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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Or as the philosopher Popeye once said..."I yam what I yam and that's all what I yam!"
  2. Compare him to other defensive linemen eligible for the draft...he wins Compare him to other players who migh conceivably be eligible at twelve...he wins or ties Compare him to positions of need to stop our biggest problem- run defense...he wins-and he is no slouch in pass rushing either.
  3. For the record: I'm not relying on a scouting report. I was touting this guy when he wasn't even being considered as a first round pick I'm not relying on his date of birth. He's demonstrated maturity as a player, as a leader and by getting his college degree in three years. I'm not relying on his weight the week of the Senior Bowl. He's played just as well heavier and did a nice job in the senior bowl at 287. He'll do a nice job for us at 305 or 310. What I am relying on is his ability to play the game of football. By the time he plays for us he'll be 20 years old, will have three years experience playing Division 1A Big East football and holding his own in the Senior Bowl. This isn't drafting a kid who has played HIGH SCHOOL basketball into the NBA.
  4. I'd like a little more detail on the partying. Were Kelly and others out til 6 am on game day? If so that would be a problem. Were they so drunk they couldn't walk? That would be a problem. Were they at a club til midnight and had a few beers? Well...not a good idea, but hardly a major problem.
  5. Okoye is going to be great. Trust me, I'm a lawyer!
  6. I'm old fashioned...but going to the bathroom is a pretty special moment. Somehow having a TV in there takes away from the majesty of the event.
  7. I understand your point. Many of these 18 year old high school players are spoiled and just out of high school. This guy has played lots of football with older players, is a college graduate (showing more maturity than a LOT of players we draft) and handles himself very well on and off the field. He may or may not be the "right size" for what we need (I understand the inclination to go with Branch, and if I didn't think Okoye was such a find, I'd be right along with him as a choice ...and I'd be okay if we did end up choosing him or even Blaylock.) I just think Okoye has the talent and drive to be a huge factor on the defensive line...at 20 years old or however old he will be when he shows up in camp.
  8. Says more about the Bills than about drafting defensive tackles...just ask Warren Sapp! I'm not saying draft Okoye ONLY because he was so good in the senior bowl. Let me repeat...LOOK AT HOW HE HAS PLAYED FOOTBALL THE LAST TWO YEARS. should we have passed on drafting Bruce Smith because we made a bad decision with Walt Patulski? Pass on Shane Conlan because we made a bad with Tom Cousineau? I think you have to take the player on his own merits...and this one is a top ten (maybe top five pick) In the less and less likely situation that he falls to us...I say take him.
  9. Considering the personnel doing the picking, I'm not at all surprised. I was assuming the pickers had some idea of how to evaluate talent. Even if they had picked Kelsay instead of McGahee, there would have been a high pick to get someone we needed more than we needed another running back.
  10. Having watched the Bills in four of the things, I'd recommend putting it IN the toilet bowl.
  11. He was definitely the best lineman at the senior bowl on either team (at 19 and at 287) He was probably the best defensive tackle in the country (at 18 and 19 and at 315). He was the sparkplug for the defense in the Senior Bowl by most accounts. He is graduating from college before training camp (unlike what percentage of "mature" 22 year olds we draft?)...I'd go by the way he plays football, not by the date on his birth certificate.
  12. 9. Amobi Okoye, DT, Louisville (6-1½, 298) | previous: 13 A four-year veteran, and he is only 19 years old. Okoye is quick and explosive and goes all-out on every play. He is not only good at eating up space but also gets good penetration into the backfield. Why on earth would we want to waste a pick on a guy like that?
  13. But...isnt' that putting Descartes before the horse?
  14. Very good advice...that smokinanjokin guy has a lot on the ball....start smokin whatever he's smokin and everything will work out just fine!!!
  15. She is what she is. Actually I think the whole point is that she is getting to be more than she is. or she isn't what she was? Never mind.
  16. You either have a job that pays 35k or you don't. From a financial point of view if you finish law school you'll be making in the 60k level very shortly at a minimum. This is presuming you don't go to the 80 hour a week NYC or major city firms where your salary will be in the 150k rate or higher...but you'll probably have a more interesting and rewarding experience at the 60k range. Forget law school on your resume. No one..believe me no one...is going to be impressed that you "attended" law school. one year one and a half years or two years ain't gonna get you a cup of coffee. Take a date for your decision, sometime after this semester. Forget the law firm job. You already know you won't like it and that that is not what you want to do. Do something different or explore options. Its your life and your decision. Aim toward your future. Whatever decision you make will be the right one for you.
  17. How do you figure $80k in opportunity costs? Do you have a job that pays 80k that you can go to right now?
  18. Great Linebackers? Butkus, Huff, Tommy Nobis...Nick Buoniconti was pretty darn good as well. Boy there are a lot of great middlelinebackers to consider....
  19. See...I am of the school of thought that PPP has been in its own "Idiocracy" mode since dumping folks who think for themselves...but that's a story for another day!
  20. I always had a problem with Descartes line "I think therefore I am" Doesn't make sense. Shouldn't it be..."I think therefore I think I am?"
  21. Popeye actually began the process with his famous..."I yam what I yam and that's all that I yam" line. It kind of took off from there.
  22. Hey...its last week but fits you two. You and the major righties on the nazi board are probably the only ones who believe this war is such a "marvelous success" or whatever Cheney said. I was referring to the Kool Aid as a nice way of avoiding calling you a moron~
  23. of course he did...are you watching the Libby trial? I mean everyone in the world now knows how Cheney and all manipulated and lied to manufacture a justification to invade Iraq. That Kool aid you're drinking must be laced with something!
  24. I'm reluctant to say I enjoyed this flick...but in a wierd way I got a kick out of ...Snakes on A Plane."
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