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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Whether a person is here legally or illegally isn't the point. Trespassing is more to the point. But even trespassing does not warrant threatening to have dog attack or holding at gunpoint. Not in most states. If the guy overstepped his authority under the law...he's gonna pay. That's the way the system works.
  2. I just retrieved it from the garbage again and spent the last 5 minutes reviewing it. Although scantily (or not even THAT) they are pretty good looking young ladies. Disgusting...I'm going to throw it away again.....later.
  3. Tackle or gaurd. He played in some 16 games last season and I think Collins had the least sacks in the league. Apparently he wants to and is ready to start somewhere. He could really strengthen our pass protection.
  4. Terrible tragedy. Let's keep the families in our prayers.
  5. I was going through the mail over coffee this morning and suddenly came across the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition. Let me tell you after reviewing it the last hour and a half I have to say it is SHOCKING> These bikinis are so small you can't even blow your nose in them!!!! And in some of the pages the young ladies are clad only in BODY PAINT!!! What is the world coming to! Needless to say I threw it in the garbage. I was so shocked I went back and picked it up. It was JUST as disgusting the second time. I left it by the shredder...wait a minute..I need to go back and be sure it really was that bad... SICK...no wonder the world is in the condition its in. I'm going to review it again tomorrow and if its still so filthy I'm going to write Sports Illustrated.
  6. The issue isn't whether trespassing is wrong. Kid cuts across my yard and I hold him at gunpoint for a couple of hours and threaten to have my dog bite his ass...I'm in deep doo doo whether he was trespassing or not. The illegal cleaning my neighbor's house? I don't think I can hold her at gunpoint or threaten to have my dog bite her on her rather voluptuous ass either. We aren't talking about the 12000 people who pooped in this guys yard. We are talking about 16 people who for all we knew were illegally cutting through, who apparently did not offer resistance. Look...the judge had all the evidence and heard both sides and said let it go to trial. Must be something there as judges in my experience are pretty smart guys. Now this guy was apparently appointed by Bush...so we gotta take it with a grain of salt...but I think the case goes forward.
  7. http://tennessean.com/apps/pbcs.dll/galler...1006&Ref=PH Gotta think about some of these guys. Scaife sounds pretty darn interested in testing the waters. Haynesworth is a monster find but this Loper sounds more like one we would take a chance on and still have a few shekels in the til.
  8. Ok...I've given it some thought...IT'S NOT THE QB. Actually its not the TE or defensive rush. Its not the safety or coach. Listen....ITS THE SCOREBOARD!!!! YEAH...after most of the games its the same thing. The frigging scoreboard gives the other team more points. Lets get a new scoreboad and there are eight wins right there.
  9. You reading the same story I read? I don't see these 16 people did anything but get terrorized. They were hiding he told them his dog was gonna bite them on the ass, held them at gunpoint...Geez eryn...what are you guys smokin over there on PPP?
  10. In New York we usually look first to see if the defendant (the guy with the gun) did anything wrong. Can I shoot an illegal immigrant walking across my lawn?
  11. Wow...the good lord must have been smiling on your sorry butt!!! Congrats and good to see you back in the game!
  12. very good question. I have to go with Taylor, but Smith isn't far behind at all. Certainly two of the top five or six defensive players of the modern era (last fifty years.)
  13. Chateau Frontenac, Quebec City...to die for. Either that or the f-ing bunny I ate after four days in arctic survival school at Fairchild AFB in 1969.
  14. The fact is we need a pass rush, and if we have to take more than a year to get it...so be it. I just think we would be better off trading down and getting lineman in rounds two and three that could fill holes on both sides of the trenches. That and a little more help in free agency and I think we will be in contention for the playoffs.
  15. I see Robert Ayers of Tennessee has jumped into second round consideration. (50) If he's around in the second the Bills had better think long and hard. This guy is a product of the Haynesworth Henderson school of thought at UT and could be a very very good choice.
  16. Given our feelings about the last few seasons...how about the Niagara Falls Jumpers?
  17. I don't care if he hates buffalo, screws sheep and is a member of Al Qaeda. Give me ten f'ing wins and I'll love him.
  18. Ok..ok...God !@#$ up. Thank goodness we had Sully to make it all right.
  19. Its the only major academy award nominee I haven't seen. I guess I gotta get out this week and see it.
  20. Look at the body of work the guy put in. One of the AFL founders, that "foolish club" moniker wasn't meant to be ironic. He floated personal loans to keep it going, played a huge role in getting tv contracts and the merger. He has been the voice of the small market for 40 years. He's had good teams (those 60's teams were first rate and the Kelly era and Simpson era teams were very good. He deserves to be in the Hall and its wonderful they did it while he was still alive.
  21. I am not absolutely certain he will not be a good quarterback somewhere. His stay here was snakebit in a hundred ways and he had some remarkable plays and moments. On the other hand he was still making the same old mistakes last year that he made from the beginning. I hope he does become a good qb somewhere as he is a good guy, but I just haven't seen it yet. Remember Jim Plunkett who had a god awful first few years and took Oakland to a superbowl.
  22. The jets will probably trade up for a qb in the first round. That isn't any great shakes for us as I suppose to get a good qb they will need a top five pick. JP isn't anyone's idea of a starting qb right now and he'll be lucky to catch on with pretty much any team in a back up role.
  23. I think we really should have won nine games this season. l can't blame injuries, as that is just a loser's lament, and our injuries this year were nothing like what we had the year before. I think we have to shore up the lines a bit, get us a TE and probably a new backup quarterback and we might win nine or ten games and be in the hunt for a wild card. Divisional champ? Boy that would be asking a lot as NE, NYJ and Miami all have bragging rights as of this moment. I think we will have a better record next year and have a little better team...but would need lots of luck to get into the playoffs.
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