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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Okoye-DT Louisville...round 1 Aaron Sears OT/G Tennessee...Round 2 Brandon Siler MLB Florida...round 3 Mike Jones OG Iowa....round 4 Maurice Price WR Charleston Southern...round 5
  2. This summer I hurt my back and was kind of laid up, so I checked out 24 all seasons and pretty much watched all of it show after show with no commercials. What is funny is trying to explain it to someone who isn't watching it and all the shite that goes on in any one hour. The look on people's faces as you explain it is something to behold. I guess its one of those "you had to be there" things. I'm going to wait til it comes out on DVD as I don't care for the commercials. Nice show though.
  3. It seems a little much to expect Marv to pick the rookie of the year out of the box. Whitner was a first rate starter and will fill that position for a long time. I think he was named rookie of the month for September as well, so he sure wasn't chopped liver. Could we have traded down? That would be pure speculation. As to Mc Cargo, he did get playing time before his injury and I'm going to have to wait til next year to figure out whether he was a good first round pick...but let's give the guy a chance. I think with Whitner and the rest of the draft, plus some pretty smooth free agency moves, we have to be very happy with what ML/DJ have done. Now if they only listen to me and draft Okoye!
  4. I think if Sears had played guard through his Tennessee career, he'd be first or second. I like those mentioned ahead of him, but for who is going to be there at our pick in the second round my best guess is that Sears is the best value.
  5. Came in today to handle depositions. The whole campus is pretty much empty, but since the depositions are over I'm able to get a lot done in the relative peace and quiet of the holiday. Not bad at all, actually.
  6. Okoye would be a great first round pick. Aaron Sears, a tackle out of Tennessee who could play guard is my favorite for the second round. 300 pounds and above for the first three or four picks. We're going to the playoffs next year and need shoring up in the trenches more than anything else.
  7. Gee I thought this was another thread about ieatcrayonz and his cousin.
  8. Surprised there are many Hmong left. The North Vietnamese pretty well obliterated them in the Central Highlands for being allied with us during the war. Indigenous and very independent people. Given what they sacrificed for us, giving them an education sounds like the least we can do.
  9. McGahee is ok as a running back. Given a strengthened offensive line he might even become one of the better running backs. I say keep him for now and consider replacing him at the end of his contract. No one would particularly want him right now, and I don't see any big benefit for next year if we trade him. I think we fly with what we have next season and use our draft and free agency opportunities primarily (and almost exclusively) to improve the pass protection and stop the run.
  10. > > Actual writings on Hospital charts. > > > > 1. The patient refused autopsy. > > > > 2. The patient has no previous history of suicides. > > > > 3. Patient has left white blood cells at another hospital. > > > > 4. She has no rigors or shaking chills, but her husband states she > > was very hot in bed last night. > > > > 5. Patient has chest pain if she lies on her left side for over a > > year > > > > 6 On the second day the knee was better, and on the third day it > > disappeared. > > > > 7 The patient is tearful and crying constantly. She also appears > > to > > be depressed. > > > > 8. The patient has been depressed since she began seeing me in > > 1993. > > > > 9. Discharge status: Alive but without my permission. > > > > 10. Healthy appearing decrepit 69-year old male, mentally alert > > but > > forgetful. > > > > 11. Patient had waffles for breakfast and anorexia for lunch. > > > > 12. She is numb from her toes down. > > > > 13. While in ER, she was examined, X-rated and sent home. > > > > 14. The skin was moist and dry. > > > > 15. Occasional, constant infrequent headaches. > > > > 16. Patient was alert and unresponsive. > > > > 17. Rectal examination revealed a normal size thyroid. (I bet that > > hurt) > > > > 18. She stated that she had been constipated for most of her life, > > until she got a divorce. > > > > 19. I saw your patient today, who is still under our car for > > physical therapy. > > > > 20. Both breasts are equal and reactive to light and accommodation. > > > > 21. Examination of genitalia reveals that he is circus sized. > > > > 22. The lab test indicated abnormal lover function. > > > > 23. Skin: somewhat pale but present. > > > > 24. The pelvic exam will be done later on the floor. > > > > 25. Patient has two teenage children, but no other abnormalities
  11. Can he play defensive tackle? If not pass on him and get the defensive tackle we need...we are going well into the playoffs next year and if we are going to be successful we have to stop the run...first and foremost. After that we have to protect the passer. After that we can draft "nice" positions like tight end and linebacker and running back.
  12. hmmm...you could just tell her you're buying the tv, get a dozen donuts and a six pack on the way back, set up the tv and lay on the couch and munch down. That way you see all the sports you want, don't get cold running, keep those attractive love handles, and leave her a considerable amount of money after the big coronary! the downside is that you probably had better count on sleeping on that couch for quite some time.
  13. Leave the Bills here...send Willis and his progeny to Toronto. Geez if he ran as much as he talks and fornicates, he'd be another Jim Brown.
  14. Actually we are one that has been waiting 41 years.
  15. I knew a defensive lineman at Brockport who got an agent and ended up at the combine. I think he might have gotten a cup of coffee at a training camp. There are those who do scour Division III for talent and invites do come to combines and apparently even to some Bowl games. Division III
  16. I'm looking at a number of tackles who might be outstanding gaurds, Aaron Sears being one of them. Most of the best gaurds (and probably Sears) will be available as number 2 or even #3 picks. I'm putting my money on Okoye as the best value pick in the first round fitting our most pressing need.
  17. Clements is exactly what we need and a deal to keep him is an absolute must if we are going to advance. The "Willis Deal" thing is puzzling. I'm assuming WM is playing for us next year, but I hardly consider him a long term answer to the running back situation, unless he is going to start showing a lot more on the field. Maybe if would keep Mr. Happy in his shorts and spend a little more time in the training room.
  18. I see the second pick going to offensive line. I like Aaron Sears of Tennessee who can play gaurd or tackle. I think he might be available then. If (god forbid) we don't pick a DT in one, I'd look for someone like Justin Harrel of tennessee. He was a projected first team all american, but missed almost all of the season with a torn bicep. Obviously a homer here..but remember how I pushed for Jason Whitten.
  19. I suspect Okoye might fall out of the top ten. There is worry about his age (If THAT is the only problem, its easily fixed with a little time). If he falls we really should take him.
  20. This is another facet of building a team from the safety to the line of scrimmage and passing off the weakness up front onto the linebackers DB's. The problem...everyone knows it...is we can't stop the running game. The run up the middle is the accepted way to break the cover 2, and we aren't going anywhere until we control the line of scrimmage. Can a certain type of middle linebacker help? sure..so can a certain type of safety...The main people to stop the run at the line of scrimmage though are the players who line up at the line of scrimmage...and we aren't getting that done. Hence the need for Defensive Tackle. More than a wide receiver, more than a young MLB (assuming we re-sign Fletcher), more than a tight end, more than anything else. Blaming Fletcher for our failure to stop the running game before a 3 or 4 yard gain is a bit disengenuous. I only say this because I think there are two areas where we need to improve to get to...and perhaps well into...the playoffs. Stopping the run and better pass protection. We have to put our resources into those areas.
  21. I hold it true whate'er befall, I feel it when I sorrow most, Tis better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all (Tennyson) I hold it true whate'er befall, I feel it when I sorrow most, Tis better to have loved and lost....Far Better!! (tennyboy)
  22. I thought this was about ieatcrayons, his cousin and the pregnancy test!
  23. Well thought out, and I agree with pretty much everything. Thanks.
  24. I'm not giving up on McCargo, but I am saying we have to have an excellent run defense going into next year. I'm NOT confident that he is the answer, and I suspect he won't be. I think what we need to do is get the DT we need to contribute this year (Okoye). McCargo will develop or he won't, but I'd feel more confident going with a run stopper on the line and LF at middle linebacker, than a rookie MLB and the same defensive line we had this year. If McCargo makes it...fine. If he doesn't ...cut him. Happens all the time.
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