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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Travel, reading, teaching. I used to enjoy working out, but lately it is more and more a necessary chore.
  2. i say take the best DT or Offensive lineman available at 12. Assuming that by 12 the best are gone, I'd trade down...even if a Chad Johsnon or Peterson is on the board.
  3. Interesting. All in all I have to admit the coaching staff is just fine. This is a major reason I'm so optimistic about next year. I think more so because DJ doesn't seem to be a micromanager and has confidence in the group he's put together. Ok...I'm a hopeless Bills fan, but I think next year we can be really special if we build up just one or two areas.
  4. Next year is the year to go to the playoffs and McCargo didn't show he had what it took before his injury. Our biggest weakness is the inability to stop the run (has been for some time). There will probably be the best DT available at 12 in Okoye. We can get to the playoffs with our tight ends and linebackers (if we keep LF for another year.. Okoye fixes the "London Fletcher" problem in that HE stops them at the line of scrimmage. Our receivers are fine, Royal is a good enough tight end. The only person I would take OTHER than a DT is an offensive lineman. Going for a wide receiver, tight end or running back as a first pick would be silly.
  5. Why don't we trade him to New Orleans for Reggie Bush, Drew Brees and a first round pick, while we're at it.
  6. Hey, shiit happens. Sorry for your loss, but there's another season coming along in September, and OSU had a great season with one little off day.
  7. An important consideration is how Pitcock plays against a really strong offensive line. Florida was a strong offensive line and his performance left a lot to be desired. It will certainly affect his stock, although I suspect he will still be a top 20 pick. If we're picking 12 and one of the top ten players is still on the board in a position that we need (Okoye) I say go with him Remember Okoye is VERY young, just 20 I believe, and brilliant, and shows tons of upside. I'm only worried that he might not make it to 12~
  8. Florida deserves number one, no question. They had one mother of a schedule and when push came to shove against the anointed number one team, they whooped their ass. USC gets number two for beating Michigan and a good year in a tough conference. Boise State gets number three...strength of schedule..wish they could play florida. Ohio State might get number four...
  9. I'm not saying he sucks, I'm just saying there is a better player available. And if you care to check it...I said it before the game!
  10. The SEC is really the best conference overall. As I've said before, I could put together a team using ONLY University of Tennessee Players in the NFL and it would be far better than anyting any Big 10 school could put together. As to the draft, if given the choice to take all my draft picks from OSU or all my draft picks from UF, I'd have to go for the gators (You have no idea how hard that is for a Vol. to say.)
  11. After last night Okoye is looking better and better. Now, let's think about this. Some say he won't get to the twelfth pick, which is another way of saying he is the best DT in the draft. We need a DT more than anything else (remember my Ngata rants last year.) We will have MLB's available at the second or third round or in free agency. I think we address the line. As to last night, I don't think Pitcock is the guy for us, but I'm sure impressed with Florida's offensive line. Waiting to see the rankings today....how about this? 1. Florida 2. USC 3. Boise State 4. Ohio State?
  12. There is no way we can let BOTH clements and KT walk. Ideally we will sign both of them, but we definitely should have one of them in the fold before too long. Too many very good linemen offensive and defensive to pass them up in the first or second round.
  13. We could carry 5 DT's. I'd see two coming in and Anderson going out immediately. If we cut down to four, the odd man out would be the guy who performs least well in pre-season. If they all look good, I don't think it would kill us to go with 5.
  14. Yup...that is an upside. He's just gotten better and better, and he is a brilliant kid. I gotta feeling he may be in the superstar category as he matures, As he is he would be the best available and worthy of a pick at 12.
  15. I like Amobi Okoye out of Louisville as our number one. our number one. On number two I would go with Aaron Sears out of Tennessee. This guy would be excellent at gaurd for us. At number three I'd recommend we look at Justin Harrel out of Tennessee. He would be a for sure day one pick but for a biceps injury that kept him out most of the season. Now those three picks would strengthen us on both sides of the line of scrimmage!
  16. I wouldn't necessarily cut him, but I'd be keeping an eye on our younger backers for when they are ready. I'm not seeing much out of TKO after the injury. I say give him the off-season and if he looks okay in pre-season keep him. If not...let him go. TKO is a little like Fletcher, good, but his days are pretty well numbered. I'd like to keep Fletcher for the next year as well, but with either of them it is either this year or next year before age catches up to them. I'd put the books into keeping K. Thomas and N. Clements.
  17. Boy, some people handle challenges unbelievably well. More power to them.
  18. Why not? American stores accept Canadian money and Canadian stores accept dollars. Gives the seller another way to screw you on the exchange.
  19. The last place we need help is at wide receiver. Somewhere down our Christmas list is a stud tight end, but we are in a good position to make a playoff run with the receivers we have. Our obvious weaknesses, weaknesses that will keep us, if not from getting to the playoffs, certainly from advancing in the playoffs are stopping the run and pass protection. That means DT, OG and Center options, and possibly a tight end or fullback. I think everyone gets excited about wide receivers and quarterbacks, so they like to look at them first. Let's get down to what we need...power on both sides of the line of scrimmage. We tackle that problem in the draft and free agency, and we'll be ready to make a run for the big enchilada next season!!!
  20. our NUMBER ONE need is not a MLB to make tackles at or near the line of scrimmage...It is a DEFENSIVE TACKLE who can make tackles at or behind the line of scrimmage. Hence we go for this year's NGATA or sign us a stud DT in Free agency. The other stuff will fall into place.
  21. Atlanta can be a marvelous town. Lots of colleges and Buckhead area can be terrific. Me, I'd rather stop in Savannah or Charleston or for you, maybe Asheville if you come through 40 and down 26. Have a great time!
  22. Of ALL the free agents available to us this year the one who would help us immediately and the most is=Nate Clements. Hence signing him should be our number one priority. Next priority should be defensive or offensive line upgrades. The way the system and parity works, I suspect next year is the year to make a run deep into the playoffs and maybe go all the way. Not a time to leave money on the table.
  23. Meacham would be a great first round pick for someone who needs a great receiver. Unless he can put on about 145 lbs and play defensive tackle or offensive gaurd, I think we should pass on him.
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