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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Hmmm...worked as cop, and grew up with a whole bunch of cops, firefighters and teachers who were definitely not "slugs" and were every bit as capable as folks in the private sector. I would not call them "slugs". I've worked in the public sector in military, police, litigation and education for nearly 40 years now, and I've had plenty of offers to work on the private sector side for much more money. However I like being on the side of the people who lived in the Love Canal to have the chemical companies clean up their mess as opposed to getting more representing chemical companies...representing the state in taking licenses from nursing home operators who abuse patients...as opposed to making more representing nursing home operators trying to bilk the government...mentoring students who will represent people with disabilities and others who need their services as opposed to finding tax loopholes for big b. No apologies here, and I'm pretty darned happy to have been a public servant and teacher.
  2. Remember that the players who played in the 60's and 70's really didn't make much money and some held jobs in the off season to make ends meet. Many paid union dues thinking the union would maintain a disability insurance policy that would be equitable (inluding guys like Dobler and Johnny Unitas and others.) TKO, I would hope, would see the suffering of those guys and understand that it is up to him to make sure his financial condition is secured inthe case of injury...However given Pac-Mains recent escapade with $85,000 sitting in his hotel room while he went to a strip club, I tend to think some of these guys are not very wise with their money.
  3. trading down and getting Justin Blaylock is a nice option assuming Okoye or Branch isn't available. I could even live with chosing Blaylock at 12 if we had to. He would add strength to our offensive line right away. Harrel of Tennessee might slip to second round based on the fact that he didn't play much this year but he is in that Haynesworth, Henderson mode of player and we might be very happy with him at Defensive Tackle. Another possibilty is a complete Tennessee draft!!!! Harrel in late round 1, Aaron Sears for gaurd in Round 2 and with the trade pick Wade at cornerback. I have to admit that there may be a tennessee bias here...but these guys may be all that good.
  4. I see Kelsay getting a nice heft contract with us this year. No matter how you cut it, he's an average to good DE and other NFL teams even in this day and age aren't going to pay obscene money to get him (nor, I think...will they pay obscene money for Fletcher...but I could be wrong about Fletcher). That being the case it is worth our money to pay him well to re-sign. I think our first effort should be to keep our defense from last year intact (although keeping Clements may be an unrealistic hope) and strenghtning the defensive line against the run. Next, strengthen the O-line in Free agency or in the draft. Those are the areas where we need major improvement. Anything else we get will provide marginal improvement at best at any other position. I was in Tampa yesterday and the Tampa Tribune had an article emphasizing the lack of talent at DT in Free Agency. Given Gruden's being so impressed with Okoye at the Senior Bowl where he coached him, I'm a little concerned that he may address that need before we get there. I hope Branch is available to us if he goes that route.
  5. I always figured it was time to sell when my broker ended up being a shoe-shine boy!...or at least time to change brokers! Made a killing in one stock a few years ago and am holding some sirius stock now, but will probably just wait and see with it for now as a flier. Satellite radio stock has been a risky proposition all along. I'm happy with my portfolio over all and figure my sirius stock is more or less a lottery ticket right now. International stocks have done VERY well.
  6. This is a business. TKO may or may not fully recover from his injury. He might even make the team and start at linebacker, but never reach his former potential. Sadly, he might not be recovered enough to make the team. That is the breaks of the game. It works out okay in the end though. Would you want to keep him if he hasn't the talent and force him into positions where because of his loss of talent, speed or whatever he gets hurt even more seriously or crippled? I think the Darwinian approach in the game ends up being the best for all concerned...even the guy who is injured. On the other hand there should be insurance, workers comp and a system to treat the crippled player better than it has in the past once they leave the game. I thought that recent HBO special (with Conrad Dobler) was a real shocker.
  7. Hey, we all make choices and part of the choices include the pension as a fringe benefit. Ya gotta live with the choices you make.
  8. The fact is you beat the cover 2 with the run. The teams that have realized this have beaten us...with the run. runs of 8 and ten yards are one thing. Constant runs of 3 and 4 and moving the chains (and tiring the defense, keeping the offense off the field, and causing the linebackes, and safeties to "cheat" to stop the run and resulting in giving up big plays) are the critical weakness of the tampa 2 without high quality run stopping DT's. What we need is three or four (remember even the "light" guys are carrying a lot of weight) dt's that can rush AND stop the run. Pass the Amobi Okoye please.
  9. I agree with your post Bill. I have a feeling the wallet is going to get opened in free agency for the o-line, and I suspect we'll draft an o-lineman in the first three picks...maybe even a trade down in the first to go for Blaylock. I wonder if he's keeping Fletcher, which would be a very wise move. I'm still looking for the run stuffer and like Okoye or Branch at our original one spot. From the way you describe the press conference does it sound like he is pretty happy with the TE's and hopes to free them up by strengthening the O-Line? I'd agree with him on that. All in all it sounds as if ML has a pretty good handle on the situation. Guess he's learned a thing or two in his day.
  10. Guards available in free agency. Marv has said he is going to free agents for the o-line AND that he is willing to spend to the cap...soooooo....which is it? My favorite is Dockery . Kris Dielman 6'4 310 52 games played with 29 starts in the last 32 games 2. Eric Steinbach 6'6 1/4 297 63 games played with 62 starts 3. Jacob Bell 6'4 3/4 302 39 games 30 starts. *Would cost us 2nd or 3rd via RFA. 4. Derrick Dockery 6'6 347 64 games with 61 starts 5. Cooper Carlisle 6'5 3/8 297 95 games with 38 starts 6. Stacy Andrews 6'6 1/8 342 31 games with 3 starts 4th round pick in 2004. Shawn Andrews brother. Out did Shawn in every statistical category at the combine. All American in Track and Field. Only played 1 season of college football. Get him while he's young and unknown. 7. Leonard Davis 6'5 7/8 370 91 games with 91 starts
  11. Daughter had an experience with Northwest going to Ukraine. Weather made her return to Detroit. Suitcase was broken and they did nothing to fix it, her entire cd collection was stolen while in possession of Northwest, they wouldn't help her with hotel. Just a litany of bad and poor service.
  12. Carriger MIGHT possibly be around in the second round for the defensive end position, but I'd try to keep Kelsay..and don't see any reason why we shouldn't re-sign him. I'd also try and keep Fletcher. Nate on the other hand is just going to win the lottery this time and I can't see overpaying (probably massive overpaying) to keep him. Youbooty and/or Thomas (re-sign) will just have to step up and we might take a flyer on a cb somewhere after the second round.
  13. Mickelson is one great guy in my book. Poor Dobler has had his share of life's challenges. God be with him.
  14. No one is cutting him up for bait. He plays well against the Jets....with a guy like him we can be 2-14! Actually he is a mediocre running back with the possibility of becoming a good to conceivably very good running back. He's got next year to move into the good to very good category. What irks me is his agent talking like he's Jimmy Brown, Cookie Gilchrist, Walter Payton and OJ all rolled up into one. I say keep him, and I wouldn't even draft a running back or look for one in free agency. He shows something next season...we talk about re-signing him. Right now he is well on the road to See ya City....
  15. Geez...just when you think its safe to go back in the water! Hitler invades Poland again! Remove back to the nazi board!
  16. marine walks into a bar... "Celebrated Steak and BJ day today!" Great...how was the steak... "Rare...just the way I like it." And how was the BJ? "A little salty and I almost gagged."
  17. I like football as well as the next guy...but if this is what our Senator is worried about given the problems this country faces, I really shudder for us.
  18. Okay here's the plan... We get even with Washington and get one BIG need filled (costly) Gaurd Derrick Dockery! other FA...Kelley Washington That means we draft.. 1. Okoye at DT 2. AAron Ross of Texas at CB 3. Zak DeOssie of Brown at ILB Getting Dockery will solidify our offensive line and screw Washington at the same time!
  19. Right now there is a ton of money out there to overpay free agents. I suspect that the cooler heads at the Bills will not jump in and overpay, unless they pay an obscene amount to keep NC. I think they will look for bargains or reasonably priced acquisitions (Kellye Washington will be at the "high" end of the reasonable market.) and I'm not expected NAME signings. I think our productive moves will come in the draft and with some sleepers in free agency. I'm really quite comfortable with that. This year's free agent situation is one of too little talent available and way too much money available to justify getting into bidding wars.
  20. Smith will be snapped up quickly as a GM. I suspect a team like Houston, Miami or Detroit will be wise to overlook his personality and focus on his track record and production. Spanos is making a good decision in getting rid of him. The spectre of Smith as an all powerful personality (I got rid of MS and I can get rid of you if you cross me mentality) will poison the well for whoever comes next.
  21. Levi Brown will probably go in the 10-20 pick range and will probably be a very good offensive tackle. I just don't see us drafting an offensive tackle of all things with our first pick. Assuming Branch and Okoye (DT's) are gone I'd either go for Justin Blaylock or trade down. I like Aaron Sears, an OT who has played Gaurd in the second round. Levi Brown is a legit first round pick...just doesn't fit into our needs. Puzzling why someone would think we would pick him.
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