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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Happy Birthday...Happy impending retirement..but get planning...38 is far too early to be really retired!
  2. Either Okoye in round 1 or Justin Harrel in round 2. We go nowhere if we don't plug the run. And both of them can rush the passer as well as stop the run.
  3. But doesn't God masturbate whenever we kill a kitten, or something like that?
  4. Round 1 Marshawn Lynch Round 2 Antonio Pittman Round 3 Brian Leonard Round 3 Corey Anderson Round 4 Julian Battle Now THAT ought to solve the running back problem!
  5. Actually...I am being sarcastic. I was reacting to an earlier post about a drunk driving incident where the drunk driver happened to be an illegal alien.
  6. I tend to agree with you and would go along with both of your pick scenarios. I'm big on Jonathan Wade of Tennessee as our second round CB, but I guess some might argue its my Tennessee bias. I'm more impressed by his speed and potential upside. I'm starting to wonder if the kid might not go in the late first round.
  7. SARCASTIC? ME? I'm just so livid that all of these illegal aliens come over here and get drunk and run over citizens...tens of thousands of them! I'm starting to think that jobs is just a cover for what they really want to do..get drunk get a car and run us all over. Its about time we wise up!!!
  8. Very feasible except, I think for the jamarcu russell free fall. I can't imagine he'd make it that far (or that someone wouldn't trade up if he fell past #4-In fact I'd bet Tampa would take him if he fell.) Otherwise your take looks very good. Although I'm a big Okoye fan having Willis would make me very happy as well.
  9. Why don't we make carrying guns mandatory AND forbid concealed guns. Everyone could have a six gun or uzi in a holster? That would eliminate crime altogether because EVERYONE would be armed. Call me a liberal, but I think we might want to make an age limit for this requirement. I think the risk of accident for kids before fourth grade might justify them not being required to carry guns. This may be the key to world peace.
  10. Nice, but our top four DT's (or even the fifth) aren't cutting the mustard. A-train has a lot better credentials to be a "starter" than our four top DT's have established. I'll agree that McCargo hasnt' hasd much of a chance to play...but the entire season next year sinks or swims on HIM being able to anchor the middle of that line next year. I'm just not willing to bet the farm on him.
  11. Doesn't matter if we have Walter Payton or Jim Brown doing the running. If we can't get on the field because we can't stop the run (witness the first New England game last year for instance.) it won't make one bit of difference whether we have a running game. The other team will run up the middle (as I predicted LAST year) and eat the clock and beat us most of the time.
  12. NONSENSE! The wonderful part of this whole thing is---THEY'RE DEAD!!! No need to pay for deporting them, legal bills or medical bills!!! Isn't America a wonderful country?
  13. yeah..if they'd just stop getting drunk and running over us citizens!
  14. The plain fact is that no matter how you cut it, if we can't defend the run we are not going anywhere. It is our BIGGEST problem. Hence Okoye is the surest and most impact player we can draft. Willis is the second biggest. It would not be a bad idea to draft defensive players in the first and second round. We could go into the next season with existing running backs and do okay. We could go into the next season with the existing receiving corps and do okay. We could go into the season with existing cornerbacks in the Cover 2 and do okay. Crowell, Ellison and Wire MIGHT be okay at linebacker..but they at LEAST need depth and a stud middle linebacker to complement OLB's Crowell and Ellison sounds like a good move. Okoye could make the defensive line formidable from both a pass rush and run stopping point of view and could be the biggest impact player we could draft. Willis MIGHT be a huge impact player as well. In any event one of the two should be available. Peterson? if available I'd give serious thought but would have to be aware that he does nothing as to our most glaring problem.
  15. There were a bunch of Mets people looking at Pilot Field...
  16. Teach them to get drunk and kill us citizens! http://www.9news.com/news/world/article.aspx?storyid=68212
  17. Hey..maybe we could make guns MANDATORY on college campuses? Think about it..Everyone on the intramural basketball court packing? Drunken saturday nights in the frat house? cat-fights over boyfriends? I love the sound of gunfire in the morning!!!
  18. Liberace could never hold a candle to Lawrence Welk. Well..a candelabra anyway.
  19. I don't see us taking him with that injury. Its time to move to a 9 win season, and I suspect that a lot of the decision making will be based on that predicate. Once you get by Peterson and possibly Lynch the goal will be not Mr. Right...but rather Mr. Right Now, as far as the running back situation goes. I see Pittman or Irons as the most likely candidates.
  20. Hey why all the criticism...the post was about vultures circling VT and suddenly I find out George W. is coming. Actually Clinton did go to Oklahoma City in an effort to revive his waning popularity..rather successful too. George ain't anyone's fool...remember how he stood at the world trade center and promised to get Osama? Remember how he came to Katrina and promised to rebuild New Orleans? Now he's coming to VT and....hmmmm... And in any event I applaud his new interest in curbing senseless violence in the world...errrr...in the USA...err....well in Southwest Virginia.
  21. Our boarders might or might not be illegal aliens. I think we'd be better off controlling our borders.
  22. I thought Brittany Spears Virginia Tech karaoke was bad enough. Now George W and Laura are coming to gain kudos for decrying senseless violence resulting in the death of innocent people...well...at least in Virginia.
  23. "Madam...I am the Queen of England! I shyt and piss whereever I please and my lackeys handle the detritus. We do not HAVE bathrooms in the Castle!"
  24. I think you have it backwards...whenever God kills a kitten...we masturbate...
  25. Actually I kind of had a different thought altogether!
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