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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. That does it...I was just debating driving to Asheville tomorrow to see slumdog millionare, and you tipped the scales. I loved Benjamin Button, and Doubt, but this slumdog millionare is getting all the talk. I loved a film called Rachel at the Wedding. Anne Hathaway was a shock as an actor with real chops in that flick.
  2. Katrina money....to profiteers (Blackwater included) Iraq Money...to profiteers Bailout Money...to profiteers.. Pattern starting to emerge? Bush legacy.
  3. Whoa..we had bad coaches...but comparing any of them to an Adam Sandler movie? None of them were actually THAT bad.
  4. There wasn't a "best". There was a least worst...and I guess that would have to be Jauron. Phillips took a playoff team out of the playoffs, Williams took a close to playoff team into mediocrity, Mularky took a mediocre team into the basement and Jauron took a team from the basement to mediocrity. Let's not use best with this crowd.
  5. I have followed him since he played at the Univ. of Tennessee, and would love to see him stay as a Bill. However the handwriting is on the wall that he won't be a starter and he is certainly better than a lot of starting NFL CB's...so I suspect someone is going to shell out heavy duty money to get him as a starter. Hate to see him go, but I can't imagine he will be able to turn down the money that is going to be coming his way.
  6. Draft a Defensive End or Linebacker Get a Defensive Tackle and either a defensive end or linebacker (depending on who you drafted) in Free Agency. Get a Garcia or other QB in free agency (although i think we have to count on TE if we are going to win in 2010). Get a new offensive co-ordinator (assuming we HAVE to keep Jauron. Cross our fingers.
  7. OK OK...so her name really is Mary. I'm not willing to make book on the virgin part though.
  8. I appreciate the thought that our play calling on offense has been predictable and vanilla, but I gotta dissent as to THAT play With the position we were in, the success we had had running, and JP's penchant for losing the football. A run and first down...game pretty much over. A run and no first down....a good punt from a great punter and good special teams...Brett has a hell of a job in front of him.
  9. Sounds about right. He might even better himself with a good bowl game and go as high as round 3.
  10. I agree. I've been stunned at the rates I have gotten from Priceline and I imagine that the situation is probably even better now. I saw Bette Midler (great), Cirque du Soleil Love (very good) and Rita Rudner (good)
  11. Wow...this guy is a definite nut job. Gotta be a better way to deal with these kinds of cases.
  12. yup...I have my jackboots and swastika and nowhere to use them!
  13. Some guy named Zapruder has it on film...let's see how that turns out.
  14. I'm happy my alma mater gets him for at least another year, but for the life of me I don't know how Syracuse or Auburn let him slip through there figures. Their loss...our gain!
  15. inspiring guy. He'll be fine whatever the future brings.
  16. I suspect it will be a linebacker or Defensive lineman, either end or tackle. I know our offense is hurting, but I think that will be addressed in free agency.
  17. Get a trainer. The cost is worth it and the trainer will help you design the program for you. Remember that your overall plan will probably include cardio work and stretching and the trainer can help with those things as well. Good luck.
  18. I agree about recouping everything one can recoup. Unfortunately that won't even be a drop in the bucket. I think dying in prison is probably the only recourse, even for a seventy year old man. Why would we be heartfelt for him? Think of the mentally ill in prison. The largest institutions for the mentally disabled in the United States according to the Department of Justice? Rykers Islane Cook County Jail LA County Jail. I'm not wasting time worrying about a rich old white guy who bilked other rich folk. Let him rot.
  19. I agree...it should be a defensive end or another defensive tackle. I think this draft will have to be lineman and linebacker heavy.
  20. The choice of Chizuk makes a lot of sense. You see..coaches only have x number of wins in them. Turner Gill is pissing away wins like a drunken sailor. Chizuk is wisely conserving all his wins for the Auburn job. Gill would have won a national championship or two and then ...nothing...cuz he used up all those wins. Chizuk can chug along year after year with 2 and 3 win seasons and still have wins left at the end of the decade!
  21. I don't understand the qualifications of the guy they picked. The main question I'd be asking is whether the guy can win. Gill has shown he can with a very bad team to start with, a not very recruitable area (Mrs. so and so...your kid will just LOVE being in Buffalo!) and was a remarkable success. I understand Syracuse going the way they did as they had so many talented candidates (one might argue that Gill had such great recruiting success in the Northeast however, that he'd have been the best choice, but that's for another thread). I don't think that race could be a factor. Who ever heard of racism in a school in Alabama?
  22. Doesn't look like too much of a fluke. Cleveland State looks to be a for real team. One hell of a lucky shot, but they managed to get to the point where they were tied with two seconds left. I love Syracuse, but gotta give props to Cleveland State.
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