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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Somehow I don't see Trent Edwards as Peyton Manning or Tom Brady. If I remember correctly I think Tom Brady started his first superbowl season as a backup to Drew Bledsoe.
  2. Why would we pick a qb? I think Losman is almost certainly going to stay with us this year, and don't see us drafting anyone who could be a quality backup. Further, I think Losman has his best chance of starting here. New Offensive co-ordinator, TE is very good but not set in stone as the starter. I think we would be better off drafting i areas of need and keeping the players we have. If someone offers a great deal for Losman (I don't think that will happen) then we have to go back to the drawing boards.
  3. Four big areas of need- WR, TE, Center, and DE. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to take a cornerback, but not at #11. I'd take the best player available at 11 in any of the four critical areas of need. Given that many needs I wouldn't be surprised if we got the best player at one of those positions available in the entire draft. Except for the cornerback choice, I think it would be hard to screw up.
  4. Corner seems a bizarre choice given our needs in strengthening the offensive pass game either (or both?) through drafting WR TE or possibly strengthening the O-line. CB? we get CB's and marginally strengthen a mediocre to good defense while continuing with an anemic offense until our defensive players take off in free agency and we are back where we started. (Winfield et. al. redux?). I say the future is now. Strengthen the team where it is weakest and go for the playoffs this year. Cornerback just isn't cutting it.
  5. The way I see it handicapped spaces are a very small price we pay for including the handicapped in society. Far better than the days not so long ago where many of the handicapped couldn't get access to education or employment or pretty much anything else because of lack of physical access. Handicapped parking, TTY's curb cuts and all of that aren't all that big of a deal and the result is many people with disabilities can work, get an education etc.. It also gives those not handicapped the opportunity to work and be educated with people with disabilities and work through their own prejudices. Good for you stuckin...
  6. Hey Losman's stats aren't far behind Edwards and if he outperforms him...start JP. Its not like Edwards took us deep into the playoffs. I suspect Edwards will come into camp loaded for bear as will JP. JP may very well be auditioning in the preseason for some trade...so he'll be going all out, and Edwards seems to be the kind of guy who will go all out in any event. Should be interesting. Remember we won the AFL title with the famous Kemp/Lamonica controversy raging.
  7. I think I'll see if I can get a copy of it as well. He is touted to be a real comedic genius. Nice to know he appears to hold up well with time.
  8. Interesting points. I suspect JP isn't dead yet, and this is probably the best place for him. If TE gets injured or if he outplays him he may actually get another shot somewhere down the line. For now the question appears to be settled, but who knows how the cards will play out, and JP's numbers have not been all that bad. I suspect you'll take a lot of hits on this board for your position though!
  9. Where did that deputy get her training, Abu Gharib?
  10. I think it could be a good game. Arizona has some hellacious receivers and I suspect Leinart may be somewhat better this year. As to the Bills that jackass reporter should note how we darn near made the playoffs after suffering an unbelievable run of injuries and with a rookie quarterback. Worst games? I'd look at teams such as Oakland and probably Miami for next year.
  11. Hell, what's the point of having those Taser things if you can't light up one of those illegal handicap parkers?
  12. Jack Off? Sorry...couldn't help it..I think there is a thirteen year old somewhere in my head.
  13. ok ok...give the freakin Dali Lama a parking space and be done with it, for goodness sake! Who the hell is Darfur Burma? Guess we could give her one too!
  14. My first reaction seeing the schedule was 9-7, but I see that as the minimum we should do for a successful season. A little more effort and some luck I can see the playoffs on the horizon. New England has lost some players, some (Brushci and Seau for two) on their very last legs and coming off a major super bowl loss. Its time to stand up to them. Okay, Okay...we see ourselves in the playoffs every year, but I don't see us that far away from it. Frankly my 9-7 was based on two losses to New England. We beat Goliath once (or twice) and play as we should I could easily see us in the playoffs.
  15. Get used to it. Wait till they are ALL played in Toronto. We might get a pre-season game occassionally for old times sake!
  16. Getting a nice refund..but then again the clowns in Washington are so judicious about spending it. I watched 60 minutes on Sunday and it was nice to find out we're funding all of the Iraqi ministers homes in Paris and most of the friggin Iraqi insurgency with it. Geez..we'd just piss it away on gas and mortgage payments.
  17. here's my guy for round 4 although PK seems to think he goes in round 3. Dexter Jackson "This kid can fly on a football field. He just looks faster than any of the other guys on the field. He is built for the slot, making the pivot route almost impossible to cover. He can also run away from defenders on the shallow cross. Could be a terrific NFL return man. Draft projection: Round 3."
  18. Crips. Name recognition, national prominence, easier to spell. Westside Ballers just doesn't have the oomph...definite tier 2 gang. Is there some kind of test prep program for membership in the Crips the kid could join? Extracurricular activities (stealing candy or something) might impress the admissions committee.
  19. Yes...it will become a tradition. Five years from now the Toronto Bills will be looking forward to the one game they play in Buffalo...the famous Browns/Bills throwback game.
  20. I like Dexter Jackson of Appalachian State as a later round WR choice. Got a feeling he will be a major surprise.
  21. And in addition to that there are a great number of "non-traditional" career options. I grew up with a guy who went to law school and now does "Meet the Press" (Tim Russert). I am counsel to a university and med school and teach law at a law school in Virginia. Others in my law school class are Counsel to a national retail clothing company, a baseball umpire, an international arbitrator and a CEO of a major financial firm. It is possible to be miserable in law, but its very possible to be miserable in pretty much any career field. I think it was Lincoln (a lawyer) who said "I reckon a man is about as happy as he decides to be." I think there are measures other than money. I had a conversation with my daughter (presently in law school) about the kids with Mercedes and Lexuses (Lexi?) in the parking lot and said to her "Honey, don't ever confuse who you are with what you own."
  22. hey Congrats! You gotta be a proud dad. I'm sure she'll do very well and make dad even MORE proud. I got a daughter of my own in law school as well. When they graduate they can commit us!
  23. Round 1-Best WR available, probably Devin Thomas or best DE available. Round 2 Best WR or DE depending on Round 1 Round 3- OG Roy Schuening Oregon St. Round 4- TE Cottam out of Tennessee (homer and high risk pick..but what the hell.) Round 5- WR Dexter Jackson of Appalachian State University
  24. In addition to Dollywood, the Smoky Mountain National Park is one of the most visited, if you like all that nature crap. The Blue Ridge Mountains and Appalachian Trail aren't too far away either. It is a bit of a haul for a long weekend though. I think the Sundowner is probably the best choice.
  25. I'm looking at Mitchell Poszlusny and Crowell as starters. That's a fairly good sized bunch of linebackers (nearly 250 lbs average) , with Ellison and DiGiorgio (who I think are pretty good...let alone good as backups.) I'll predict that linebacker will one of our strengths this coming year. The proof is in the pudding. Let's see how they play with a clearly more stable defensive personnel situation. Remember how the injury plague hit our defense week after week last year. Let's make a note to check on this at Thanksgiving and see what we have.
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