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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. I agree with Pyrite Girl on the three year rule. Hell..I believe OJ Simpson had a less than stellar first two years (the coach wanted himat flanker) JP Losman had his trials and tribulations as did a lot of rookies and even second year people.
  2. Actually..its about race. White guys are getting blowjobs in high schools all over Georgia and the number of them in prison for ten years? An inexorable ZERO. If the prosecutor tried to run roughshod over white guys this way he'd be brought before the ethics board and pilloried...kind of like Duke.
  3. two homers to be looking at at the senior bowl and maybe for us at a later than first pick. Justin Harrell at defensive tackle and Jonathan Wade at Cornerback both from UT. Harrell was compared to Haynseworth and Henderson before his injury at the beginning of the seaon. If he's completely healthy he could be a steal.
  4. okoyeSeems the Bills are looking at our draft analysis.
  5. I partially agree with your point. WM does not come close to TT.
  6. Whenever he actually played football (and played it well enough to get everyone's attention as a hell of a defensive lineman) he weighed over 310 and was anything but logy. He will play somewhere around 290 on Saturday and he will be working with the Bills staff on nutrition issues to find an optimum weight. I don't know why anyone would take his weight on January 20, 2007, after the regular season, as the weight at which he will be playing. run stuffing in the middle of the defensive line (big fat or little and skinny) is what kept us out of the playoffs this year and will keep us out of the playoffs next year. I don't care much how much he weighed last week, or even how he practices. I'll be interested in saying how he actually plays football...
  7. Interesting that Dr. Z. indicated he was voting for Dr. Z "Ditto Thurman Thomas, the engine that ran the Bills' K-Gun run-and-shoot offense and got them into four Super Bowls. "You'll notice," Jim Kelly used to say, "they call it the run-and-shoot, with run first, not the other way around. Thurman is the guy who makes it go." Looking at the auperbowl just solidifies my feeling that TT deserves to be in the HOF.
  8. From listening to the various coaches and announcers on NFL channel for the Senior Bowl, they seem to think that Kalil is the outstanding center, if not the best offensive lineman in the draft. I am pulling for Okoye and a guard as the second pick (I like Sears from Tennessee) but this guy sounds like quite a deal and we might do worse than to pick him if he makes it to us in the second round.
  9. How bout Jack Kemp? Waived by San Diego and took us to two AFL championships and only one game away from Superbowl 1?
  10. Olivier made some terrific movies, hamlet, Henry V...but I liked him as the bad guy in Marathon Man.
  11. I'm not sure about Reed. God he made some bonehead plays in the playoffs and clutch games, including drops in the first Superbowl, dumb penalties. On the other hand he had some unbelievable games. All in all...I don't think he's hall of fame material. I know I'm in the minority here on this, but I just don't see him in that caliber. Best receiver the Bills ever had, but not in the running for HOF.
  12. WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING TAKING TIME OFF TO GO ZEBS...get back to work Dick, call in pizza and get us ready to go to the Superbowl!!!!!
  13. Thurman Thomas was an AWESOME running back. OJ...Thurman...and then a bunch of other guys.
  14. If we agreed to not use the franchise tag, we shouldn't use it regardless of what we would get for it. I think that using it would be a very dishonorable thing to do. I'm hoping we figure a way to resign him, but if not we'll have to make the best deal we can and move on.
  15. Yeah..but if we let him go what about all of those white rich suburban high schoolers who did the same thing and are rotting in Georgia prisons? Oh....wait a minute...there aren't any of those in Georgia prisons.
  16. Whooaaaaa...this isn't McCargo. He successfully played the defensive line for Louisville at 16! He's smart and coachable, and has gotten light years better each year he has played. There is no reason to assume he won't develop in the NFL. He also has a maturity (excellent student...mature individual) that would allay fears of his going off the deep end in the NFL...although you never really know.
  17. For some reason I thought Conlan had not played in that game. I was wrong. Reed sure dropped a lot of easy passes. Thomas was a monster, and should have been used more. Gee...Norwood should have kicked that field goal a little more to the left.
  18. Law school is a huge commitment of time and effort. You'd be crazy to go on a whim. Part time programs are very good for an option and many law schools prefer people who have had a break between undergraduate. I teach at a law school in Virginia, and many of my students are your age or older. No big thing. Be happy to discuss more if you get serious about going.
  19. Right now Okoye is a no-brainer, clearly the best player at our position of most need. He can and has played very well at the 310 range and has slimmed down to be looking good. I remember one other defensive lineman we put a first round on who never really did much in the NFL until he lost some weight...and I think we are all pretty happy with Bruce Smith. Things might change leading up to the draft. Depending on free agency moves (Bills leaving and new folks coming) our needs might change. Okoye will be a major improvement for some team like Ngata was. We'll just have to see if he's the guy for us. No doubt in my mind that right now he is the best use of our number one pick.
  20. They could do a lot worse than those three picks! Look at the Jets with Ferguson and Mangold. I'm still kind of hoping for Okoye as a first pick, but could live with your suggestion. Just looking for big tough guys in the trenches.
  21. Geez...I'll be interested in seeing how the tight ends play at Miami next year. What on EARTH do the dolphins see in this guy to warrant keeping him coaching ANYONE?
  22. Well...when WM brings up all those illegitimate kids.... Or...given the problems the NFL has had with some athletes.."You know the price of cocaine these days?"
  23. Goofd for him. I think he will make an excellent head coach. Thought he did a great job for the bills except for an unfortunate statement. Wade...for future use...It ain't EVER over until the fat lady sings.
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