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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. I agree wholeheartedly. I'm as big an Imus fan as they come, but what he said was so obviously over the line that he AND McGuirk should have been fired on day one. MSNBC left him twisting in the wind as did CBS and when the sponsors started to pull support and celebrity guests started to bail. The hypocrisy that they are spouting about "doing the right thing" is a little hard to take. Imus went ahead with the apology to the young women even after he was terminated..which was a sign of character in my book. The guy made a dumb mistake and got an appropriate punishment by being fired. This lynching seems uncalled for.
  2. Pretty much inevitable. There is no way he could continue with his show with all of the celeb interviewees boycotting. Further, he would be pretty much muzzled. Better to resign or be fired and suffer a quick death rather than drag this whole thing on for three or four weeks. Hope I man gets his act together and finds some peace in his meeting with the ladies he insulted.
  3. Sept. 9 DENVER BRONCOS Loss Sept. 16 @ Pittsburgh Steelers Win Sept. 23 @ New England Patriots Loss Sept. 30 NEW YORK JETS Loss Oct. 8 DALLAS COWBOYS Win Oct. 21 BALTIMORE RAVENS Win Oct. 28 @ New York Jets Win Nov. 4 CINCINNATI BENGALS Loss Nov. 11 @ Miami Dolphins Win Nov. 18 NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS Win Nov. 25 @ Jacksonville Jaguars Loss Dec. 2 @ Washington Redskins Win Dec. 9 MIAMI DOLPHINS Win Dec. 16 @ Cleveland Browns Win Dec. 23 NEW YORK GIANTS Loss Dec. 30 @ Philadelphia Eagles Loss
  4. I gotta admit...the hypocrisy is overwhelming. Watching the same David Gregory who sucked up to the Iman on a weekly basis showing his "outrage" this morning had me thinking that the only thing worse than being his enemy is being his friend. Wonder where Lieberman, Dodd and Biden are this morning? Harold Ford Jr. probably should have come on the show and essentially said, "Yeah I appreciate the help and all the wonderful things you did, but that racist statement was way out of bounds and you should be fired." Better than running away from the situation. If this was bad enough to fire him (and in my opinion it was) it should have happened by the close of business on the day he said it. MSNBC fired him because it had to when the sponsors started to pull out...end of story.
  5. Willis is looking more and more like the man. Lots of good LB's available in round 2 and maybe even in line 3. I could see us drafting Willis and almost certainly one more and maybe even two more LB's. Gotta get a cornerback and a running back in there somewhere as well.
  6. I don't think the Rutgers women's basketball team were "public figures" in a way which would justify calling them whores. I suspect if your daughter achieved a basketball scholarship and made it to the championship game of the NCAA only to have someone on national TV call her a whore you'd be more than a little offended. I've listened to Imus on my way to work for years, and wasn't all that bothered by his insults of people like Hillary Clinton or Dick Cheney or W, or any of the other public figures. I likened him to Don Rickles, who was a master of insults. However...calling kids whose only "fault" was to achieve athletic near excellence whores was beyond the pale. The hypocrisy I see is they didn't fire him the next day. They fired him the day after the sponsors pulled off the air. Watching them now with their "holier than thou" public castigation of Imus is a little sickening.
  7. The fifth and fourteenth amendments apply to state action, not the actions of private entities.
  8. Yup...sounds like nazi board stuff to me. I think the I man is toast on this baby.
  9. Willis McGahee...party hardy...he brings the balloons to all of the parties..wait a minute..these things aren't balloons...Willis...I think I found the cause of your problems. The Bills I'm familiar with date a ways back. I'd put Tom Sestak and Cookie Gilchrist up against any player on the bills. As to Notre Dame Game guys we had a Notre Dame guy, Paul Costa, who played tight end and who has a party story which (if true) beats pretty much anyone else's and would merit his entrance into the hall of fame.
  10. 34 or 28. High school numbers. 34 was also Cookie Gilchrist's number.
  11. how did I miss the two most cool places on earth..and I've been to both of them!!! 1.) War Memorial Stadium! 2.) The Ralph (aka Rich Stadium)!
  12. Don't remember the first. The best was BarenakedLadies at Brockport about 1996. What a crew. They played our women's basketball team in the afternoon and really had the place going at the concert. Great guys.
  13. JP has put on a couple of pounds this off season thanks to the chicken wings. Now that he is coming of age at the qb position he'd probably like to put a hurtin on all of the other qb's who get more credit than he does. He is just the guy we need at DT in a cover 2. Hell..let Craig Nall hold up the qb job. I like JP at DT.
  14. Cincinnati got special permission to release the schedule early. It helps the various judges sentencing all those players to try to accomodate their playing schedules, and the probation officers wanted to get their schedules in place as well.
  15. Hmmm....quite a risk, but what the hell...he always ran well. I'd like to see him get his life together. In Buffalo? I'll leave THAT decision up to ML and DJ!
  16. Interesting draft. Guess its going after our two obvious weak spots with all those backers and DB's. I like the running backs...but that part looks a little risky. If we get Turner I suspect that should open up the later round choice more to a "best player available" pick. Nice job, though.
  17. Deporting people for illegal behavior is a nice idea. Not very easily implemented, but a good idea. However there is no gaurantee that if you deport someone they aren't going to come back. I suspect if the guy made a good (by his standards) living here, he'd come back and we'd essentially have the same problem. Indicting and convicting those who hire illegal aliens would seem to be a big piece of the remedy. If we prosecute the source of the illegal jobs in addition to deporting illegals we would give the illegals less incentive to come back. Drunk drivers ought to go jail. If the guy is illegal, deport him after he goes to jail.
  18. If I were the kind of guy to throw around insults (like !@#$ing moron) I'd say you were obviously smoking a little too much weed in la la land. If the guy had been deported...if the guy had been cut off at the bar..if someone else had gibven him a ride...LA..buy a clue..its still about drunk driving.
  19. Celestial Mountains in Kazakhstan Kiev Ukraine Lviv, ukraine Minsk, Belarus Cliffs of Moher, Ireland Sligo, Ireland Istanbul, Bursa, Yalova, Turkey Belarus, Minsk Quebec City -Hotel Frontenac Vancouver Niagara on the Lake Nakhom Phanom Thailand Phillipines Saigon, Pleiku Vietnam Dushanbe, Tajikistan Bishkek, Krygystan Savannah Charleston Most major American cities...too many to mention...and almost all of them favorites.
  20. I think all in all pretty good assessment. I'd give Mularkey a D though. I didn't any area of coaching where he did more than come close to adequate...and that's a generous assessment. Jauron so far? probably a B on the coaching front...but I know that is a first term first semester grade
  21. I agree...I think this will push him into the satellite radio camp. Can't see how he can recover from this. If he comes back, he'll be "self-censoring" to a point that he just doesn't have it anymore. I figure the best for all would be to release him from the contract and let him work something out with satellite radio. Actually, I suspect the guy isn't all that far from retirement in any event.
  22. Probably we'll do some duplication is my guess. Even if we draft Willis, we could use another linebacker in the mix. If there is a strong RB from the crop of five or six after Peterson, I could see us drafting a second one. On the other hand, we might find an outstanding player of any of ten or twelve positions worth taking a chance on. Wide receiver might be interesting in the third round for us.
  23. Well..they were also the guys who criticized ML for picking Donte Whitner. I heard a guy talking about that pick on Sirius (don't remember who) but the guy said how he and other criticized ML and then said something like..."well Whitner proved to be a very valuable starter and a real addition to the Bills, so I guess ML can say "scoreboard" as far as we go." Nice to have a pundit admit he was wrong. Anyway..I'm not putting much stock into the crybaby's about the Bills defense. First it wasn't all that good last year WITH Clements, Fletcher, and the oft injured Spikes. Second...the young rookies at LB looked pretty good. Third, I'm counting on Jabari Greer or Youbooty stepping up. Fourth...we have a lot of picks in the first three rounds to improve. The idea of going for the Thurman Thomas kind of back appeals to me, and Willis would certainly be a nice addition to the l-backers. I'm not panicking, and I would NOT be at all surprised to find next year's team significantly better than this years...even if we are rebuilding.
  24. How many times did he kill a girl while driving drunk?
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