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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Didn't our marines get their start fighting pirates? Shores of Tripoli and all that crap?
  2. Hey...we coulda won. I blame the announcer (Kornheiser?) for rambling on about Scott Norwood and "wide right" for about 30 seconds before Lindell kicked. Poisoned the air. bad kharma. That's what really happened. I also got a kick out of this being a "playoff" game. The playoff games are the New England, Jets and Miami games. Lose any of those and you're history. Win those and two others and you're in.
  3. Yeah..but can they explain the ring around Uranus? Sorry...a seventh grade flashback. I still have scars on my knuckles from the "Hey sister, I can see uranus!" crack.
  4. obnoxious elitist like Alaska Darin or DC Tom. Who of course own the franchise on stupid.
  5. Wow...we are 5 and 4....that's good. We are in the bottom of our division.....that's not so good We lost all games to division opponents...that REALLY sucks. BUT.... Trent's numbers aren't really all that bad except for the (very bad) habit of being intercepted at critical moments. The fat guys up front aren't all that aggressive in protecting and giving pass coverage. We seem really tentative about giving the ball to Lynch and Jackson. The special teams and offense are getting rather vanilla lately. I really think we have to fine tune quickly, and give those fatboys two bowls of NASTY on sunday mornings and salads through the week, encourage some creative risk taking on the O and Special Teams and get out there and win a couple. two wins in a row and we can put off doom and gnashing of teeth for a while.
  6. I'm as liberal as the next guy, but the bailout made no sense to me. Merril Lynch and others got into the mortgage business not knowing what they were doing and clearly deserved bankruptcy. The federal government COULD have (I'm not sure that this is something they should have done) approached the crisis by cutting out the malignancy from the bailout by offering to purchase ALL mortgages (good and bad) from the financial firms at a drastic discount. At that point the mortgages (and only the mortgages) would have gone through a restructuring which would have involved converting the bizarre terms of the mortgages where practical to a fixed Long term (40 to 50 year) at a reduced fixed rate (hence the "discount" and limited federal funds being used.) Bankruptcy and foreclosure proceedings would be subject to a special master with great authority to fashion a workout. As to the financial industry (welfare recipients Republican style.) I don't understand why in accepting any bailout funds they would not agree to a temporary seat on the board being given to the government (given the shoddy state of oversight their existing boards have exercised) and a moratorium on bonuses and "golden parachutes" pending review by the Justice department. This bailout is a boondoggle and robbery of the public treasury. Wait a minute...Iraq, Katrina....hmmm.. more of the same.
  7. Neat article. I like the paragraph... "It also surfaced in the 1968 candidacy of George Romney, who was born in Mexico, but again was not tested. The former Connecticut politician Lowell Weicker Jr., born in Paris, sought a legal analysis when considering the presidency, an aide said, and was assured he was eligible. Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr. was once viewed as a potential successor to his father, but was seen by some as ineligible since he had been born on Campobello Island in Canada. The 21st president, Chester Arthur, whose birthplace is Vermont, was rumored to have actually been born in Canada, prompting some to question his eligibility." Weren't most of the
  8. Actually i remember hearing McCain was born outside of America as well. I think his mother being a US citizen he meets the constitutional mandate wherever he was born.
  9. Geez, don't post it on the nazi board. I think those folks are in the bunker after November 4! The bailout is the Republican version of wealth redistribution.
  10. Bailout love!!! Redistribute the wealth to the lawyers! http://amlawdaily.typepad.com/amlawdaily/2...ury-pays-5.html
  11. Best of luck pooj! Let us know how it turns out.
  12. Race my ass. The guy ran a pretty much flawless campaign, and his opponent didn't. McCain embarassed himself with his selection of Palin and his reaction to the economic crisis. If one of the two of them has to answer the phone at 3 am I think I'll bet on the guy who ran the better campaign and reacted rationally and deliberately during the economic crisis.
  13. good point...l believe he's President elect of all of us.
  14. I'm sorry Lori....my bad...I was in a hurry to get to a meeting and was so shocked that cincy and I had something in common I just posted without reading the whole thread. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.
  15. If Obama doesn't win? If the sun doesn't set in the west? If the bear doesn't sh-- in the woods? If the pope isn't a catholic? If McCain doesn't win will all the racists storm Washington?
  16. Geez cincy...have we found we have something in common? I have always enjoyed Studs Terkel's work. Didn't he do a book many years ago titled "Working?" I really enjoyed the book. Still one can't complain if he manages to eke 96 years out of a lifetime.
  17. Okay...we got us five wins and three losses, and we're in a dogfight to get to the playoffs. Did we really expect this to be all that easy? The trick is to get us a win over the patsies next week and move from there. The jets and miami are no longer doormats and they aren't going to bow down and worship us on our way to the Division championship and they told us that in no uncertain terms the last few weeks. Remember what our coaches used to tell us about going getting tough and tough getting going? Our veterans and coaching staff will step up, TE will continue to develop and we'll be just fine. I'm still favoring us for the division championship.
  18. good point. Probably best for all concerned. I wish the guy well.
  19. I remember that game and thinking that Bennet was the final piece of the puzzle and we were on our way. I agree that he was a major contributor and for a while deserved to be in the first rank of kelly, reed, smith thomas...but didn't play at that level for Buffalo long enough to be in that category and fell to the very very good player group in the second tier...the Talleys, Conlans, Taskers, Loftons, et al. I choke a little talking about those guys as second tier.
  20. i guess the fact is that we do have him, he has experience with our offense, he has one hell of an arm and he seems to be okay with the back-up role for now. I think we are in better shape than most teams with him as the back-up. Will he want to go and look for a place to start? Probably. Will he find one? Probably not. Will he come back to a renegotiating position to seek a second place role in Buffalo? I think it will take a real mental readjustment for him, but it may be the only way to stay in football. Hamdan has looked okay and he might be the guy we are MORE satisfied with in the back up role on down the line, which would leave Losman kind of without any home.
  21. I would point out to the guy that you had moral reservations about being paid off the books and felt you should report the matter to IRS. Also you might consider that back pain you are suffering from being on your knees with the tile and file a workers comp claim against him. You might want to consider the FLSA complaint you might file as well. I think that might make him feel a little guilty about not following through on his promise. you might want to consider a sexual harassment charge given his sexual advances...but that might be stretching it. Oh...and I don't know your race, age or national origin, but you might want to give that a consideration as well.
  22. Death doesn't bother me all that much...long as its and a-hole.
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