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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. yeah yeah yeah. and they are the ones who decided to go war, to not use enough troops, to disband the Iraqi army and screw this up. Check with "the decider." The compelling evidence turned out (as I said at the time) not to be evidence at all but something Cheney et. al. made up.
  2. nope...he left office! Now if Bush would just do that we might end this mess he got us into.
  3. 1. Apparently you have paid for this semester and it is too late to get a refund? If so finish this semester. 2. If you don't like law why would you take a summer job with a law firm? Tend bar in Miami Beach, paint houses and just get away from it all for a few months. 3. Regretting what you didn't do last year gets you nothing. 4. No matter how you cut it two years of law school means pretty much nothing. You either have a JD or you don't. 5. Consider taking the summer to look at options for a JD outside of the traditional practice of law. Work for an interesting government agency or political organization or church group. 6. Join the Peace Corps (Seriously a break might do you good and expand your horizons...easy to take a leave of absence and get some student loans forgiven.) It sounds like the mid-course blues to me...just take it easy, finish the semester you paid for and make your decisions carefully. Best of luck.
  4. I'd contrast them. JFK actually served in combat. LBJ had the good sense to leave when he realized his mistakes in Vietnam were ruiining the country. Bush could learn a little from both of them. I don't think either of them would ever have characterized Vietnam as a "marvelous success" as Cheney apparently did last week. Maybe he's drinking the same Kool-Aid you are?
  5. I suspect Bush/Cheney kool aid is more your flavor. Too bad that the corpses resulting are innocent soldiers.
  6. I honestly think that the Tampa 2 which we seem to be bent on using has its weakest spot in the middle of the defensive line. I think we are actually good enough except for that Achilles heel to go deep into the playoffs. Someone has to hold that defensive line together this coming season. I say that in part because I think the moment you can get to the playoffs, with free agency and parity the way it is...you have to move heaven and earth to win now. That means plugging that glaring hole (again not just a blaring hole for the Buffalo Bills, which it is, but also the glaring weakness of the Tampa 2) now. Some think that can be done with a MLB, but I don't think that will do. I'd rather keep Fletcher and fix the front four with a guy like Okoye. I'm not ready to give up on McCargo, and love Williams, but for my money I'll take my chances on having too many good DT's (having fresh horses on the D line is not a bad strategy over the course of the season anyway.)
  7. Nah..I think it just means we are fat. If tyra wants to pack on a few pounds, good for her. Its not like she is hoping to bed any of us on this board.
  8. Two points. One the Tampa 2 is indeed popular and as it became more and more popular people become more and more aware of what it takes to beat it. Point 2...the obvious and accepted way to beat it is running up the middle. It draws the safeties in and opens up the long bomb (Evans year being a case in point.) By next year if you can't stop the run, the Tampa 2 is not for you.
  9. Forgot about Petrino. Guess Okoye is getting to be something of a long shot. Pretty hard for him to pass up on Okoye having coached him for so long.
  10. I suspect its more likely the people invading Danville California will be coming from China rather than Iraq. Something about those little gangs of insurgents running around Iraq make me less nervous about them than I am about China or Al Qaeda (which has little or nothing to do with what's happening in Iraq.) Go back to drinking the Kool Aid!
  11. It is nice that JP gets mentioned...but let's wait til next year when he can earn his way in as the first choice!
  12. Sometims you gotta get by the defensive line to hit the middle linebacker. the term run stuffing defensive tackle comes to mind.
  13. It isn't like, "we tried to find a DT to improving our run defense twice and weren't successful, so the hell with it." It's more like "We still haven't defended the run, the best player available at DT in the draft at twelve will be a guy who can do it and make our line solid."
  14. Sounds a little like that offensive tackle described in the book "Blind Side." Surprising what lengths kids go to to be successful. Makes me feel a little ashamed at how good life has been to me. I coached hockey (kids) and ran a hockey league for a few years and looking back I think working with kids like that is the thing I'm most proud of in my life.
  15. I would say no way Okoye would be a top five pick except for the fact that Gruden knows and loves him (hearing references to him as a "young Warren Sapp".) I think he MAY be the Tampa Bay pick, but if not we should grab him. Tampa may go with Brady Quinn.
  16. Just found out my future son-in-law, a captain who has done heavy duty logistics work in Korea and now in the States got news that he is going to Iraq on Wednesday to "work with Iraqi police". No training, no police experience, and not in his field. Hey..i'm a Vietnam vet and appreciate that if you wear the uniform you go...but don't they train people to do things as dangerous as fighting with Iraqi police as your combat buddies? Normally I'd post this on the nazi board, but I'm kind of reeling from the news right now. Frtunately the kid is an outdoors junkie and is in top notch physical condition. Watched the opening of the Center for the Intrepid this week and am constantly thinking of those brave young men and women. Got the VA cemetery across the street and watch the constant burials of the less fortunate. Hope the folks sending them know what they are doing.
  17. Strongly disagree. All of the picks cited are nice but not necessary. Necessary is fixing the defensive and offensive lines.
  18. I agree. While I've been pushing for him for a month, there may be some changes that will warrant a change. Loss of Clements is a big one, although even in such a case I think Okoye is the best first pick. Major free agent signing of a DT? In that case I think we go back to the boards. I don't see any outstanding athlete that might "slip" to us that we would avoid getting Okoye. The big problem for us will be Tampa grabbing him with the fourth pick. Gruden loves the guy.
  19. Gotta go with Doug Williams as the best one game qb. Facing legendary Denver Broncos quarterback John Elway, Williams engineered a 42-10 rout, in which the Redskins set an NFL record by scoring five touchdowns in the second quarter. Williams completed 18 of 29 passes for 340 yards, with four TD passes, and was named Super Bowl MVP. from wikipedia
  20. God bless her. A little junk in the trunk isn't going to hurt anything. Life is too short to give a rat's heinie about whether your a few pounds over model size. Maybe after vacation she'll drop a few pounds, maybe not. To be honest I could afford to drop more than a few my own self.
  21. I agree with smokinandjokin about deciding what you WANT to do not what you don't want to do. Life happens while you plan something else. I got out of the service and worked for commissioner blair of the BPD. He had a law degree and rose to become commissioner of police. Friends I went to law school are vice presidents of major corporations, law professors, novelists and one is a professional umpire. Many enter foreign service, run Non-governmental organizations in foreign countries. Many have exciting careers in JAG. A law degree doesn't narrow you my friend...it opens up a lot of doors. You have half the money spent for something that screams quitter on your resume. Spend the other half, get the JD and then do what you want and love to do. you can teach english for $35,000 a year or teach law for $105,000. In any event finish this semester.
  22. Get real. Travis played backup to Jamal Lewis at Tennessee and more recently to Chris Brown at the Titans. He played for the Bills for two yearsafter McGahee was drafted, and preferred to be the starting back or have a fair chance to be a starting back somewhere. Chose the Titans and it worked out fine. Drafting WM was a mistake given our needs and the fact we had a perfectly good (pro-bowl in fact) running back at the time. Just to be fair to WM I think we would make exactly the same mistake (only with a lesser running back) if we drafted a RB in the first round this time.
  23. nigerian years have eighteen months. Hence the guy is nearly 29 years old. I think he's a little old to wasting a first round draft choice on.
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