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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. McKelvin hasn't played d-back much during these first four games, but has played okay when he has played. He's a good addition to special teams. I think I'll wait before I start deciding who was the better pick.
  2. I've had a toss up between John Molson and Shania Twain or Pamela Anderson. Don't make me pick between beer and women.
  3. Smoking two packs a day contributed to his problems? What orifice was he smoking from?
  4. Believe me I am not trying to put down Dockery or Stroud. Just pointing out that Jauron seemed focused on need and value rather than marquee billing.
  5. Ahhh Cincy, Cincy, Cincy. You repubs with your revisionist history. It was this president, his secretary of the treasury and his executive branch that dropped the ball here. It was Phil Gramm and the deregging senior citizens of the old congress that opened up the doors for the "free market" to engage in irresponsible practices resulting in their being in such a financial mess that they come to Washington for a bail out. Don't see any of them trading in their options and golden parachutes. And McCain? he waits until they are close to a bill to address the problem and then pulls a political stunt. Having barely escaped indictment his own self in the Keating scandal he does have experience. Isn't this stuff for the nazi board? Seems like you guys wouldn't want to foray into the real world to discuss this.
  6. I apologize for my scepticism of Dick Jauron's appointment. These last few drafts have been outstanding by any standard. Whitner is a huge contributor, Ko Simpon, Kyle Williams et al are making a huge difference. Lynch, Pos and Schouman in addition to Edwards have made things happen. Second, our off season decisions to go for linemen such as Dockery and Stroud instead of "name" margquee types has done us well. Third Jauron has been the just the coach we need for a young time even if he is not as entertaining as the some of the headset throwing funnymen on other teams. Mea culpa, mea culpa mea maxima culpa. Hiring Jauron was a great choice, Ralph.
  7. I would drink up, but your pinhead president just gave all my beer money for the next five generations to AIG and Lehman Bros!
  8. Boils down to this. McCain is a Republican running on a Republican platform with Republican lobbyists and advisors and if elected will keep most of the executive branch in place replacing some with his own people (like Phil Gramm, for instance.). Obama is a democrat running on a democrat platform with dem lobbyists and advisors and will clean house putting in democrats (people like Rubin, Clinton etc.) I kind of liked the economy when the dems ran it. I kind of liked our foreign policy when the dems ran it. I kind of liked the centrist Supreme Court justices appointed when the dems ran it. It really isn't all THAT much about McCain or Obama. If it were I'd think twice about a guy who managed to destroy five airplanes and whose claim to fame is crashing and getting captured and who graduated at the bottom of his class versus a guy who was editor of the Harvard Law Review, teaches at Chicago Law and earned his chops as a community activist. I think Biden is fine but worry about Palin as I have not been impressed with the last governor of an extremely large state and no real foreign policy experience who tried to run the country.
  9. I know you were tongue in cheek, but as of this moment it seems truth is as strange as your fiction. I can't believe the variance in the polls. I guess its a sign that the debate was pretty much of a draw.
  10. I see you have managed to keep that cheerful collegial attitude. However we can agree or not. see?
  11. Boy St. Louis is really dysfunctional. Although they are a mess, I think we'd better keep our gaurd up. These teams on the verge of imploding seem to have the equivalent of a dead cat bounce, and I hope we don't run into that.
  12. I was arguing that before this frigging war began. This administration is great for failing to look to the inevitable results of their actions before they act, whether it be the war in Iraq, regulation of Wall Street, or this silly bailout. Now we can either get out now and the inevitable will happen, or we can wait, spend a lot more money and lose a lot more lives (and continue to arm the various participants.) and then pull out...at which time the inevitable will happen.
  13. Yeah right...Then I'll sue Michigan, Notre Dame and Southern Cal to establish a woman's football team. There are three groups in intercollegiate athletics-men's athletics/women's athletics and football.
  14. Your honor, the defendant is charged with Driving under the influence and Criminally flatulent behavior.
  15. Nonsense. The credit really goes to McCargo, who we are holding back to spur Stroud and Williams to play better because McCargo is ready to take their job. All of the credit for us going 3-0 belongs to Mc Cargo.
  16. What a dumbass. What kind of moron would pretend there were weapons of mass destruction to justify committing an illegal act? OHHHHHHH...."Mission accomplished" ....wonder if he picks his nose and wears a flightsuit?
  17. I'm not surprised. We beat Seattle (injuries...doesn't count) Jacksonville (offensive line problems)...Oakland (god-awful team ...although I for one thought they looked pretty tough!) ...and the next two are gimme's. That's the party line for the media through the bye week. However Seattle and Jacksonville are looking good through the three games...so much for the injury business...and I think that we'll find that Oakland isn't as bad as the media is making out. I don't think we'll get love until we win a playoff game.
  18. I think we have to be heavy favorites and I love that McFadden is bothered by turf toe this week...but he is one hell of a runner. I think we shouldn't take them lightly, although that quarterback looks like a tackle and runs pretty much like one.
  19. This is very unfair, but I think we could win the first FIVE games and some will argue we are not legitimate contenders. Easy schedule ...seattle and jacksonville had lots of critical injuries, then oakland, Arizona...well...you know the drill. Then we'll have the Yeah they are first in the AFC East but that's like being third anywhere else. I'm usually suspicious of the "we don't get no respect" talk...but frankly I don't think anyone is going to take us seriously until we actually WIN the first playoff game. On the other hand...it might not be too bad to have all of these teams not taking us seriously!
  20. Okay...it can be told. Jackson has been playing well and it was it a very short holdout. Not quite a Jason Peters kind of impact, but it did get folks attention.
  21. She seems kind of stupid here in red-neck hillbilly east tennessee as well.
  22. Amy by Bobby Darin, on the other side of If I were a carpenter. Always liked that song.
  23. not sure about all the predicitions but looking at our play sunday and the upcoming schedule I think it is conceivable that we might be 5-0 or close to it going into the bye week. Of course there are the mandatory million variables that play into it...but we looked very very very good this week.
  24. I've stayed at the Sheraton and at the hotel that used to be the Seagram's Tower up on the hill. Really nice view. Definitely stay on the Canadian side.
  25. And slothrop... It isn't over there on PPP becuase this board is more public and more people see it. Interesting. Says a lot about the PPP and what it is or is not. See?
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