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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Lynch is getting into my Okoye Branch Willis mix with the willis trade. I'd still go Okoye or Branch before Willis or Lynch...but whichever of those four is there would be a very good choice at 12. Still hoping for Okoye.
  2. Wow...what a great idea..a sitcom about CAVEMEN! Now that is soooo original...never been done before. Why don't we call one fred and one barney...HEY...how bout if they're married...Wilma...that's a good name...I think we're onto something!!!!
  3. What about Uranus? The source of many of my jokes in grammar school... Sister showing us the solar system..."hey sister, I can see Uranus!" My hands still hurt from the ruler beating that resulted therefrom.
  4. Elbert Dubenion, Golden Wheels. I was hitchhiking out to to Lake while in high school and he picked us up in his caddy and drove us to the lake. Neat guy and a great receiver.
  5. I see us keeping four maybe five DT's. Williams McCargo, Triplett and drafting Okoye or Branch, whichever falls. We'll be in good shape on both lines going into the season. McCargo had an unfortunate injury last year so we've got to evaluate him over the course of next season.
  6. its not that hard to establish a series...even a friggin caveman can do it.
  7. Wow...there are TWO of those Nigerians transferring millions? I'm counting on mine getting to me any day now.
  8. Wow...there are TWO of those Nigerians transferring millions? I'm counting on mine getting to me any day now.
  9. I'm not giving up on running back yet. There will be more cuts on down the line, and you might see some movement before we get to training camp. And with our second pick there might be three or four good backs available that might surprise you. Irons and Pittman come to mind. Leonard of Rutgers might be a stretch at the second pick, but I would love to have him in the third if he makes it. I think Price and Reed will be called upon much more next year, as a coach would have to be stupid not to take Lee Evans seriously in prepping for the Bills. Still....all you have to do is nod on one play for that guy to kill you.
  10. Looking at the Ravens reviews I guess WM is the next Teddy Bruschi. Too bad we let go of him just before he turned into Jim Brown/OJ Simpson and Walter Payton all rolled up into one. I loved the "explosive" comment. The only explosions we ever got out of him were from his mouth. Well...given his fathering illegitimate kids, I guess he was exploding elsewhere from time to time. ON THE FIELD EXPLOSIONS?...yeah right..that's why we won the superbowl the last three seasons. And I guess that's why teams were lined up to trade first draft choices for him.
  11. A guy who sits out ten games after being pretty much rejected for trades this year would not be making much money. I think when push comes to shove Marv just figured the guy wasn't all THAT good, and didn't want to renegotiate and be stuck with a headache that might not even perform well. He will have a revamped O-line this year and he might as well go with a guy who will move the chains for him. Leonard of Rutgers might fill this need and will be available at two or even perhaps at three. Guys like Irons, Pittman are going to be around as well. Bottom line is Willis just doesn't appear to be all that good a bet. Maybe Marv is wrong and the Ravens will be laughing at us next year...but as of this moment I think Marv is coming out better in the deal.
  12. I, for one, missed you. Not in the gay marine sense, mind you...but I like the BOTD.
  13. I THINK YOU'RE THE FATHER OF ONE OF MY KIDS........ A guy goes to the supermarket and notices a beautiful woman who wave at him and say hello. He's rather taken aback, because he can't place where he knows her from. So he says, "Do you know me?" To which she replies, "I think you're the father of one of my kids." Now his mind travels back to the only time he has ever been unfaithful to his wife and says, "My God! Are you the stripper from my bachelor party that I made love to on the pool table with all my buddies watching, while your partner whipped my ass with wet celery???" She looks into his eyes and calmly says, "No, I'm your son's teacher."
  14. I think it isn't so much that he had to register his secret identity with the feds as much as Cheney and Libby outing him to justify the war in Iraq. Watch the assassin get pardoned...right after Scooter!
  15. Willis and his agents were million dollar demands with thousand dollar talents. If they had TO's talent, it might be worth putting up with them, but he is not pro bowl material, at least not yet. We've lost three "marquis" players in Clements (where we had no choice as he was legitimately a break the bank guy who had to go to a team that played a defense to maximize his talent.) Fletcher (who is good, but probably on the downside and Crowell is probably good to go at the middle.) and now Willis who is pretty darn replaceable. On the plus side we have the makings of a very impressive offensive line, we have a potentially great qb and a for sure great number one receiver. We have a lot of interesting draft picks to solidify the d-line. I listened to Jauron on Sirius yesterday and he seems to think it will Jabari Greer (a UT grad!) taking Clements place. Give us a good solid front seven and we take pressure off the corners. Give us a great offensive line and we keep the offense on the field for more than 20 minutes a game. I'm very happy with the way things are going and don't give a hoot about what the pundits think. When all is said and done the proof is in the pudding. Let's see how we do next year. I think we'll be improved.
  16. I'm reviewing the situation here. O-line looking good unless Kahlil slips into the second...which might be tempting. number one...Okoye, Branch or Willis round two...Michael Bush or Ken Irons round three...Justin Durant (ILB from Hampton) if we don't draft Willis...Justin Harrel (DT) or Jonathan Wade of Tennessee. I like getting at least one Tennessee guy.
  17. We should not have traded Henry, and frankly we should not have drafted Willis. I think we'd have been wise to admit our mistake and sign Henry before Denver did...but water under the dam, spilt milk and all that. Willis wanted to renegotiate his contract and ML wasn't putting up with him or Rosenhaus or with a silly holdout...so he put willis on the market. The market essentially humiliated Willis. I was listening to NFL on Sirius the last few days and when they talk about running backs they always mention the back leaving, the back under consideration and then say.."and some other guys" Willis is always in the "and some other guys" category. HUMILIATING and SOBERING...for him and his agent. I'd hold for a second or low first and if I don't get it, let him prove his worth with us.
  18. A movie about Dieter Dengler? About time. He was a legend to those of us who flew in unpleasant places in the war. They talked about him all the time in the various survival schools. I gotta see that movie. I learned a lot from him. Most important thing? Don't get shot down!
  19. One of the best safeties the bills ever had was a converted quarterback, George Saimes. I think we have to shore up the front seven more than anything right now. Okoye, Branch or Willis will make it down to us and whichever one it is is the one we should take for our first pick. Corner? I think Jonathon Wade of Tennessee is perhaps the fastest CB and may make it to the second round. I'm coming off my "go big" in putting him up as a selection, but he may be the answer to CB. I'm so impressed by Marv's free agency signings that I think we have some room in the second and third to look at "best player to fall" options.
  20. Geez...first that spanking legislation...now you can't even slam your kid into anything...No wonder we have such a spoiled generation of kids! Talk about politically correct!
  21. yeah...but have you heard of the one about the woman who used a bat as a baby? Had the little fanged sucker in diapers and everything!!
  22. In a negotiation you always have to consider your best alternative to a negotiated agreement (in the trade known as BATNA). In the Willis deal the BATNA (walk away position) is that he plays out his last contract year with us knowing he starts the season with a huge monkey on his back (very limited leverage as demonstrated by the fact that he was everyone's last choice this year...apparently including the BILLS!) and the Benjamins are going to follow the demand for him at the end of the year. I say hold for a good solid second round pick or even a very high first and if we don't get it...let him play. This is a no lose situation for us.
  23. Okoye could be a top ten pick...maybe going 6th. However it all depends on whether Branch goes first, and its a crap shoot. Okoye could last to the bills pick (I'm thinking either Branch, Okoye or Willis will) Choosing whichever one is there is a good move. If not, there is a possibility we might "stretch" and go for Kahlil...but I would see us trading down if we don't get the top three. Rich talent in the later first through top of the third round.
  24. Given the way the Russians take care of their equipment you might to update your will before you take off. Remember...there are old pilots..and there are bold pilots...but there ain't no old, bold pilots!
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