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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Damn right. I thought it was the number of ppp'ers who belonged to a particular political organization. But on the other hand it was about boobs....
  2. I watched them both play throughout their careers. I just don't believe Simms is a HOF quarterback by ANY stretch of the imagination. I'm convinced Kelly is a HOF guy from his record, his getting to four superbowls and his pro career as a Houston Gambler or whatever he was before coming to Buffalo. I remember reading somewhere that his passing yards in the start up league were remarkable and should be considered part of his total yardage. Simms...hmm...that guy has a lot of nerve.
  3. My girlfriend had a wonderful German Shepherd that had been a companion and gaurd dog for nearly twelve years and was getting sicker and sicker. We kept him around although mostly blind and having a hard doing pretty much anything. I didn't hink it was my place to suggest that it was time to go, but as I finally decided to tell her what I thought at dinner she took it in on her own that afternoon. God that was a sad sad experience. So I guess I'm saying that you will know when the time comes. Sorry for your pain. I had to put down a cat (I didn't want the thing but my daughter kind of foisted him on me and we tolerated each other for years) and to my surprise found it very painful to let him go.
  4. Coaching. We would have won three games at a minimum but for coaching brainfarts, and been in the playoffs. I don't think Edwards is in the same class as either Warner or BR, but then...who is? so talent would come next. We are on the high mediocre level for talent. No way we are as physical as either the Steelers or Cards.Wow...as a die hard bills fan trying to convince myself we are on the verge of the playoffs this poll is depressing!
  5. In order to rectify the situation the cable company will intersperse its pornographic programs with football clips.
  6. I feel so....USED.... i hope the authorities in japan put her on the sex offender list to protect us from her ilk.
  7. love comes and goes...lust is forever. Or something like that.
  8. Actually its been pretty pleasant here in the Mountains of Tennessee. I would ask what was dumped on Cincinnatti, but hell...Cincinnatti is a dump to begin with!
  9. I've invested mine on slow horses and fast women.
  10. Wait just one minute cincy...I understand that you have been in voled i gov't science grants for five years but the second part throws...have you been involved with your wife for 30 years? (if so my condolences to the poor woman) or has your wife been involved with Gov't science grants for 30 years. (A thirty year study of the effect of a disgruntled Bills fan spouse?)?
  11. The Germans make good stuff? Must be a PPP axiom. I was never all that impressed with the sham wow.
  12. I'm surprised at Erik Wood as the number one center. It looks like there might very well be three very good centers in this draft. Kind of makes the second round a little more interesting. Quinn Johnson the blocking (and running from the Senior bowl performance) fullback looked good. If he is around after the second round he might be worth a look. Actually our line needs are so great and the talent in three and four should be good enough that we should probably be concentrating on the o-line and d-line. In any event I think this guy Johnson is impressive, even if he doesn't fit into our immediate and critical need list.
  13. Actually if we want to help the economy figuring a way to take health care off the employers table would be a good start... How much of the cost of the auto industry is based on health care cost? If we want to revitalize our manufacturing base (auto, steel, airplane etc) getting a new health care system should be job one.
  14. A big slow tight end isn't exactly what I'd have in mind for a first round pick.
  15. when I played in high school they limited water, which never made a lot of sense...even then (mid 1960's). The banjo should be charged if he actually denied water and did not secure appropriate medical attention. The school district and he had better be giving a long look at their insurance policies.
  16. Maybin, Orakpo or Malauga look pretty good for us, but I suspect we would do best trading down.
  17. must be a PPP snack...would go well with the "Primate" sandwiches and the Hitler cake.
  18. We might stop paying bonuses to bankrupt financial institutions, and maybe suggest they stop buying airplanes with our money?
  19. I like Ayers a lot and figured him for round 3 or 4, but his senior bowl performance may move him up to Round 2. I think he will be a good one. Fulmer has always picked great D linemen such as Henderson and Haynesworth. So far the scouts aren't rating him all that high, but that might change.
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