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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. That is not as bad as the "Where's Caylee" game that is being produced on a "Where's Waldo" theme. Anything for a buck.
  2. Actually she is smokin...but I ain't sharing a picture!
  3. Rabbit is Dead. I have a friend in Ukraine who is doing her doctorate on Updike and I've been sending her all of his recent publications and short stories. She'll be heartbroken.
  4. Hmmm talented but slow. I think we'd be better off looking at free agents and use our early draft picks on linemen that can help us from day one.
  5. Its very simple actually. The Bungles and Lions are at the bottom of a 32 team league. The Bills are 11th. Personally I think we are a little better than 11th, but I'll admit that may be homer bias. Now you might argue that the Bills are unacceptably mediocre...I'd agree with you. You might argue that Jauron is a mediocre coach (.429 winning record...pretty close to his winning record when he joined the Bills) and I'd agree with you. We are simply not "in the proud company of the Bungles and the Lions."
  6. I bought one for my granddaughter, but now I can't find it!
  7. I agree with you with ONE exception, the comeback game against Houston was Andre Reed and that will live on in football history. His performance in the Superbowls in general and his penchant for really stupid penalties in critical games will probably doom him. I hope I'm wrong though as I'd like to see any buffalo bill in the hall of fame....maybe not OJ, though.
  8. I've always liked "You've been flushed from the Toilet of my heart" by Johnny Cash....but any of these are fine: http://www.bestandworst.com/v/90602.htm
  9. I love your thinking on the trade down, but I'd try to get Alex Mack as my 2a player. Ray Malauga seems to be dropping and he might be around as our 1 but I do like your Tyson Jackson pick as well. I suspect a top TE or OLB will be around at the 33 pick so there should be a LOT of options.
  10. EXACTLY...we are a mediocre team and have been for a while. Actually we are presently a mediocre team leading toward becoming a good team. When we make good we will lean toward being a playoff team. Lets not overdo our depression here.
  11. I think the cards would love to go with Lynch and Jackson. The Steelers could use Lee Evans. Either of them could go with Brian Moorman. That's just three that I can think of off the top of my head.
  12. Not as bad as the guy on that board who wants to mate the first lady and some athlete to make "primates". I guess they think slavery is the best govt. And they get pissed when I refer to it as a nazi board!
  13. Gotta go with Angelo Crowell as the free agent. I'm going to say Alex Mack in Round 2 And in a later round I'm going for Robert Ayers DE out of Tennessee.
  14. Gee Cincy...you want a new car for your wife? That would be an interesting trade, but knowing you I'd think your wife would be trying to get a used car for you!
  15. It looks as if the better centers guards and tight ends are going to be available in round two. We could use both of them. There is the possibility that a standout linebacker like Maluga of USC or other needed player might possibly be available at 11 and worthy of taking. There are a bunch of players at the 11 to 16 picks for whom some teams will probably be frothing at the mouth and ready to deal. Robert Ayers of Tennessee who looked extraordinary at the Senior Bowl might be a find in late round two or early round three for example. Nice pickup with an extra pick that we might get out of trading down. http://www.profootballweekly.com/PFW/NFLDr.../rock012309.htm
  16. Looking at the draft prognosticators everyone we pick at 11 seems to be a reach because of position (TE, DE, DT, OG, C) or talent in this years draft. The interesting and best of the players in the positions we want seem to be destined for the second half of the first round or later with a very strong second round and third round availability. Maybe trading down will be the best way to go in an attempt to get three or more for two picks?
  17. That is pretty much the way it went down in the movie as well. I didn't get the impression that White hated guys, but rather that he was a pretty insecure guy.
  18. 100-0 is terrible, but it sounds as if the losing team really should not have been playing in that league.
  19. A lot to be said for being able to correct a reaction after reflection. In a way the pick is interesting and says a lot about the overall quality of the defense, that Poz was picked in a D that wasn't bad and had no real stars on it that jumped out as a "must pick". Our free agents would have come to mind as possible choices, but I can't say Poz was a bad pick.
  20. I discovered this when I read Excellency a few years ago shortly after reading 1776. He was remarkable in every sense of the word. He handled unbelievable adversity with such grace and style. Guy was the penultimate "stand up" guy.
  21. Geez...what a double whammy...to wake up with the weather that cold....and to wake up in Cleveland. Doesn't get much worse than that!
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