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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Troy Vincent and Ko... wouldn't have let him go and we'd have been ok at the safety position. New England wouldn't have run that long game killing drive in the first game, and we'd have stopped the run throughout the year without a major loss at the safety or db positions. Hence...9 or 10 wins and a playoff berth.
  2. Very interesting UFA. I was pushing for him in early rounds (along with Jason Whitten) out of college. He is perhaps one of the most talented atheletes I've ever seen at the college level. While playing WR he was also the best quarterback Tennessee had. I think we could do a lot worse than make a run at him. He'd solve that so-called number 2 receiver problem.
  3. WM is an ok running back. Nothing special. He will play better next year because he will be looking to his next contract. We'll be fine at running back. We CAN'T stop the running game. Okoye. Just like last year I was saying Ngata. While Whitner is a fine addition to the team and a worthy #8 pick, if we had picked Ngata we'd have been in the playoffs this year. We pick Okoye we'll be in the playoffs next year. We pick Marshawn we'll be treading water at the edge of the playoffs for the next year.
  4. Sure...we can wait another year with no way to stop the run and poor pass protection. Let's get yet another running back! Its not like we want to go the playoffs or anything.
  5. A SPANISH Teacher was explaining to her class that in Spanish, unlike English, nouns are designated as either masculine or feminine. "House" for instance, is feminine: "la casa." "Pencil," however, is masculine: "el lapiz." A student asked, "What gender is 'computer'?" Instead of giving the answer, the teacher split the class into two groups, male and female, and asked them to decide for themselves whether "com puter" should be a masculine or a feminine noun. Each group was asked to give four reasons for its recommendation. The men's group decided that "computer" should definitely be of the feminine gender ("la computadora"), because: 1. No one but their creator understands their internal logic; 2. The native language they use to communicate with other computers is incomprehensible to everyone else; 3. Even the smallest mistakes are stored in long term memory for possible later retrieval; and 4. As soon as you make a commitment to one, you find yourself spending half your paycheck on accessories for it. (THIS GETS BETTER!) The women's group, however, concluded that computers should be Masculine ("el computador"), because: 1. In order to do anything with them, you have to turn them on; 2. They have a lot of data but still can't think for themselves; 3. They are supposed to help you solve problems, but half the time they ARE the problem; and 4. As soon as you commit to one, you realize that if you had waited a little longer, you could have gotten a better model.
  6. oh...i hate this post. I have to say this (bile rising in my throat). I think the patriots are going to win this again. Death where is thy sting!
  7. I see us picking up a WR very late in the draft if at all. I like Marcus Price out of Charleston Southern, and kind of hope he lasts til the later rounds. IMHOP Evans is a future pro bowler and the Price/Parrish/Reed combo is fine. Royal may be close to the answer at tight end, and Cieslak at TE/FB is a nice wrinkle. All in all I'm pretty happy with the receivers.
  8. All things considered I suspect we aren't going to get much for Willis, and he is an average to slightly above average running back with a year remaining on his contract. I think we have very big needs in the offensive and defensive line, and perhaps at MLB and corner if things don't work out with Clements and Fletcher. That being the case...I think the best move is probably to keep Willis through next year. I don't see him with any long term future here and if he is thinking of landing another big contract somewhere else he should have a lot of incentive to play well next season.
  9. Well...to start with he made the team. He started from the first game. We got rid of a pretty good starting safety to put him on the field. He played well enough to the defensive rookie of the month for September (I believe..could be wrong on this.) and his play all season was outstanding. Other than that he was nothing special!
  10. Ruben, was one of many quality linemen TD let go. He and GW and for that matter Mularkey, seemed to fail to comprehend how important it was to have excellent line play. I think ML and DJ are a whole different breed of cat and will be addressing this issue this year, which will, in turn result in us getting to the playoffs, winning in the playoffs, going to the superbowl, and bringing that frigging trophy to Buffalo, where it belongs.
  11. I think that is a very good and quite a possible deal. If we can get this I'd be delighted.
  12. I'd have taken Ngata, but Whitner has proven a very worthy first round choice. Couple that with the other choices and I'm giving Marv and DJ an A on this draft.
  13. I want willis gone because he isn't a very good running back. I think I've been saying that all freakin season. Good football players are not always nice people (OJ, anyone?) On the other hand...being a football player doesn't isolate a person from criticism. The willis jock sniffers have a tough enough time convincing the rational among us that we should keep a very average running back whining through his agent about his contract. They don't have to attempt to justify the guy's off the field foibles as well.
  14. Interesting idea. I think TKO will be far more effective at the beginning of next season. I suspect he is beginning the downside of his career, but considering how good he has been his downside is probably better than most other LB's upside. It would be an interesting experiment, but I'm still thinking we'll sign LF, draft or free agent a MLB.
  15. Hey...the moms say he isn't there. If that's true that would qualify as a lowlife in my book. I'm not saying single parents or even those who father kids out of wedlock are by definition lowlifes. I admit I'm old fashioned. My basic assumption is if you father a kid you gotta play a role in raising it. Others are free to disagree. Maybe WM spends every waking moment with these three kids. If so, he's certainly not a lowlife. Average running back, but not a lowlife.
  16. I don't consider taking an active role in the raising of a child an act of a "paragon of virtue". Ordinary schmucks like most of us on this board and our parents, grandparents and all have been doing it for centuries without so much as a pat on the back. You may consider it outstandingly virtuous behavior...I still think of it as a pretty basic expectation if your going to father a child.
  17. I think we'll see attendance improve next season as we get better and better. Winning makes a huge difference, and I think we've gone such a long way this year toward a winning team that attendance won't be a problem. Just a question, but does our attendance "problem" take into consideration our huge stadium? Guess I'll do my part and come up for a game next year. Love Western New York in the fall.
  18. 19?....I think I was there once!!!! Unfortunately I think Kaye Stephenson was quarterbacking and we had a 2-14 season.
  19. I see. Well...Price will have to go somewhere else! I think he will be a good later round addition for someone.
  20. I agree that it is very wishful thinking that he might last til 5. But I like the kid and think he has potential. I suspect he'll show it in some of the all-star games or the combine and end up a late second or early third round pick.
  21. We'll have to agree to disagree on this. I consider a dad who isn't there a low life. There are lots of fathers out there who put in their time raising kids who aren't very bright (like Willis), but being there is part of the game. Fathering kids and not being there is domething that money (assuming there is "no problem" with Willis paying for the sake of argument) does not fix or excuse the failure to raise a child. Fathering the brood and not raising the brood qualifies for low life status in my book.
  22. Its my understanding that the lawsuit that brought all of this to our attention did involve child support. Could be wrong, but I'm kind of old fashioned about raising kids...support is money and commitment to raising the little rug rats.
  23. I rhink folks who have THAT many kids from THAT many women in THAT much time and are not supporting them are pretty good candidates for low-life distinction.
  24. Willis is a pretty average running back to begin with. I don't care about the other stuff, but just can't see even discussing a contract extension. I feel bad that most everyone else in foot ball sees this guy as a very limited talent (except maybe the jets?) and hardly worth a second round pick. Why we got rid of Travis Henry for this guy is beyond me. I say take what we can get and wash our hands of this guy.
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