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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Are your boys history buffs? Gettysburg might be interesting.
  2. I know. Snake bit is probably the way to look at him. Its a risk, but he sure has an upside, if the injury jinx could ever end. He's a roll of the dice, but hink of a 6'7 285 tight end who can outrun most backers. .
  3. Cottam of Tennessee: Cottam has had injury issues and lacks great production. He opened some eyes at the Senior Bowl in that there was more to this guy than originally believed. He impressed me getting down the seam and splitting safeties. He's the tallest tight end in the draft and has very respectable numbers from his workouts. The 4.27-second short shuttle for a player this tall is impressive, as well as the 36 ½-inch vertical. Any team looking for a tight end -- such as the Giants got when they picked Kevin Boss last year -- will like what they see in Cottam. He could easily play pro football at 285 pounds and still beat linebacker coverage. Cottam could be a surprise pick in this draft. Draft projection: Rounds 3-4. http://www.nfl.com/draft/story?id=09000d5d...campaign=ec0005 If we don't have a tight end by round 3 I'd be buying.
  4. Try Gatlinburg Tennessee in the Smoky mountains. A bit more than 5 hours though...closer to 11 hours.
  5. I have always liked Greer (University of Tennessee, of course!) and McGee. I'm not sure why I'm seeing CB as a must for this draft as I'm not ready to give up on Youbooty yet and had the impression we were generally pretty solid. In any event I can see a much more pressing need on the offensive side of the ball and on the defensive line taking priority of any cornerback need in the draft. If there is a potential corner in round 4 or later and we've addressed all our other needs, lets get him, but I'm fairly comfortable with our corners.
  6. the last tight end from Tennessee I pushed for us to get was Jason Whitten. Cottam has had more than his share of injuries but is a real huge player (tight end and OT). I'd go for him later in the draft rather than sooner. He can play but he's had too many injuries. you generally are safe with UT players as far as talent goes. I think you could easily put together a roster of UT players in the NFL which would handily beat any roster made from any other college team.
  7. Actually, I think that is the most obvious answer. That's why WR, TE and possibly fullback should be the dominant picks on draft day. Scoring really would open up our linebackers as it puts tremendous pressure on the other team to concentrate on passing.
  8. Ellison, DiGeorgio, Posluzny, Crowell and Mitchell. I think we look pretty darn good at linebacker. should we look to capitalizing on strong linebacking and moving toward putting pressure on New England the way the Giants did in the Superbowl by unleashing them on the qb? One obvious way would jeopardize our beloved Tampa 2, by putting four linebackers on the field and using a 3-4. Anyone have other ideas that might capitalize on what looks to be a quality linebacking corps?
  9. Actually it kind of boils down to a WR, a TE, and possibly a fullback. That pretty well locks up choices through the first four rounds. Any kind of help after that will be a tribute to very good recruiting and research. We have question marks beyond that but let's be real and think of getting more than three quality starters is very wishful thinking (although it has been done on occassion.)
  10. Best of all worlds. If we can cut a good deal for a trade, fine. I see a good deal as a second round draft choice or a third with a contingent draft based on whether JP starts. If not, it won't kill us to keep him this year. He's not bad, seems level headed enough to not be a cancer on the team and a little pressure on a quarterback knowing that someone is ready to step in is not a bad thing. I see good coming out of the situation no matter which way we go.l
  11. The bills have a lot of quality, having a good to great running attack and a vastly improved o-line. Evans is a possible all pro and I suspect we'll see a WR and TE as the first two picks. I think Oakland is just plain bad at bringing in talent. Gotta with Edwards if for no other reason. I happen to think Edwards is a good quarterback with a great upside and Russell is a remarkably talented athlete. When all is said and done you gotta go with the guy with the stronger team around him, and I think that is Edwards for the foreseeable future.
  12. I have sirius, but rarely listen to Howard...I forgot how funny that show can be...have to get back to listening to it.
  13. What if he bargained both ways? As to the bag lady it was getting it for $75. Once he got it why couldn't he bargain for a larger reward? He calls the owner, says "Look I know where the violin is (the baglady) I can get it but I want $5,000 for my touble. Would you be willing to up the reward to $5000? Is this ethical?
  14. I'm liking a standout tight end in the first round, but I don't think there is a standout tight end worthy of our first pick. As others have pointed out there is a pretty close gand of good tight ends who will make it well into the second round. We might go WR at 1 and TE at 2. Sounds like an offensive draft year for us with an emphasis on the passing game.
  15. I never liked ANY Dolphin (well...maybe Thurman Thomas in the short time he played there). If pressed, I gotta hate Brian Cox the most...but he was kind of entertaining. I think of him as one of those "wrestling" badguys they used to have.
  16. I'd be inclined to go with the wide receiver. Very different from my strong feelings the last four years for a defensive lineman, but our scoring is our weakest area...period. Evans is terrific and I think strengthening the receiver corps is the biggest bang for the buck. Greer is looking good, Williams and Youbooty are backing things up. Actually I'd be awfully tempted to think about a tight end choice as well, but that is a bit of a stretch.
  17. I had to whoop my grandma once when she refused to take her hat off for the national anthem. I felt bad, but she put up a good fight...and it was for a good cause.
  18. let's face it...if this were true, cats would have gone the way of the dinosaur years ago
  19. Your honor, I know this defense is extraordinary, but I have expert testimony that anyone registering .47 BY DEFINITION would lack the capacity to formulate the mens rea needed to decide to drive a vehicle, or pretty much anything else. One can say she "decided" to get into the vehicle, but your honor at a .47 she was not capable of forming any rational decision whatsoever. Let's thank God that this poor woman didn't fall off a cliff or drown. Clearly there was foul play in getting her into this state, and the embarassment this poor woman has suffered is more than enough "punishment" for what clearly cannot be established as a criminal act, and for that reason, your honor, I am moving to dismiss all criminal charges.
  20. marijuana shin splints...a little known side effect of reefer madness.
  21. All year folks who know the cover=2 have put the onus for stopping the run game on the linebackers. We sucked at stopping the run game. Fletcher "shoulda" gone to the pro-bowl? Shoulda and 56 pennies will get you a cup of senior citizen coffee at Mickey D's. Assuming stopping the run game is the linebackers main job in the cover-2 we sucked last year. Can a rookie linebacker make a difference? Look at who was named defensive rookie of the year this century. six out of seven were linebackers-Julius Peppers being the only exception. If Fletcher and Spikes were what we needed we'd have kept them. However if Fletcher and Spikes were what we needed we'd have been in the playoffs. Apparently DJ agrees. Go with Willis
  22. Boy, I don't see us looking at safety at all this year. ML and DJ seem (at least going on last year) to be drafting with the intention of having all draft picks contribute pretty much right away and didn't seem to "take a flyer" on any picks. There are four or five positions where we could use help, maybe two linebackers, running back, wide receiver, cornerback, defensive tackle, and after that I would think we MIGHT be looking for an offensive lineman (center?) and possibly a flyer at tight end. I just don't see safety making the cut unless the kid might be a HUGE addition to special teams.
  23. okay..given this no one will touch them...bills draft.. Round 1. Calvin Johnson Round 2 Amobi Okoye Round 3 Gaines Adams ounds like the three of them were actually honest in the interview as opposed to almost everyone else interviewed!
  24. the very fact that the meter registered such an extraordinary level of intoxication, shows two facts ladies and gentlemen of the jury. Either the machine used was improperly calibrated or grossly defective, or the police officer was incompetent and or negligent in the administration of the test, or possibly, and given the record of the >>>>police department almost PROBABLY, both. The fact that my client was arrested, let alone embarassed by the shoddy police work in this case is a travesty...let me say again...a TRAVESTY of the expectation that we have of justice in this GREAT country. Maybe we could all rise and sing the national anthem ....
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