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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. boils down to the Darryl LaMonica trade, followed by the Cookie Gilchrist trade. The curse of Joel Collier.
  2. I suspect Eric is on the downhill drive in his career. He's probably best off playing out the contract in Houston and then moving into life after football. I think we already have receivers pretty darn close to Eric's present abilities right now. I suspect there will better and cheaper options to us inthe WR corp in free agency. For my money, I'm fairly happy with Price, Reed and Parrish myself.
  3. Strength of schedule is a tricky thing. Lots of things happen after a season, before the next season, and during the next season. I'm always hesitant to predict anything from the schedule. We have three teams we always worry about (twice) and the rest are what they are...wait a minute...I think I'm coming up with a new phrase...."It is what it is!"
  4. Actually aren't you tipping the pizza delivery guy? He's pretty much picking the stuff up and bringing it to you. 17 is a lot of pizzas to deliver, and your tip sounds pretty good to me. I think I wouldn't put him in the class of a waiter though. Very different jobs.
  5. Steinbach maybe? I suspect he'd be our big money pick. Stuckin and I would like to see us get Kelley Washington...
  6. 3.9 is nothing to write home to mama about...but its pretty mediocre. The "above average" statement reflects hope that with a better offensive line and an injury free season he might up it a bit. I've got to admit that to date he isn't much...but he's okay and might be better with a better offensive line. In any event we can't win with the existing pass rush and the existing run defense...we can win with the existing running game...and I have this inexplicable feeling (for what its worth) that WM can play a little better than he has so far.
  7. when all is said and done Willis will do for this year. Nothing to do with his sleeping habits or stupidity in dealing with the press, just his plain average or slightly above average ability...There may be something more there, although I haven't seen it. I can't see dealing him at this point. As to trades and drafts our needs are really much more compelling in the offensive and defensive line. I think WM is going to be just fine for this year. We'll see what develops after that.
  8. Why don't we draft a non-subpar DT instead? Okoye comes to mind.
  9. I've liked Julius Jones (and his brother) since they played high school ball in Big Stone Gap near here. However, I don't think I'd go for the trade. For this year McGahee is fine, and I'm not sure Julius is that much better. The upside might be that Julius (or is it Junious) Jones may have less mileage and less injury on him. Interesting possibility...but I think I'd come down on the side of keeping WM this year.
  10. I prefer Target, but I don't mind Wal-Mart. Guess it would depend on what I'm shopping for. Target gets higher marks for all the things you mentioned, but in my case its in a mall with a Books a million and a TJ Maxx and a Pier 51 so I tend to go there enjoying a visit to the other stores as well... don't get that at a Wal-Mart.
  11. Play sports? Softball, Bowling, Basketball leagues are a great way to make friends.
  12. I would love to re-sign him. I heard on Sirius NFL over the weekend that NO is one of a number of teams serious about him. I'm reluctantly coming to the conclusion that NC is going to get a HUGE HUGE contract on the market, far more than even he is worth. I'm almost resigned to the fact that we are not going to be able to keep him. I'm hopeful that Youbooty will step up, but might look in the third round to Wade of Tennessee or that kid from East Carolina. Might get someone in free agency. Beefing up our defensive line and aggressive pass rushing might help somewhat with our loss of NC class cornerbacks.
  13. Willis is going to be just fine for this season, after which we let him go. He is not a premier back by any means, but I think he will be a producer with a little more help from the O-Line. Let him show what he can do this year, and unless we see something we haven't yet, I don't see the Bills going head to head with Rosenhaus to keep him. He is an average to possibly slightly above average back. Its up to him to prove he is anything better than that, and he ain't done that yet.
  14. I'd re-sign Fletcher. I think he takes a lot of criticism for us failing to solidify the center of the defensive line. Get a first rate DT and I think Fletcher will be just fine.
  15. I saw "Deliverance". Maybe its the banjo playing.
  16. How bout a big penetrating DT? Okoye comes to mind. He played at 310 in college and at 287 in senior bowl (McCargo is 395) and will probably be playing somewhere around 310 for the Bills. Linebacker is a nice thing to get...but we need to stop the run and Okoye will stop the run. Will McCargo play well? I hope so, but I know we are going to need four DT's to be competitive.
  17. I've thought about it. Picking Dwayne Jarrett is a great idea. It figures well into our seven year plan for getting to the superbowl. Think of how JP will develop next year learning how to avoid the pass rush and getting all that time to think about his play as we fail again to stop the run game, giving JP a lot of time to talk with coaches on the sideline. We will preserve Evans and Jarrett as they can develop their run routes with exactness as they turn around and watch JP develop toughness by getting sacked! Maybe in two or three years we can put together an offensive and defensive line and really start on our way to the playoffs.
  18. maybe..let's see how the two of them play. I'm not so sure as to say your pudding will be spoiled. The comparison is pretty good by the way. Tennessee had a number of good quarterbacks who were less than successful in the pros before Manning. Your saying that because the other Tennessee receivers (many of whom are still playing and starting in the pros) predict the success of Meacham is pretty much on point.
  19. He played all year at 310 (McCargo I believe, weighs in at 295). I Lets see what Okoye weighs at the combine. He played better than anyone else in the trenches at 285 in the Senior Bowl, so I could live with him weighing 7 pounds less than McVargo,,,but I suspect he will play at 305 in the pros.
  20. You need four strong DT's to win. At nearly 300 pounds and with susceptibility to injury you can't have a "second string" DT. Arguably we have two pretty good first stringers right now...Williams and Triplett and a question mark in McCargo (but I think he is going to be quite good). Okoye is a sure fire first stringer and maybe a lot more than that. Getting the four of them working together would make for very strong center of the defensive line and would fix the weakest part of the team. The other defensive tackles have shown nothing much to justify keeping them.
  21. I'm thinking we stick with Royal and spend the free agent money on bigger areas of need. I'm assuming we draft a couple or three linemen with our draft picks. I think I'd be looking for a CB (if clements goes) a WR or a MLB (certainly if Fletcher goes!). TE can wait until we have someone rise to the top in the draft. I don't think anyone is in the pool this year.
  22. Ahhhh...and when Peyton Manning was in the draft you were probably one of those morons who said Tennessee QB's never made it in the NFL and went with Ryan Leaf! I'll save this post til next year...let's see which WR performs better. Proof is in the pudding.
  23. I think he's pretty well into the first round and I suspect after the combine he will be a top ten pick. I'm hoping he lasts to get with us. We'll see what happens at and after the combine.
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