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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Actually the Bills are playing it pretty well as of now. It doesn't mean much if Peters rests up the next few weeks, and the Bills are going to cough up some money at the end of the game. This is a dance and I would be surpised if a deal isn't fashioned before the start of the season.
  2. It isn't about the right way to deal with the bills. It is recognizing an opportunity where his client has great leverage and a perceived salary inequity. The reason for the holdout and the clout is the same reason the proverbial dog licks his testicles...because he can. I don't like the situation but it is exactly what I would expect my agent to do if I were in that situation.
  3. It isn't about the right way to deal with the bills. It is recognizing an opportunity where his client has great leverage and a perceived salary inequity. The reason for the holdout and the clout is the same reason the proverbial dog licks his testicles...because he can.
  4. The Bills can last all season...they just won't do as well. Peters can hold out probably until the end of training camp and I suspect he will, and that a contract will be signed just before the beginning of the regular season. I don't think either party feels a tremendous need to get 'er done right away. Its all just posturing and bull sh-- at this point
  5. Wow...I'd have a hard time picking any of the games mentioned as not qualifying as the best regular season game. I remember a monday night football game against Oakland (I think) where everyone left the stadium thinking the game was over and Joe Ferguson connected on some great plays to win it. Memory escapes me though, but it was a hell of a game.
  6. Crop of what cincy? Kids are fine (daughter finished first year law school son doing well, grandkids are the best in the world...I think every grandfather says that though). Getting ready for a great football season!
  7. The question is whose absence will do the most damage to the team. Consequently we have to measure the quality of the position, the quality of the player in that position, and the quality of the backup. Quarterback is the big position, but there isn't all THAT much difference between Edwards and Losman. Evans? Well we have Hardy and others. Corners seem pretty much in the same realm. Running back would be a big dropoff from Lynch to Jackson but we'd get by. Given our present holdout stance I hate to have to admit it, but without Peters we aren't going anywhere. It is a perfect storm...essential position...pro-bowl caliber player...no viable backup.
  8. I agree. When the guy has you over a barrel and its a potential playoff season, you kinda gotta belly up to the bar. I suspect its time to recut the deal. Since the original deal the guy has not only made the pro bowl but has become one of the premier players in the league (even he wouldn't make Bill Belichik's team, according to Belichick.)
  9. I haven't been all that impressed by the guy. Great in Cincinnatti and injury prone ever since. I wasn't impressed with his second guessing personnel decisions publicly while a Bill. Hope he is physically able to play and does well with Detroit though, as I wouldn't begrudge anyone the right to make a living.
  10. No question. We have special teams at the highest caliber playoff level. Now let's get the offense and defense to make that last step as well!!
  11. I'd have to rank my Walt Cudzik coffee cup up there with the best of them.
  12. I was in high school in 1966 hitching out to the Lake and and was picked up by Elbert Dubenion (Golden Wheels.) Nice guy. He was always in the open and fast as you can imagine, but you never knew if he could hold on to the ball or not.
  13. Have a Kalishnokov AK-47 shirt with a Kalishnokov world tour (Vietnam, Angola, Chechnya etc.) logo on the back. Its in Russian and always gets a second look. Got it in Ukraine a few years back.
  14. I'm not sure, but I'd have to say LT is a premier position. McFadden is NOT A. Peterson or OJ Simpson..but a pretty good bet to be a fine starter on the Raiders. But he hasn't played an NFL game yet. Peters is the franchise (IMHO) at least on offense. He is worth top LT money (which isn't small change by any means.). I say sign him and get on with the season!!!
  15. I always felt that way about Thurman Thomas. His yards were okay, but he was money in the bank getting to the first down marker game after game. He wasn't the guy with all the big yardage runs but he kept the ball and our drives going year after year. I guess it wouldn't be fair to say he wasn't recognized because pretty much every fan in Buffalo knew how valuable he was.
  16. I'm in (obviously) Tennessee and we have a group of expats that constantly talk about the Bills,. wear Bills shirts, and spread the love whenever we can. Of course this part of Tenn is University of Tenn, which I love as well, but not with the same fervor as the Bills. I grew up in South Buffalo in the sam era as Tim and knew the family. I remember mentioning at the dinner table how I had met this really nice girl ( Betty Ann Russert) and my parents going on about what a wonderful family the Russerts were. He apparently carried out that tradition. He ied young but he sure got a lot done in his relatively short life.
  17. Many years ago I played in a "wheelchair basketball" game at SUNY Brockport with a team of people who use them all the time. I was a pretty fair basketball player, but I was helpless in the chair, while the team we played against moved with tremendous agility and grace. I finished the game with blistered hands, a lot of humility and appreciation for the way folks deal with adversity. On a similar note a colleague of mine died recently at 50 who used a wheelchair and was a wonderful disability advocate. I make my students read her article about the "Disability Gulag". http://thegimpparade.blogspot.com/2008/06/...-1957-2008.html
  18. John McCain "Busch Beer-I'm vetoing it"....."Bush Kool-Aid? Been drinking it for years. " Mission Accomplished.
  19. quality running shoes. In my running days I could have attributed a huge number of nagging injuries to worn running shoes. Try getting them from a specialty store where they know your foot. You'll be surprised how a few extra bucks save your legs, shins, and about everything else. As to your present injury I'll save you a co-pay- Rest, very gentle stretching and ice.
  20. I saw a very powerful flick the other night, but it certainly isn't for everyone. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. JEEEEZZZZ it was a hard watch but very much worth it.
  21. There was always that great Ronnie Harmon catch of Jim Kelly's pass that took us over the Cleveland Browns and led to us winning our first of five superbowls! Oh....wait a minute. He dropped that one.
  22. That was the play that came to mind when I read the post. There are others by guys like Dubenion, Chandler,Reed, J.D. Hill, Lofton, Beebe (I always got a kick of how he could get the living daylights pounded out of him, get hit into next Sunday and hang on to the ball.) and a few of Evans and Moulds. The Butler catch will live on though.
  23. Maybe we can compromise. Put him up but kind of wide to the right of everyone else?
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