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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. I figure Peters has to find the most face saving way (assuming there is a face saving way) to get back right away unless he is planning on sitting out the season. He played his hand and the bills stood firm. Now its pretty much over for him, and the bills seem ready to carry on without him. Evans should negotiate an extension and the bills should open up their wallets. He's a keeper.
  2. Is there some injury to Peters that I don't know about? I believe he made all pro. He's pretty much saying he's worth more than he's getting. I think its a take it or leave it situation and the Bills have said Leave It. peters has overplayed his hand and now its either sit out the season or come back with his tale between his legs, play it out and move as a free agent.
  3. wow. One could have a night for each major STD!
  4. We are looking pretty good at corner. I don't think he's playing badly at all, and I would expect improvement in tackling as he develops from wide receiver. All of these db's must be geared toward defending Moss. I love how everyone GIVES the AFC East to New England before the season starts. Lots of things happen between now and December and I think we've been working hard and made a lot of improvement in last year's injury riddled season. Maybe this is our year to take on the Goliath that everyone is conceding New England is.
  5. Bingo. I gotta admit I wasn't all that surprised to find that wings are fattening. Actully most of the food I really like is fattening. No point in pretending otherwise. I do my best to make healthy foods more appetizing and try (unsuccessfully a lot of the time!) to avoid or limit the fattening.
  6. The injury might have removed whatever doubt the Bills might have had of going with only two qb's .
  7. I've always thought it had to do the with stereotypical statement about white guys and jumping.
  8. Well...did God actually write Exodus? If so did he do it in English? Just curious.
  9. 1. Quarter back is looking pretty good with a starter, first rate backup and promising rookie 2. Offensive line is going to be scary. 3. Marshawn may very well have a pro-bowl season.
  10. Hell as long as he's not endorsing " anabolic steroidios"
  11. Like him or not JP is the man for then next week, and if the Bills are wise he may be the man for the next two weeks, until TE is healthy. This is his showcase for other teams and he knows that whatever he does this season on and off the field will influence whether he gets a shot on another team. I think the guy was in an unfortunate situation here, partly because of his not really being a #1 choice talent-wise, partly because of the early injury, partly because of the change in administrations...but hey...who said life is fair? I suspect he'll recognize this as a chance to salvage something and optimize his chances to continue in football somewhere else.
  12. Now SOME things deserved to be covered twice. In fact I wouldn't mind seeing that posted again next week!
  13. Losman seems somewhat snakebit, at least on this board. I have always thought he was pretty good and getting better, but I have to conclude that TE has more upside and consequently I suspect JP will move on to some other team. I don't see him as a career backup. If, God Forbid, he has to take over I think we're in far better shape than most teams would be under those circumstances and I'm glad to have him. He certainly has handled himself well and knows that his performance will be carefully watched by other teams that might have an interest in him.
  14. Sure is a contact sport. My kid played high school, junior and college hockey, high school football and soccer, without any serious injuries. Lost a front tooth, broke both arms (catcher) playing baseball.
  15. I played in the air force and had that injury early in the season. I gutted it out the remainder of the season and was in pain for months after. I played defensive end. If I had it to do over I'd have taken some time to get better. I imagine the Bills have enough sense (and a little time at this point in the preseason) to allow him to heal.
  16. I'd say it is about time for Jason to get serious and the Bills to cough up. It doesn't hurt Peters much to miss this much training camp but he's going to need a few weeks to get into game shape and learn the new wrinkles of the offense. I think he has been shown that the Bills will survive without him (although with him they could do much better). Time for everyone on both sides to put this deal together.
  17. Hmmmm...I've never thought Ben Stiller was a retard. Can't say the same for those who actually pay money to see his movies though.
  18. 9 out of 10 for two touchdowns in your rookie debut? I think we gotta watch this guy.
  19. Where will cheap wives go to pick up next husbands?
  20. Don't I wish. At one time prices could be jerry rigged to influence elections. Now the fact is that global demand is jacking it up and so I wouldn't expect the price to go anywhere near as low as 2 bucks. That's why this off shore drilling is so much bull sh--. The demand (global) isn't changing so if we drill offshore or anwar, we are not going to dent the world market, just add to American oil company profits and we'll see little or no decrease in gas prices.
  21. Lotta things gonna happen on this board, but me posting a picture of my daughter sure isn't one of them!
  22. I can't imagine that Brett wouldn't be the starter by the beginning of the season. I'm not sure that would be good at all for the long-term plans of the Pack. Now if one thinks it would give a meaningful opportunity to win a superbowl this year it might be the worth the headaches. If I were calling the shots I'd have him traded before Monday for whatever pick I could get. Not the end of the world either way, but I'd come down on the side of getting rid of him and getting on with rebuilding.
  23. my daughter has an eerie resemblance to Christina Applegate. We were in Washington last year going into a Congressional Office Building and the security folk kept her for ten minutes insisting she was CA. I'll keep Christina in my prayers.
  24. I was a huge fan of the guy when he was at Tennessee and was delighted when the Bills got him. I think he has panned out well and will be a mainstay on the defense at corner or as a nickel for years to come.
  25. Given that his friggin administration was so over the top that both dems and republicans are laughing at him, I can't imagine the movie doing worse. The PPP crowd will probably be offended.
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