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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Whoa...that teacher under your belt must be squeezing the cojones today! I was taught by nuns and carmelite priests, and I gotta hand it to them as people who gave me a great basis in my education, at least as influential in my life as College and Law School professors. The nuns in particular were very rigorous and always gave you the impression you were a bright cookie (even when no one else thought so) and wouldn't accept good. I still remember my third grade teacher making us recite.."Good better best, never let it rest...till your good gets better and your better is the best" Here's to you teachers!
  2. nazi board stuff...Actually a war with Iran-America would shortly become an Iran/Iraq/Afghanistan war with US. We would probably have to reconfigure how we handle the military aspect of a much broader war with at least a draft and probably some toning down of the outright robbery by contractors (Haliburton stock has done pretty well in this operation.) Even as we do all of this I have to wonder about China's military buildup and their alliance with Hugo Chavez and Chavez military spending, but that I guess is a problem for another day.
  3. Our offseason IS disappointing if you just look at the exodus and not into the why of it all. Fletcher and Spikes did not perform last year, were getting fairly big bucks and weren't going to get much better. Clements was going to make obscene money and we would have broken the bank to keep him in a defensive scheme that didn't maximize his talents. MCgahee...well he's McGahee and we didn't want the distraction of him trying to renegotiate his contract. We didn't replace them but chose to shore up our weakest areas in the offensive and defensive lines, and have a good number of draft picks to go with. At this moment...it looks like we were losers in FA. I think we will be happy with our pickups and we'll draft wisely (going on what we did last year).
  4. trading down is a real possibility. I think Okoye or Peterson are locks if available at 12. Willis seems like an okay choice, but I think Beason is as good a choice as Pos, and kind of like the other linebacker from Penn as well for somewhere in the second. There are good bargains in lower first and second rounds at running back (Irons, Pittman and few others). Again, I am not a little surprised at the personnel moves but as Pyrite says...ML and DJ have a hell of a lot more contact with the players, their physical condition and their upside going into next year.
  5. yeah...but you've had that teacher under your belt for the last quarter century!...didn't you learn anything from her or him? Come to think of it..isn't it uncomfortable to pee with that teacher there?
  6. Remember..I'm admitted to the bar in New York as well! Actually if she goes under tort law she would be under state case law.
  7. Geez Joe...what is that poor teacher doing under your belt? Let the poor woman or man go for cripes sake!!!!
  8. Assuming facts not in evidence. Had there been previous attacks, altercations, robberies of employees of the school on their way into work? By students who recognized them as employees or teachers, and presumed they would be good targets? Did this student know that she was a teacher? Did the teacher have a reasonable expectation that the parking lot would be available? Lots of things to find out...hence one needs a lawyer.
  9. There's a job for that cat in the Justice Department!
  10. http://www.kcs.k12tn.net/benefits/workersc...ssault-proc.htm Seems assault by a student is covered under workers comp in Tennessee. As Suey pointed out, however, she might be able to find a better remedy through a tort action against her employer. If the kid showed propensity to violence, or if other teachers had been assaulted, or if there were "unauthorized" cars in the lot, I imagine there would be a number of ways to approach the situation.
  11. The teacher gave her fifth grade class an assignment: Get their parents to tell them a story with a moral at the end of it. The next day the kids came back and one by one began to tell their stories. Ashley said, "My father's a farmer and we have a lot of egg laying hens. One time we were taking our eggs to market in a basket on the front seat of the car when we hit a big bump in the road and all the eggs went flying and broke and made a mess." "What's the moral of the story?" asked the teacher. "Don't put all your eggs in one basket!" "Very good," said the teacher. Next little Sarah raised her hand and said, "Our family are farmers too. But we raise chickens for the meat market. We had a dozen eggs one time, but when they hatched we only got ten live chicks, and the moral to this story is, "don't count your chickens before they're hatched." "That was a fine story Sarah. Michael, do you have a story to share?" "Yes, my daddy told me this story about my Aunt Kris. Aunt Kris was an air force flight engineer in the Gulf War and her plane got hit. She had to bail out over enemy territory and all she had was a bottle of whiskey, a machine gun and a machete. She drank the whiskey on the way down so it wouldn't break and then she landed right in the middle of 100 enemy troops.She killed seventy of them with the machine gun until she ran out of bullets. Then she killed twenty more with the machete until the blade broke. And then she killed the last ten with her bare hands." "Good heavens," said the horrified teacher, "what kind of moral did your daddy tell you from that horrible story?" "Stay the !@#$ away from Aunt Kris when she's been drinking."
  12. Looks like they get paid considerably more in states allowing collective bargaining...still they don't get paid enough. http://www.aft.org/salary/2003/download/2003Table2.pdf
  13. Another case where there is no remedy without a lawyer...Funny how we badmouth them until we need them.
  14. Look at the cover 2 on paper and in theory all you want. Bottom line is OUR cover 2 was 28th in the league in stopping the run last year...and Ellison and Crowell got significan playing time. Our defensive "theories" and 56 cents will get you coffee at Mickey D's if you're a senior citizen. We had better get a run stopper who can also play the cover 2. Okoye is the guy who can do that. Alternatively (or if we have lots of faith in the existing DT's) we should get Willis or maybe Beason who are proven run stopping LB's. If a team has a choice, they'll run on you all day. You don't stop the run between the tackles, Nate Clements, Robert James, and every defensive back in the football hall of fame, and every "cover" scheme in the world become irrelevant.
  15. I like that quote too..if he did all that well...why isn't he starting? Why weren't we in the playoffs? He had such a poor supporting cast? Travis Henry and Willis Mc. weren't bad...Eric Moulds and Josh Reed and then Lee Evans and Josh Reed? Kelly...face it...you've been a loser for ten years because....YOU'RE A FRIGGIN LOSER!
  16. get a good personal injury attorney...you're already kind of late in the game. Insurance companies will screw you. That is just the way it is. I had a case involving a truck that hit me, totaled the car and knocked me unconscious and hospitalized me..some permanent damage...and I couldn't get the insurance company to come up with anything appropriate. I was reluctant to hire an attorney on principle, because I've been a defense attorney for twenty-five years. Silly me. Got a good PI attorney and we're on the verge of an appropriate settlement.
  17. I'd take a chance on Battle. He is one hell of a bruiser and great for getting tough yard between the tackles. I understand he is down to 230 and is running at 4.4 time. Let's take a chance and see if he can catch and block! Something about having a running back named Battle appeals to me.
  18. Jordan Palmer, Carson's brother, out of UTEP is a late round choice...or... Jeff Smith, 6-5 240, Georgetown (KY) might be worth looking at.
  19. 1. Ben Patrick, TE, 6' 3" 272 lbs. Delaware 2. Zak DeOssie, LB, 6' 4" 245 lbs. Brown 3. Kevin Boss, TE, 6' 6" 255 lbs. Western Oregon 4. Justin Durant LB Hampton (although he looked great at the combine and might not be a long shot.)
  20. Check out the guys workout day. Might be worth taking a chance on with one of our middle picks. Come to think of it the last RB we got from Houston was A. Smith, but this guy may have potential. http://www.nfldraftscout.com/ratings/profi...pyid=13001#news
  21. richie Lucas stayed with us a couple of years but as the franchise's first player I think he's in the bust category... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richie_Lucas Wasn't Tom Cousineau a bust as well?
  22. nice analysis of the cover 2 http://espn.go.com/ncf/columns/davie/1437187.html
  23. Gotta go with Walt Patulski...or maybe the Bills very first first round draft pick...Richie Lucas...
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