round of the draft of an available RB. I'd go DT and Center or Guard on the first couple, and might go for a TE or LB normally, but I'm just not confident McGahee is a back to get us to the big game.
  2. yeah ...he dies the same day we reach 3000 casualties. High price to kill a not sh-- dictator. He was a bad guy, but the world is full of !@#$s like him. Here's an idea...now that he's dead, no weapons of mass destruction, a civil war breaking out...let's get the f out of there!
  3. I went to ub law and have been a prelaw advisor for a university, and have a daughter who just finished applying Kaplan is the best prep course and they do have a good record at improving test scores. I'm assuming you are applying for the 2008-2009 year? Getting very late to apply for next year. UB is particularly good at looking at your work after undergrad, and the veteran status will help considerably. Good luck.
  4. This draft will be different than others. The first three choices will be expected to produce right away and in the positions of need to get us well into the playoffs. I think we have to make a very serious run to keep Clements, and if so CB is out. I think Fletchers, Crowell, Ellison and Spikes are what we need to get us by in linebacker. Travis Henry -hers have been very successful running against us and I don't know how many times we lost because we couldn't stop game killing drives. Soooo...its defensive tackle in the Ngata mode as our number one need for next year. A great center or gaurd is our next area of absolute need. I liked the idea of Cieslak at fullback and if we decide to go that route for next year I think the fullback position won't be a problem. McGahee is okay, but I could see us drafting a running back in the third or fourth round, and perhaps a tight end, We are not far from being a playoff team and we have to shore up the two obvious areas of weakness...our run defense and pass protection.
  5. we would be ucky to get a third or fourth. I think he is going to ask for top dollar, and he is not a top dollar performer. I've said before that we should have kept henry and I'm more convinced than ever. Dump WM and see what we can do in free agency. Turn the money you save into signing Clements and Fletcher.
  6. I see your point, but I would go ahead full steam to try and beat the Ravens. Plenty of time to rest up in the offseason. 8-8 is a record to shoot for, and I think the more time this lineup plays together the better. Maybe I'd rest people who were really hurting, but if they're not hurt, I'd play them. The exception might be Spikes, who I think may not be long for this team. I'm not sure he's coming back enough to fit into our plans for next year and I'd like to see what our backup linebackers can do. I'm pulling for us to keep NC so I'd start him as well. I want a great football game against the Ravens.
  7. I'm not ready to give up on NC. I think we make a very big run at him before we let him go.
  8. I think we'll take the best offensive gaurd or run-stopping defensive tackle available in the draft, and its pretty much even money. The second pick should be to pick up what we don't get in the first. Linebacker will probably be the way to go after that. Our major personnel move should be to re-sign clements and get us one or two modest free agent pickups. We don't have awfully far to go to be a very good playoff team.
  9. I was so upset I just turned off the tv. We left the house to go somewhere for dinner, and I just didn't mention or think about the game...blocked it out. The next day I gave it some thought. Jauron and all were on site and knew the wind conditions. The team looked good overall and played a good game. We did better this season that expected. Hell, Henry and Young had killer games. I can live with it (as if I had a choice). I think we are well on our way to building a good team and we get one more chance to declare where we stand next week against a very good team. I'm almost over it.
  10. twouch football. Used to cut in between cars to receive a pass, and try to impale the defender on the fins of the vehicle. Also had a rule that if you hit the telephone wire on a pass you got the play over. Had a kid who could actually hit the wire at will and got a lot of free plays that way.
  11. I thought 8-8 would be a super reach, predicted us being 4-4 at the break...NEVER did it occur to me would make the playoffs. I'll take a wing please...
  12. We have to root for miami, new england and denver to win for our best chance for a playoff berth. Hmmm...I don't have to wear a Tom Brady jersey...or God forbid ...a DOLPHINS jersey do I? Oh...come on Fish...Let's go New England. Hard to get those phrases out. I guess that's why they have alcohol in sports bars.
  13. I'm not arguing the goodness or badness of it. The National Labor Relations Act, and the NLRB in the private sector says who can and can't engage in collective bargaining. In the public sector (in New York anyway) the Taylor act and the Public Employees Relation Board does this. Compare your wife's salary as a teacher to the salary (including benefits and fringes) to salaries in other states without collective bargaining. Might be that you and your wife are getting a lot more than you think out of collective bargaining.
  14. We're gonna whip you like a red-headed stepchild!
  15. A salaried employee is not necessarily management. Police officers, teachers, and many other salaried employees join unions and are not part of management. Further there are even rules about supervisors who may be represented in collective bargaining (although in a different unit than those they supervise). The fact is that fewer and fewer workers are represented by unions, although they have the right to do so. As a management guy and often management consultant I should be happy about this, but I'm not so sure its such a great idea.
  16. Geez...poor kids gonna learn about more than oral sex for the next ten years.
  17. I think we should address the fact that Travis or Young, the first thing that has to work is stopping the run. Part of this is that Young hasn't established that he is all that great a passer, and I have a tremendous amount of faith in our defensive backs, particularly Nate, Whitner and McGee. I think four linebackers with a floater (wire?) on Young like many teams used to put on Flutie. Hold Young from running, contain Travis, and Tennessee is at best a pedestrian team. Willis having a big game is important as well as it will keep Tennessee off the field. Bills win 17-10.
  18. Goood for you and best of luck. I worked at Brockport from 1980 through 1997. Did you have Coach Murray? He is the legendary wrestling coach their and one of my best friends. Now there is a guy who could teach discipline better than any Drill Instructor!
  19. In today's employment world the advice applies to all. Telling anyone you don't trust them is not a good thing. Actually trusting them would be a worse thing. Pensions, discipline, layoffs, shutdowns and federal indictments of so many back me up on this position.
  20. But isn't all of the things she said irrelevant? Trump did not say he himself was perfect or without sin, but rather that people should have second chances. Now I could see her spouting her venom if Trump dethroned the kid. (although the response might be that the kid made promises and represented herself as something special when she got the gig, and didn't live up to it.) but I think she has nerve. Trump on the other hand, while he had more justification in pointing out Rosie's flaws-both being public celebrities and adults, and Rosie "starting it" as we used to say as kids, probably made a bad decision giving her any publicity whatsoever. For what its worth I think Trump should have asked to resign and sent her to rehab on their dime. I don't think I would have let her stay as Miss whatever.
  21. I thought from the title it was either another paris hilton or rosie o'donnel post, or Eryn was going to say something about the dolphin cheerleaders.
  22. Rosie won't be long for the view. They'll let her go on for a period so there can be "plausible deniability" and then can her.
  23. I was in the first class in O'Brian hall, class of 1976. And John Schlegel taught me Civil Procedure and Ken Joyce taught property. I was VERY surprised that they were both teaching still. I really thought UB was and is the best law school bargain in the country, for price and quality.
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