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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  2. Early in his career, but the Buffalo Bill he most reminds me of is probably more Ferguson. The bombers (La Monica, Bledsoe, Kelly et. al) don't seem the best comparison, and I think he has some qualities (but more talent) than Kemp (although Kemp threw the long ball better...he was referred to, as KRC might be able to verify, as having one of the strongest arms in football at the time.). I think Trent may be more talented than Ferguson but I think of the bunch I'd have to go with him as the most comparable. In the entire NFL? I think he's in the Montana style, but that's a huge hall of fame comparison and TE had better play a full season or two and get us a superbowl ring before I'd go too far down that route.
  3. A cabbie picks up a Nun. She gets into the cab, and notices that the VERY handsome Cab driver won't stop staring at her. She asks him why he is staring. He replies: 'I have a question to ask you but I don't want to offend you.' She answers, 'My son, you cannot offend me. When you're as old as I am And have been a nun as long as I have, you get a chance to see and hear just about everything. I'm sure that there's nothing you could say or ask that I would find offensive.' 'Well, I've always had a fantasy to have a nun kiss me.' She responds, 'Well, let's see what we can do about that: #1, you have To be single, and #2, you must be Catholic.' The cab driver is very excited and says, 'Yes, I'm single and Catholic!' 'OK' the nun says. 'Pull into the next alley.' The nun fulfills his fantasy, with a kiss that would make a hooker blush. But when they get back on the road , the cab driver starts crying. 'My dear child,' says the nun, 'why are you crying?' 'Forgive me but I've sinned. I lied and I must confess, I'm married and I'm Jewish.' The nun says, 'That's OK. My name is Kevin and I'm going to a Halloween party
  4. I've been getting emails all day from siblings and childhood friends about this. The guy across the street Mr. McMinnis (not his real name...he was a decent guy and long dead...but a crab.) Used to complain when we played touch football in the street. One day the ball went into his front yard and he took it. I got all pissed off and took his lawn mower over to my yard. I was stubborn and wouldn't budge and he wouldn't either. It became a huge neighborhood thing and my big brother came back from work and negotitiated with his daughter. It culminated with this big meeting in the middle of the street where he gave us back the football and I gave him back his lawn mower, with a commitment from Mr. M not to tell my parents, who probably would have whooped my ass.
  5. http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D9...;show_article=1 Guess that's one way to turn the economy around.
  6. Perhaps its time to assess this magnificent quarterback for all of his play this season. He may very well be the greatest quarterback since Otto Graham. Its a shame about the concussion or we'd be able to beat New England going undefeated AND winning the superbowl!
  7. Mulligans and Laughlins come to mind from a long gone era. Mullgans was owned by two Buffalo cops and Laughlins was a neat hangout. South Buffalo had the Southside, O'Malley's there was a place named after a car company in west seneca where the early Jim Kelly got into some trouble (Pierce-Arrow?) from time to time (nothing major). the Dash Inn (a neighborhood dive...would be shocked if anyone else remembered it.)
  8. You heard of the transvestite who went abroad and came back a broad? Actually I have a lot of experience with international programs and if you check out your university websites, (SUNY Brockport or SUNY itself) there are a lot of programs affiliated with Australian Universities.
  9. Or, to find an older song... Last night I had the strangest dream I'd ever dreamed before I dreamed the world had all agreed To put an end to war I dreamed I saw a mighty room Filled with women and men And the paper they were signing said They'd never fight again
  10. The only team where he might fit (Oakland) already has its quarterback and he'd be there only as a backup. I think he might, given the nature of the position, get in for a while somewhere this season, but he'd better show more if he does. To be fair we really sucked everywhere in the Arizona game and I can't point at JP as the key to that loss.
  11. I dreamed we won our Division and were in our first playoff game since god knows when. In the final game we had the division sewn up so we let many starters sit and played back-ups. In a stellar performance JP Losman threw for FIVE touchdowns. Ralph insistst we play him instead of Edwards. We end up playing Tennessee in Nashville. Losman is okay and we score a touchdown in the last minute of play to take a one point lead. All we have to do is kick of with some thirteen seconds left. We kick off...everyone heads for the fellow who catches the ball, but he turns and.... Actually I woke up then. Have to avoid those burritos before I go to bed.
  12. Was this the game where Stratton put the hammer to Keith Lincoln? I think of that as the hardest hit in the history of the Bills. I remember that the problem with that team was that our wide receivers were injured and Bo Roberson was a mid-season desperation acquisition. I'm not sure if Dubenion and Bass were both hurt or what. Billy Joe was not exactly in the Cookie Gilchrist mode but was a pretty good fullback. I remember getting beat up with a billy club by a Buffalo police officer as I climbed a fence to get into the rockpile that season and seeing Hagood Clarke intercept a George Blanda pass and run it in to win a game that was all but won by the Houston Oilers. ... Gee come to think of that we had a habit of doing that to the Oilers, didn't we?
  13. oh well..hopefully not a lot of women are reading this.
  14. Buffalo 30 Arizona 27. Watch for a very unexpected on sides kick a la what Jacksonville did to us.
  15. Arizona and San Diego? We get by those two and God knows where we can go. We will really prove we're a contender for the whole ball of wax by winning the next two games.
  16. is this place turning into the nazi board or what?
  17. In an Amoozing turn of events the judge found that the charges were udderly warranted, rejected her pleas as "milking sympathy, and sent her to a cowrectional facility.
  18. When we get to apologizing for Tom Donohoe, Mularky, Gregg Williams, Rob Johnson et. al., let me off the bus!
  19. Right on both counts...I mispelled and I don't give a !@#$!
  20. ditto...a worthy jousting partner...miguided...but worthy nevertheless!
  21. Gee..wish we were all in Joey's situation. The financial situation will be bad, but I suspect we aren't looking at Armageddon here.
  22. Hey..its looking good and its the journey as much as the holy grail. Let's enjoy this week by week!!! Go Bills!
  23. ah Cincy, sometimes I think Republicans should be elected because their nonsense is almost funny. I was amused by the House republican saying he didn't vote for a rescue package which was the result of the failure of a republican administration and which would result in a massive stock market dive...because he was offended by Nancy Pelosi's speech!!!...not that he disagreed on principle...not even that he feared not getting re-elected...but he voted against one of the most important bills in the last fifty years....BECAUSE HIS FEELI:NGS WERE HURT!!!....you can't get better comedy at any movie that I know of. Oh...the problem was caused by Carter...Now Cincy I know the short term memory is the first to go...but CARTER HASN'T BEEN President for nearly thirty friggin years!!! Bush has been president for eight. Now I know you and the rest of the crew on the nazi board think he was too busy doing such a wonderful job on foreign policy that he should be forgiven for leaving the economy to go to hell, but there should be some blame on the old POTUS who was at the wheel for the seven years prior to all hell breaking loose (something he apparently discovered nine days ago...Intelligence failure?). The Shah of Iran? Actually it isn't the far east at all but Central Asia, and I have spent a considerable amount of time in Azerbaijan, on the border of Iran (More Azeri's in Iran than in Azerbaijan, but that involves a long story and Joe Stalin, so I won't go into that.) You think that Carter "backing" the Shah would have prevented the revolution? If you buy that I've got a bridge in Alaska I'd like to sell you. I don't need a link to tell you how the luminaries would get out of the situation. The two of them were actually in the same seat as your pinhead president and neither of them GOT INTO the situation. U
  24. I suspect that we're going to have to wait for the one poll that counts-- on election day.
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