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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. hell...we might as well look for two first round draft picks, an all pro lineman and ice cream for the season ticket holders.
  2. I'm just delighted that New England is out of it...and did it on a Brady interception! I thought for sure I was going to have to endure them again in the superbowl I guess I'll root for Indianapolis since I'm a loyal AFL fan and Manning did play at Tennessee.
  3. Jenna and Paris? I guess they could each get two terms if we could just sober them up.
  4. I say keep him for this year. He'll be in the top half of running backs in the league, and we have other areas in need of improvement for this year. Besides, I can't see anyone getting awfully excited about getting him or giving up anything special for him.
  5. He'd be a great first choice. Then when Losman gets knocked on his ass, he can see TWO tall guys he might have thrown the ball to if there had been any freakin pass protection. Maybe on our second round we can get a linebacker who can tackle runners 4 or five yards down the freakin field who got pass our defensive line.
  6. looks pretty goo, and a pretty good justification for drafing o-line. I'd rate Triplett a little lower and as much as I like Fletcher, I think I'd probably go a90 with him with 92 at the outside. I think a lot of players will have an upside next year (Losman, Evans, Whitner, Simpson, Williams, and the entire d-line if we draft Okoye). Willis is about right at 85, but I'd expect him to rate 90 through the next year (contract incentive). That's assuming no injuries or bellyaches.
  7. sounds like a lot of potential here. Negligence in supervision, Negligence by the police officer. Failure to maintain order. The kid may get his college paid for. Its a shame you can't feel safe bringing a ten year old kid to a game anymore.
  8. Let's just cut to the chase and draft...BRUCE SMITH!!! No. 1 pick..Bruce Smith..it worked before!
  9. sure thing. Lost my dad quite a few years back. The good news is he stays with you long after he's gone. You catch yourself telling his favorite jokes, or in a crisis and thinking about what he might do, you see him in your kids and (in my case) your grandkids. He may hve passed away, but the good news is he'll always be with you. Condolences.
  10. I think the sine qua non of getting to the playoffs is signing our own players. I think we HAVE to move heaven and earth to sign Clements. Kelsay and Thomas would be nice. I'm coming to the conclusion that the downside of Fletcher is the real problem of not having a run stuffing DT and he is probably unjustly taking most of the heat for that. I'm coming to the conclusion that we should re-sign him for two years. Now I know that is not the conventional thinking, but I think the only weak spot on our D is the DT and we can solve that with Okoye (like we could have last year with Ngata). We do that and our defense is fine. I think we've got to improve our offensive line and I see our second round going to a guard and maybe something in free agency. Also in free agency I see Kelly Washington of Cincy as a real possibility. Stuckincincy likes him and I've been watching him since his stint in Tennessee and have a feeling he may solve the #2 WR problem "on the cheap". Frankly we have a darn good team and we should have a real contender, not just to GET to the playoffs, but to maybe go farther with a little bit of tweaking. Very optimistic about this team.
  11. I'd go Okoye over Branch...but Branch sounds like a pretty good choice if Okoye isn't available.
  12. I wish that there were a way that both teams could lose. In my heart I am rooting for Indianapolis because I hate the Pats...but in my head I think it will probably be the Pats. Which is why I am going to find something else to do when that game is on.
  13. I think you are confusing two separate points. Many think WM is not a very special running back...average to slightly above average. For that reason we don't think he's worth a contract renegotitiation. Myself, I think we should address other needs keep him and see if he earns another contract with us next year. If he turns out to be good watch him take the money and run somewhere else. If not, listen to his excuses. Separate and entirely different, I happen to think impregnating three women to whom you aren't married and not taking the time and effort to raise the kids (whether married or not and without disparaging single parents who do take time to raise the kids properly) is low life. I may be wrong in Willis case and he might get up every morning and drive to the mother's house and play with each kid for an hour every day. God Bless him. In either case, low-life or not, he hasn't proven to be much of a running back.
  14. HMMM...any of them ever pull themselves from a game with a bellyache?
  15. I think we are looking at gaurds this year. Pass blocking is critical, but I think we should be able to get that AND someone who can open up holes. Now I'm not sure there all that many people out there who can do both things well...AND pull on complex running plays, but I think there are a few Blaylock and Sears come to mind. I'm fairly sure we'll see an offensive lineman in round 1 or 2, and maybe a second one in rounds three and four.
  16. Ahhh..but I never proposed genocide or killing gypsies, my friend. The girlfriend part of your comment I don't understand, but then again...what do you expect from a guy who sleeps with his cousin?
  17. maybe he can put on weight and play guard. I suspect we'd be better off getting us some help on the line or at cornerback or middle linebacker if we lose clements and fletcher. Maybe we can go with him and another wide receiver, and we can all kinds of wide receivers and running backs sitting on the bench while our first stringers and quarterbacks get knocked on their friggin asses behind the line of scrimmage.
  18. Actually, I never did meet or kiss Katie (although I'm sure she was eminently kissable.) I was referring to the female ability to store every possible slight and bring it up incessantly. Kind of like you and the gypsy thing.
  19. AHHHHH yes...been there...done that. I think you are describing a phenomenon that is pretty much universal.
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