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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. yeah..and then she got stuck in this cave and they had to use liquid parafin to get her ass out of it...
  2. clements and steinbach. The two of them should pretty well eat up all we intend to spend.
  3. let me pull this from my ngata quotes all last year..... If he isn't a Lineman...if he weighs less than 320...the hell with him!!!!!! Let's say it again...STOP THE F-ING RUN...not five yards down the field, not seven yards down the field...stop it at or before the line of scrimmage. DEFENSIVE TACKLE children...DEFENSIVE TACKLE....Then offensive gaurd and maybe center. Big ol fat guys....pat williams, sam adams, ted washington types....WE GO NOWHERE next year without them.
  4. Hey...eryn...we got a fat lady stuck in the cave. Take this can of liquid parafin and go down there in a dank wet place with this sweaty foul breathed woman and rub it all over her body. Make sure you lubricate the crevices and wrinkles and then put your arms around her and yank with all your might. Eryn..."Geez...does it get any better than this?"
  5. his first season may be a mulligan, but that's a stretch....his second season? crummy coaching. His third...awful coaching. His washington years? unimpressive. The guy is a lousy coach...sorry...bad decision to hire him, bad decision to keep him.
  6. Grudge? Hell, I've never forgiven Joel Collier for trading Darryl LaMonica and Glen Bass to Oakland for Tom Flores, and trading Cookie Gilchrist to Denver for Billy Joe (the fullback, not the singer.)
  7. We should make a good faith run to keep NC. I don't see us breaking the bank to keep Fletcher, although I could see us re-signing him on down the road for a reasonable amount for next year if he doesn't make big bucks somewhere else (I wouldn't hold my breath on that one though). You are right that our strength is the youth of the team and it may be time to say goodbye to people like Fletcher and Spikes if there day is done. Cruel business...but it is a business.
  8. We would be insane to pick a running back at 12. We have to have a Justin Blaylock at offensive guard or one of the two best defensive tackles. PERIOD. And depending on what we get in round one we'll get the other in round two. I wouldn't be expecting a running back in round three or four either. McGahee is a pedestrian running back who can play next year. Given a strong offensive line he could even be a better than average running back.
  9. I'm willing to bet that the best overall players available on the board at twelve will be Justin Blaylock (our offensive gaurd solution) or one of the two best offensive tackles available. We'll probably be into round three before we take a linebacker. Hence we promote from within, find a good free agent, or sign London Fletcher to a two year contract and go with him, if that works out. I kind of get the impression that signing LF for two years isn't something DJ is very hot on though.
  10. Certainly better than GW or MM by any measure. I'm not sure genius or Next Lombardi would apply at all. He's had his ups and downs (8-8 looks pretty damn good to me!) but we'll have to watch him take it to the next level before I would use the G word. and I think three or four superbowl rings before I'm giving anyone L word treatment.
  11. I think this year is pretty much a wash for AY. If we lose Clements and Thomas, we'll be expecting a lot from him next year.
  12. Yup...If I get any more full of sh--, I'll be eligible for the marines!
  13. I would like to nominate that guy who was offensive co-ordinator for the Miami Dolphins for consideration!
  14. Had a god-awful flight to tennessee from detroit on NWA. Weather was extremely choppy and a kid about 21 shows up on crutches and sits next to me. As the plane gets going he grabs the barf bag and fills it. I give him mine and later get him a third. He's like real embarassed, explains he's going to tenn. from denver to plan his wedding. I tell him not to worry about it, that when I was his age I was flying over the ho chi minh trail in monsoons with flak all around and a fire in the plane, the plane dropping and buffetting around like there was no tomorrow. "Did you throw up too?" the kid asked. "Nah" I told him. "I would have but I was too busy shitting my pants." He insisted I meet his fiance and her family and made me repeat the story.
  15. Perhaps she was paying tribute to the Oregon Beavers?
  16. If the point is that we do not put enough emphasis on the trenches, I think its quite valid. Great teams are built from the line of scrimmage back. We might have slipped into the playoffs, but late in the season our inability to stop the run doomed us and would have gotten us out of the playoffs early. Further, our weak pass protection would pretty much doom us in a playoff run as well. The fact is that we don't have ALL that much to do in the draft and free agency to address those two weaknesses, and we will be a contender THIS NEXT SEASON!!!!!!
  17. I don't know if wm "wants" to be here or not. I could care less whether he does. What concerns me is that he isn't a very good running back. I'd have expected him to be well over 1000 yards this year and a real leader on and off the field. Maybe he'll show something next year...maybe not. There would be contract renegotiation with him if I were in charge, but it wouldn't be a renegotiation upward.
  18. I'd go for clements,kelsay and k. thomas. Wouldn't knock myself out trying to keep anyone else.
  19. I think I'd feel better if we made an all out push to sign NC. I'm not sure we are going to be able to keep Fletcher and we will be needing a middle linebacker sooner rather than later and cutting the cord with him might be the wiser thing to do. I'm not sure why everyone is assuming NC is as good as gone. He would be the defensive core of the playoff run (Spikes and Fletcher may have used up most of what they have in the tank.) This is a long way of saying I think we should fight like hell to maintain the status quo in DB's (with quite good backups) and perhaps look to LB's after addressing the lines in this draft.
  20. Great draft overall , that's for sure. I'm wondering if we might want to look at a center somewhere, but yours looks just fine.
  21. Thing...Thing a thong....Make it thimple..to last the whole day long....Don't worry that you're not good enough...for anyone else to see...just thing....thing a thong.....
  22. It would be difficult not to consider a second or third round pick for WM if anyone would offer. He's nobody's all-pro (unlike travis henry) he didn't get a thousand yards (unlike travis henry) he pulled himself from a game with a bellyache (but in fairness he came back in after a sandwich, a nap and kiss from mommy...unlike Travis Henry who played for the Bills with a frigging broken leg. ) In the absence of any offers, and in the absence of an outrageous request to negotiate his contract (I'm surprised we aren't demanding to renogotiate it downwards) I'd let him keep playing until the likely situation where something better comes along.
  23. I lost fifteen last year and kept it off. Mostly lost it in the summer because of a bug I picked up in Central Asia, but exercise and diet helped me keep it off. I've avoided the scale the past week and am starting today with pretty much what would be considered the weight watcher diet...only without the meetings.
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