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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Or....Fumble, recover the ball while on the run throw a pick, have the interceptor fumble, recover the ball and throw yet another pick.....it was one of those days.
  2. They cut into my buffalo bills game to show that and I had the same thought. If JP had been throwing his shoes they would have been five feet over bush's head. Assuming he didn't fumble them.
  3. ditto....I'm not sure what is going on with TE but I am not willing to give up on him. I think moving him to a back up role right now will not be a good thing. Let's give him an off season to work on it and come back strong. That being said it would be hard not to make a play for Garcia, Warner or Collins. I would think Garcia would be the only guy available of the three though. JP is history unless he shows greatness in the next two games.
  4. The shame of it all is that they could beat the jets. I don't think we lack the talent. Lynch and Jackson and the o line could put the hurts on the jets and keep favre off the field. The defense hasn't been all that bad. If we are stuck with JP then lets play a JP game. Run and block from the backs, turn Losman lose to run at will, and a not so occassional bomb to lengthen the field. Sometimes the obvious is the best way to go. That being said, I'd be surprised if we did the above.
  5. A continuing travesty of justice. How are we ever going to find the real killers of Nicole and Ronald if OJ is put in jail? He was searching golf courses and whorehouses all over America in his never ending search. And to think this witness would take advantage of him in such a terrible way. Oh the horror...the horror.
  6. Thanks for the good wishes. Not expecting anything but brother was diagnosed with it and just went into remission, leading me to think once every ten year (the initial recommendation five years ago) was not enough. The gastro guy agreed and hence this is pretty routine. Very uncomforatable...but routine. One of things you do when you're old. I'm thinking MONEY on the Toronto thing. The rationale in going there (if indeed we ever do) is to open up a new market. If it happens that Toronto gets a team and it does well, it would be very tempting to go after the other major markets. I suspect most decisions when all is said and done will come from the need to make money...and the folks that make the decisions have to look at the major markets. Europe would be a major logistical headache, but the major Canadian markets near the border might have possibilities. The Toronto experiment may have more to it than just moving the Bills.
  7. Not really, however looking at the history of mergers, it is common to pick up the high market teams and let the rest of the league falter. The AFL/NFL merger was an exception. Might be too tempting once you open the door by giving Toronto a franchise.
  8. Geez...the irony is I'm reading this thread on the day I'm having a colonoscopy! The stuff they make you drink is awful.
  9. How do you divide up a 34 team league for playoff possibilities? Add two more and go with three twelve team conferences? Which teams would you add (Buffalo, San Antonio, Quebec City, BC, Las Vegas?)
  10. I think shivving the mo fo is the best advice. Fees, a day off work, and going before some town justice who doesn't give a sh-- is hardly worth the aggravation. The ad says "as is" and all you have for certain is some garage guy who probably won't come to court who will sign some affidavit saying it was "fried" (whatever that means). You are going to put 800 worth of headache into a minor ripoff... Shiv him and be done with it.
  11. Sorry to hear about the situation. The old cliche's about when the going gets tough will surely apply to you... Hang in there!
  12. The way I see it JP MIGHT beat the Dolphins. The guy runs hot and cold. No way he is going to win two of the remaining games, though. If he runs the table? I'm not going to join the dirty shorts eating crew, but I'm sure going to be shocked!
  13. not a bad looking young lady. http://dreamer2313.com/cuthbert/elishacuthbert30.jpg
  14. That play was bad news, but so was Lindell's miss, the failure to run the ball in the red zone, and whole host of other things that contributed to the game. I think we could spend the week blaming a whole group of people on the offense and the coaching staff. Let's just get over it and get ready for Miami. Crummy showing, Bills...cowboy up.
  15. Boy I pretty much have to go with all of the above. Come to think of it Sirius has a station each year that does Christmas stuff 24/7. I'll have to find out which station that is.
  16. She's only out of your league because you think she's out of your league...go for it.
  17. exactly. I can see the argument that we haven't been playing like a playofff team, but the math sure doesn't warrant giving up hope. If we are going to the playoffs we have to beat three teams that have beaten us...the jets, pats and dolphins. I think that is unlikely, but certainly not impossible. I think we have to beat SF next week and move on from there.
  18. I bought American cars exclusively up until 1994. I had a Crown Victoria that suffered from "paint peel". There were lots like me and the dealer and company refused to deal with it. I sent the president of the company a letter pointing out that between me and my children since 1966 (a 1960 merc monterey) and then we had only bought American and that constituted a total of 14 new and used vehicles. Since then I have bought 7 vehicles my kids have bought 5 none of which are American made. I'm happy with my Hyundai Sonata right now, daughter loves her Audi and son loves his Honda Pilot and BMW Z3 (I guess that BMW is now American?). You provide a crappy product or don't follow up on your obligations you lose customers. DUH. You want my money don't go to the govt. for it. Offer me a quality vehicle and a commitment to service.
  19. Bankruptcy with special provisions and with the feds operating as financier for the restructuring is the way to go. Dump or restructure legacy costs, probably merge the better parts of the big 3 and move on. The steel industry in America has begun to be competitive after going through bankruptcy, no reason the auto industry can't do the same. The feds go into the financing only to ward off the obvious takeover that would happen when Toyota, Hyundia or the Chinese walk in to buy the companies for pennies in bankruptcy.
  20. The UAW isn't the root of all evil. The management of GM, the UAW, and the state of Michigan are the root of all evil. They want to keep going the way they are going...fine...go bankrupt and get unemployed. They want taxpayer money?...clean up their respective acts.
  21. I think we have a comparison in our own history in the Kemp/Lamonica situation. Darryl LaMonica was traded to Oakland, where the "mad bomber" threw his way into stardom and the superbowl. Great arm, the team committed to the "smarter" but less talented guy, Kemp (no disparagement of Kemp who was a fine qb...just a comment on his style.). JP might be quite successful elsewhere.
  22. nope its not a bailout...its called "enabling" The foreign automakers in the states costabout $44 per hour. the GM folks cost nearly $78. Much of that is retirement and health. The compensation and perks for management are out of hand. Michigan's tax structure is crippling. The "bailout" should come if at all after a major restructuring and givebacks by UAW, GM and the state.
  23. good post. Jauron has done a good job, but 4 losses in a row and we'd be pissing all over Vince Lombardi, Marv Levy or Don Shula.
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