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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. I think what he REALLY was saying was that he hated gays. Let me check....hmmm...yup...I think the phrase "I hate gays" would probably justify that conclusion.
  2. He could be a Jim Plunkett type. Plunkett had a nightmare few years with the patriots and then sat the bench behind LaMonica at Oakland, regrouped, and became an exceptionally good qb for the raiders. Don't know if there is anyone willing to "rehabilitate" a shell shocked qb or who can afford to invest the time and effort in this free agency era. I think a fifth round pick to keep him as a backup and long shot investment might work for some team...but certainly not the bills, where Losman looks like a good long term bet and Nalls is the reserve in training. Maybe the Jets as a backup to Pennington? I suspect its just too much of a risk, though and it may be time for Carr to get on with his life.
  3. The whole world is suffering with unhappy souls The french hate the germans, the germans hate the poles the poles hate ukrainians, south africans hat the dutch, And I don't like ANYBODY very much. Welcome to the hate club timmer!
  4. If a guy gay can score 35 points a game, Timmy....you're history!
  5. I'm not sure we can't keep Thomas for goodness sake. I would think that would be a no-brainer with Clements going. I'm for dealing with the front seven first....starting with the front four....actually the middle of the front four.
  6. Two from Tennessee that I can think of Albert Haynesworth for the Titans and John Henderson... My favorite Bills pick for last year Haloti Ngata comes to mind. SPLIT TOT SOLO AST SACK STF STFY FF BK INT YDS AVG LNG TD PD 2006 31 13 18 1.0 1 5 0 0 1 60 60.0 60 0 2 Career 31 13 18 1.0 1 5 0 0 1 60 60.0 60 0 Still think if we'd have drafted Ngata we'd have been in the playoffs. Still think if we draft Okoye or Branch we'll be in the playoffs.
  7. yup...a half billion dollar corporation that just won the superbowl under his leadership. Think they're going to fire him for saying what pretty much all of us have said or thought at one time or another?
  8. hmmm...Barge Inn, Jimmie Macks, Casey's, The Ale House....ahhh the memories. Douobt if your old enough to remember the Roxbury Inn...
  9. In Rochester there was a place called "The Office" which was a nice name...I'm going to spend a few more hours at the office....where were you last night...got stuck at the office.
  10. While I generally don't verbalize the phrase "break his fuggin legs" has crossed my thought paths on occassion in certain games where some player was whooping our asses. I have to admit I was one of the many bills fans who cheered (at least silently...most were quite loud) when Mike Stratton gave the hardest tackle ever delivered by a Buffalo Bill against Keith Lincoln in the AFL championship game. I think I'll cut a guy a break for a statement like that during a game while a player is whupping your butt. However...if the Flutester were just in there for a show in a game out of reach I'd think it was quite rude and poor sportsterish...but hey...who said GM's have to be nice?
  11. yeah..the hell with position. It's not like you need anyone at ALL the positions if you have three or four at a really neat one!
  12. Breakfast Club...right on the beach...ahhhh... http://www.tybeeisland.com/dining/brclub/Default.htm
  13. Bingo..for my money the best restaurants in the United States are in Savannah or Charleston. Best Breakfast in the world is on Tybee Island at the Breakfast Club. Western New York, I like Oban Inn and the various winery restaurants at Niagara on the Lake.
  14. How about Zak DeOssie from Brown? I see us being able to take him in a later round http://brownbears.cstv.com/sports/m-footbl...ssie_zak00.html
  15. good analysis. I'd franchise Fletcher though and put my money into building the front four. Okoye or Branch would be the first round pick for me, and I might even to for Justin Harrel if he makes it to round 3 (doubtful). I think there will be very good gaurd candidates there at 2 (Aaron Sears comes to mind). I worry about CB if Clements goes (like to keep him but I think there isgoing to OBSCENE money coming his way in free agency and we have to be keeping our heads about us.) I might look to free agency to get an "insurance" CB. I think our receivers are okay as is, but might take a flyer on Kelley Washington if available, and later in the draft look to that HUGE linebacker from Brown. It will be interesting to see how the combine goes. All in all Pyrite gal, I think we're not far from being real contenders. My priorities would be to add strength to the trenches first and foremost and try to sign and keep the talent we have, although I can't see how we will be able to keep NC.
  16. I remember one play in particular with Harris. Third and one and he did a qb sneak, broke through and ran about 65 yards for a touchdown. Now...with scrambling qb's like Vick and Young that isn't such an astounding thing, but at the time we all thought qb's were constitutionally incapable of actually running the ball. I believe Briscoe played qb in college and at denver in addition to WR. He was not bad at all either. Remember this wasn't more than a few years from the New Orleans Pro Bowl where the Black players simply could not room with white players resulting in a strike . Jack Kemp played a role in that.
  17. Be interesting to see all of those offensive on the sidelines watching the opposing teams and their clock-eating run drives. We'll save a lot of money on laundry as it's unlikely the offense will get dirty.
  18. Start with the weight issue. The kid played last season at 315. He showed up at the Senior Bowl at 287 (mcCargo is eight pounds heavier than that) and said in an interview after the game he was going home to put on weight at the combine. He'll be 20 at training camp, a college graduate and a hell of a lot more mature than many who show up at training camp at 21 or 22. He was successful at the senior bowl at stopping the run and the pass...and the guy played some top flight college teams at Louisville. He was and continues to be successful. Branch is a good second option. The other guy I would go for at our position is Blaylock. If we can't get one of the three trade down and see what we can do with the pickings.
  19. Okoye is one hell of a football player and will be easily playing at 300+ in the NFL. He would solidify the line for years to come and would almost certainly take care of the run defense problem (our biggest problem) next year. Free agents at corner and perhaps middle linebacker are a better bet than trying a rookie at either position. I say draft Okoye or Branch...and if we end up with Blaylock go with some like Harrel out of Tennessee in the second.
  20. Not that I'm all THAT old, but if I remember correctly the Senior bowl his senior year was held in Buffalo and he was so impressive at linebacker that the Bills drafted him. I think he played well, but he was in back of the best linebacker group that ever played for Buffalo, Jacobs Tracy and Stratton. Wow...I guess winning isn't enough. I gotta admit though that given that his coaching staff kind of evaporated to bigger and better things it might have been time for a change...but firing the guy after a 14 win season is certainly surprising....Must have Pete Carrol or Dan Reeves (?) in mind to take over?
  21. Yeah...you can borrow my swastika if you like!
  22. I think its a spin off of the tv show Dharma and Greg. The leader will be shown early next year as Jenna Elfman, the star of the show who nobody has seen in years, and who has hatched this diabolical show to attract gullible viewers week after week and year after year to end the show with one last episode of Dharma and Greg in which the cast has the opportunity to give the finger to the viewers for being so gullible. I also subscribe to the theory that the little episodes between the various stories are corporate endeavors to sell us sh-- and that ALL of the people on the island are really actors, but I guess that is a little far fetched.
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