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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. I'm yhinking it might be wise to keep Willis. He can be a very good running back and this process probably gave him a wake up call as to what people actually think of his value in the NFL. He's got some incentive to show how good he can be in the next season and I'm inclined to think we ought to take advantage of it. Have a come to Jesus speech with him and tell him to put up or shut up....and tell his agent the same damn thing!
  2. Little early to make a judgment. On first glance we might lose three (Clements, Fletcher and maybe Spikes) starters? Pm tje ptjer. we can get some OLB's through free agency, trade...and Crowell should be quite good. On the Spikes side there is a balancing of coming off the injury and salary and we might keep him. If we draft Okoye we will have addressed our biggest defensive problem, the run game and strengthening the middle of the d line (or if we draft Branch.) Barring that...if we draft Willis we strengthen, in my opinion, the MLB spot (and not I am a Fletcher fan). Strong front seven and the Cover 2 defense, we can survive the Clements loss with existing personnel and have a better defense this coming year than last year. In any event I gaurantee the defense will NOT be the worst in the NFL and might be pretty darn good.
  3. Okoye is a flat out great DT. At nose at 318 or 320 he can do everything Pat Williams ever did only quicker. At 305 he may be the greatest 3 that ever played the game. Assuming he lasts til our pick (more and more unlikely) picking him is the biggest no brainer since we picked OJ Simpson or Bruce Smith.
  4. I am very comfortable with him at DE and used as needed. We really will need a pretty good group of defensive linemen to give different looks, to compensate for inevitable injuries, and to keep our big fellas fresh through the season. Hargrove is a nice guy to have in the mix.
  5. Watch for flashbacks to that weekend you spent in the Tijuana Jail with Mr. Tossy McSalad!!!
  6. Defensive ends are just fine, and are championship caliber. The defensive tackles were the weak link in the chain. Let's see what we come up in the center of the line and perhaps at linebacker.
  7. I say get rid of him if the price is right...a first round or high second round draft choice. We don't get that ...we sit him and his agent down and have a conversation. "Money walks and bull sh-- talks...we walked you, Willis, and nobody is buying. You aren't even in line to get another big contract from US right now..let alone anyone else. You have more to prove this season than anyone on the team. You have a pro bowl season you are in a position to negotiate a pro bowl contract...perhaps with us. You have less than a pro bowl season, you probably are gonna get cut. Life is hard Willis and Drew. Time to put up or shut up. Frankly if we don't see a lot of input out of you, we might be giving the touches to Thomas."
  8. Is that why you have a bottle of "Whine" on your avatar?
  9. Hmmm.....I suspect in your case the nurses wanted a hazmat team present. Groupers don't smell all that good as an air freshener!
  10. Been there done that. The preparation is the worse part of the process. Had to drink a passel of foul tasting stuff. The loopiness is kind of nice. Good idea to have it done early in life. My brother put it off and ended up with surgey and chemo and was ill for a long while. Fortunately he's fine now.
  11. I had nuns...went through grammar school using only two phrases...Yes sister....No sister. One did not screw with those women. One did not come to school without homework complete...one NEVER was unprepared. The military was a piece of cake after grammar school. I owe them a lot...Thanks sisters!!!
  12. Well...we would have to overpay for another defensive end who isn't as good as Kelsay...and Kelsay isn't going to stay for much less than he would get on the open market...so we have to pay top buck for him. That's the business. I think kelsay is a darn good (not great) defensive end and we were smart to sign him.
  13. TWO HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS for a frigging jersey? Where do you buy those? Stupid jock-sniffer with too much money City?
  14. Giving Bush the finger is one of the best reasons I've ever heard for giving an Oscar!
  15. http://www.stlouisrams.com/article/60728/ Seems that he might end up as a top ten pick...but let's hope he makes it to our pick! By the way...he will be 20 by the preseason and he is already over 300 lbs.
  16. Actually there is a long history of Tennesseeans turning on their own. Davy Crockett got booted out of congress (in part because of his dispute with President Jackson, another Tennesseean, over treatment of the Cherokee). When asked what he wanted to tell the Tennessee voters after his loss he said..."tell them to go to hell...I'm going to Texas." We all know how his going to Texas turned out.
  17. TD really did make a mess of his Buffalo stay and I think he poisoned the well for working with any other NFL team. Now...given the retreading of failed coaches, shitting the bed sooooo bad that you can't get another NFL position really takes some doing.
  18. I remember back in the day on the beach in Biloxi where we would approach young and nubile college chickies from Southern institutions with the line "Nice bum...where ya from?" Actually worked from time to time. Ahhhh those crazy days!
  19. I think losing Clements will throw a wrench in the plans but Jonathan Wade of Tennessee is as fast as Hall and will probably be available to us in the second round. That leaves us picking the remainder of the Okoye Branch Willis trio at our first pick. Any of the three will be an immediate starter in a place of need and worthy of the pick. I could live with Blaylock as well, but a lot of folk would disagree that he fits in with the first three.
  20. hey..hold out for a second round pick, and then play a chastened Willis, who will be taken to the woodshed by his agent and told to perform for the Bills this next year now that he has had a good look at his market value in this "trade" charade. I think this might play out just fine for us. WM plays well next year, we franchise him and the value goes WAY up as far as we're concerned. He doesn't play well...cut him and forget him.
  21. ME stupid? I never voted for those nincompoops!
  22. I thought the last two presidential elections were the two worst things...but I guess myspace might come in third.
  23. I don't think WM is a cancer, just an average to good back with a lot of maturity issues who is going to be more trouble than he is worth next year. I say shop him for a first or very high second round pick. Our BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement) is that he plays next year with a little humbling at not drawing much interest as atrade bait. If he isn't nuts (and he isn't) he'll play his heart out for his next contract. AND....we franchise him getting far more than we will get this year. I see this as a no lose proposition. I'm still hoping for Oakland to give us a second plus something, which is as good as a late round first. Enough teams have some interest to give us a lot of potential for dealmaking.
  24. Get a second? I'd be very interested in a trade with Oakland then...hell...its almost like trading for a late first!
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