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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Harper sounds good to me. If we shore up that defensive line, I think having someone like Harper will probably result in a better overall defense than we had WITH Clements. I worry a bit about middle linebacker if we let Fletcher go, but we'll have to see what Marv has in mind for that position. The defense could be better next year than it was last year depending on how we play the defensive tackle (Okoye) and MLB positions.
  2. Oh...nice thought.. I could reflect upon Cheney's being at the same base where there was a suicide bombing as the closest that war criminal has ever been to actual combat...but its a little too PPP'ish. Nice to see him on his "mein Kampf world tour." His Kampf, other people's blood.
  3. I think if Okoye is available at 12 we should grab him. I feel pretty much the same way about Branch. If neither of them is available and Willis or Blaylock is...(and I suspect ONE of the four will be available)...go for him. Trading McGahee makes me want the Bills to assess the situation if none of the three mentioned are available and see if a can't miss RB or TE is worthy of 12, and if not trade down and go for offensive line..
  4. Wow...those nazis at PPP have a tough time staying within their borders....Well....that is a kind of traditional nazi problem.
  5. I took Harvey Weinsteins place in a poker group when I was in law school. I didn't meet him but everyone said he had left a lucrative promoting gig that he established doing concerts (Harvey and Corky) and was making a movie. I opined (wise person that I am) that it sounded like a crazy idea and we'd probably never hear of this guy Harvey Weinstein again... If we give awards for sound editing...can't we give one for best legal representation in the development production and marketing of a film?
  6. I wouldn't pay a lot of attention to the speculation. If we don't get a day one pick we play willis and he's under great pressure to perform. ("Nobody thought you were worth a first day pick last year...what do you think they'll pay you now?"). Further he doesn't know if we will tag him next year. I suspect we are in a can't lose situation with this proposed negotiation.
  7. Wow...I'm about five pounds smarter after last week! I hope Key Lime Pie helps something other than my waste line!
  8. Careful...those cats have ways of getting even. Had mine sh-- on the bed once cuz he was po'd that I hadn't cleaned out the kitty litter. He came real close to having an early meeting with Cat Jesus.
  9. I watched 45 minutes of it off and on. I think they give too many awards (Sound editing?). I suppose Ellen was okay but I found her walking the floor and schmoozing with the stars a little off-putting. Boils down to the fact that it didn't hold my interest enough to keep me up.
  10. Interesting. The willis thing does kind of throw a lot of things up in the air. I'm curious about the failure of the Bills to re-sign our own players other than Clements, as I don't think you'll find a better defensive end or MLB than Kelsay or Fletcher.
  11. exactly...as most of those on PPP will acknowledge one of the greatest documentaries of all time was "Triumph of the Will" Leni Riefenstahl's glorification of the Nazis and the 1936 olympics. The first great documentary..."Nanook of the North" was made with an awful lot of editorial input. Documentaries having a political bias are pretty much de riguer.
  12. Complicated year this year. I'm involved in some pretty complex things in New York with real estate and other investments and I'll be going to New York this week to get it done. I figure I should do pretty well this year, but we'll see.
  13. What about Oakland? A second rounder is as good as a late first round choice. They may be able to work something out as Lamont Jordan hasn't been their answer. I see taking their second plus a possible defensive back (Routt) would be a great deal for us.
  14. If no deal comes of this, it puts one big monkey on WM's back to perform well next year. At that point HE'S got to convince some team to come up with big bucks to get him. The move to shop him will probably work to our benefit either way. WM was riding his high horse (along with his agent) at the end of the season. The shopping will take him down a notch if it is not successful, and we should get a second round pick (at least) for him.
  15. Is Jesus' Dad gonna give a sample? Who is going to heaven on THAT assignment? I think the Jesus thing might even compete with Anna Nicole.
  16. Not a bad analogy. Wish I'd thought of it...except it breaks my heart to think you might be right. Jettison the older players, draft a young team and sell a team with an established qb and pro bowl receiver, no major problems, lots of good younger players. Depressing if true!
  17. trading willis sure would change our priorities in the draft and the trade up isn't all that far fetched. Certainly worth considering. What about a trade up for a spot six through nine that includes the trade? I could Willis to Cleveland for a trade down and a third round draft choice. That being the case I think we get Peterson and have a chance to get us an offensive lineman in the second and a fair corner and linebacker in the second or third.
  18. If Quinn is there at twelve, we would probably be able to trade down with someone and get an extra pick. Rather than go for a back-up qb and another controversy we could fill two positions on the line and be competitive next year. I like the situation where the trade down would have some real meaning for some team looking for a qb.
  19. First things first. As I predicted the weight "issue" on Okoye was resolved with him showing up at 305. The maturity? He was selected captain of the defense at senior bowl, graduated from college and seems a lot more mature than most first round picks, and he gets older every week. The bad part? His stock is rapidly getting to project him to the top ten. Second, if we let four or five defensive starters walk, we are going to be writing this year off to rebuild "in the long term" (huge mistake in this day and age rather than aiming to win now by resigning the defensive players and strengthening the trenches for a playoff and/or superbowl run either this year or next. That being the case we have lots of draft options. That being the case we will get a second round choice (I think) from a team like the Giants and might be wise to trade down and look for solid players in the draft. I see us looking for Kahlil or Blaylock with a later round first choice, Sears, the offensive tackle with our second choice, either Jonathan Wade from Tenn. at corner and either the inside linebacker from Brown or the corner from East Carolina. Lots of good players that can contribute in the later first and early second. I think its a mistake to write off what we have for some "future" scenario...but if that's the way they decide to go, getting draft choices is the way to do it.
  20. Congrats!!! Tell him he still has to take out the garbage!
  21. With the assumption that Branch is gone as well, I would agree that trading out is the best. I like Justin Blaylock and wouldn't cry too much if we couldn't cut a deal and went with him at twelve. Lots of good offensive and defensive in the bottom half of the first and in the second round and if we could cut a deal and have a late first and two seconds we could do just fine.
  22. Cutting him now seems silly. I'd wait to training camp and preseason to see what's left. If he can't cut it then though...I think I'd have to cut him. Hopefully he'll be recovered and handle the linebacker position for a long time.
  23. Looks like Okoye's stock is rising and he's one the bills like for a first round. I'm very interested in his weight at the combing. http://www.realfootball365.com/nfl/article...adar260107.html
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