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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. yeah...but how many mares were impregnated? A bunch of freaking Willises if you ask me!!!
  2. Never considered the Supreme Court's decision in Brown V. Board of Education (where the court specifically referred to and relied on the original experiment) as "misguided".
  3. Sometimes, given the way humans treat humans, I'd say that is a pretty low hurdle to jump!
  4. I like him a lot and I like Leonard of Rutgers a lot. However....we have other needs and McGahee is good enough to take us to the playoffs if we fix our lines. At fullback the Cieslak experiment appears to be pretty successful. the criticism of Leonard is that he isn't a good blocker, which would turn me off. Hunt is definitely going to be a good choice for someone in the first round or maybe at worst in the early second round. We HAVE to get a lineman or, as some are maintaining, a linebacker with the first two rounds. God forbid we may even have to get a cornerback if we don't keep Clements. I don't see us having much room to grab a running back this year.
  5. They shoot horses, don't they? That was one hell of a fine horse.
  6. Very hard decision with all of the candidates. I'll go Jim Kelly, but Thurman, Bruce, Cornelius, Darryl Talley, Kent Hull, Andre Reed, House Ballard and a whole lot of other people are in the mix. What a remarkable team. Watching th superbowl against the Giants my favorite play was Bruce Smith's safety. How Hofsteder managed to hang on to that ball and avoid a fumble (Bills touchdown) I'll never know.
  7. Picked my screenname because I'm in Tennessee, and like the place. I suspect you're not inbred. I don't really care much how many of your cousins you sleep with (by "tied for fifth" did you mean you were sleeping with TWO of your cousins at once?) One could be fifth and the other sixth. Even among incestuous FIVE cousins..or six...is a little excessive. I'm getting emails from a lot of inbreds who resent being lumped in with you, by the way. I guess we have carried on this dispute about as far as we should. Why don't we call a truce? Maybe we can sit down over a Canadian Club and listen to gypsy music?
  8. The Bills and Jets will NOT..repeat NOT battle for the AFC East next season. The bills will CRUSH the jets....humiliate them. Win both games in shutouts...leave blood and green and white jersey parts all over the field. The two games will be the equivalent of off day practices on the way to the SUPERBOWL. ....hmmm....I gotta stop drinking so much coffee.
  9. 1. You jumped to a conclusion because you are a moron. I've worked and lived with Roma in Ukraine, Turkey and Central Asia. Try it some time. Got no reason to dislike them. 2. I didn't make the statement you quoted. Check again. Maybe being inbred effects your sight. 3. I'm from South Buffalo, not Tennessee. 4. You obviously have not seen the movie in question. See it and then tell me what it is in it. Try looking at the running of jew sequence or the scenes at the bed and breakfast run by a Jewish couple and get back to me.
  10. you really are a friggin moron. I was pointing out (ironically) that Cohen would get away with maligning the people of Kazahkstan because he took advantage of some poor Romanian gypsies and made fools of them in making his movie and nobody was going to care because they were "only gypsies" and had no recourse. The oppression of the Roma in Eastern Europe and elsewhere has quite a history and they were treated very badly. I only wish them well and hope they receive better treatment.
  11. I was in Albany. Took one day to get to Rochester and another day to get to Buffalo. Buffalo looked like a nuclear disaster. I had to hitchhike past stalled cars with snowmobiles (thanks guys!) giving me lifts to get home to the wife and baby. What an experience!
  12. I taught in Kazakhstan this summer, and one of the great sites is the Soviet speed skating facility in the mountains outside of Almaty. Many world records were set there. Also the site of the Soviet Space program. Despite the recent movie brouhaha, the capitol hosts the larges Russian Orthodox Catholic Church only a street away from the largest Muslim Mosque and close to the largest Jewish Synagogue in all of Central Asia. Nice country and nice people.
  13. crayonz...I know inbreeding over time can cause dementia, and I suspect that your recent fascination with your relatives probably reflects on your heritage, but could you kindly do me a favor and point to one instance in which I wished gypsies anthing evil whatsoever? Contrary to your pathetic attacks on the people of Canada and now apparently the elderly, I have no opinions regarding gypsies. I would request you to cite the language I ever used to recommend killing gypsies.
  14. Okoye will be in the 300 range by the time the combine rolls around, and, if drafted by the Bills will be playing at the 210-315 range. 287 was an anamoly for him and people are acting like that is his normal weight, even though he actually played last season at the 315 range. He's not all that smallish. In his interview after the game the first thing he said was that he was going home to put on weight for the combine. Cut to the chase....this guy can play football with the best of them and is a leader at 19. God knows what he'll be like at 21.
  15. Guess things haven't changed as much as we thought.
  16. number 2. You live with one foot in the past and one foot in the future you end up pissing on today. You got the Bill now, use it and go for the gusto with NO regrets!
  17. In mine as well. best wishes for a great outcome and speedy recovery. He has to be healthy when the bills win the superbowl next February!
  18. I don't know what dev/null puts in his sandwiches, but I want to what bakery he gets that bread from.
  19. Isn't it pretty obvious that the two biggest problems the bills have are stopping the run and pass protection? It would make sense that those would be the needs we would address, and we address those through the trenches. We have good, but aging (TKO and Fletcher) linebackers and Crowell and Ellison are no slouches, so I don't see linebacker as a major pick. I say sign Fletcher and roll the dice with what we have. If we lose Clements, CB will jump to near the top of the list (I like Wade from Tennessee as a third round pick in that case.) I still think our need is a DT (can you spell Okoye?) and a fine guard (Sears from Tennessee...Guess I'm a homer). Everything else is nice but not necessary.
  20. yup...but at least we don't sleep with our cousins!
  21. unfortunately, I think Okoye may have played himself into a top ten pick, and after he puts back on about ten pounds for the combine, I think he may get into the top five. Gruden loves him and his former coach may take him. In his interview he indicated he was putting on weight as advised by scouts, and he played in the 315 level all season. He was the player of the game and if available he is the guy we need at number one. My only concern is that he will be off the board. Leonard looked terrific and the Miami DT on the South team looked pretty good. Okoye is our number one though.i
  22. The DA, like a police officer, has a lot of discretion on whether to prosecute...even if it appears the crime has been committed. Ever hear the "Why didn't you stop the car in front of me..he was speeding too" argument? Prosecutorial discretion especially in a case like this would have been appropriate.
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