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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Interesting definition. Is that ALL socialism is...those three things. I think you meant to say that these three things, the first and second of which is a legacy of the last administration. The key part of the stimulus money wise is a very large tax cut, hardly socialist. Now...what part of the stimulus bill bails out (from jail?) POS's who overreached in purchasing homes? I like this definition of socialism, although those of us who enter into the discussion might want to provide their own definition which can obviously be more detailed, specific and probably better. This is just a first cut- from the wikipedia definition that sounded pretty close to what I always thought it was: Socialism refers to a broad set of economic theories of social organization advocating public or state ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods, and a society characterized by equal opportunities for all individuals, with a fair or egalitarian method of compensation.
  2. Elaborate...what in the stimulus package do you define as socialist?
  3. That is fine, but if so why would he mention the current stimulus package or President Obama? It doesn't make sense. Western New York is no more socialist than anywhere else. If he want to look at "socialist" headcare in Canada or elsewhere, feel free. Michael Moore already did that. If he is going to talk about big government, look to the previous presidential administration. If he is going to talk about unnecessary govt. spending of taxpayer money for bailout of irresponsible and greedy institutions...Henry Paulson and George Bush kind of wrote the book on it. Bizarre story.
  4. I suspect they may not want to do that. This ain't the superpolite South or West...its Western New York. They are liable to be pulling chicken wings out of their anuses.
  5. Hmmm...where on earth does he mention anything in the stimulus package? And exactly how does that relate to anything in Western New York?
  6. I liked him at University of Tennessee and hoped the Bills went with him in 02. I followed him in his time at Cincinnatti, and he seems to have never gotten off the ground at New England. I think he might surprise you...but if he had what it takes I suspect he would have shown it by now. Hope they didn't spend too much money on him.
  7. I'm not at doomed by any stretch at this point. I think we have the potential for an excellent run game. I think TE had a tough go, but will perform much better next season, still think Evans is a possible all pro. Get us a little bit more in pass protection department and Haynesworth and a good DE in the draft and we'll be cooking with gas. Gotta admit at this point the schedule looks pretty grim.
  8. yeah...but on the other hand there were the Jack Kemp/Darryl Lamonica Cookie Gilchrist, Billy Shaw, Wray Carlton, Butch Byrd, sestak, dunaway, mcdole, day, jacobs tracy stratton saimes gogolak, years....
  9. I, and pretty much everyone else I work with have had recurring cold/flu/something all winter. I mentioned this to my boss who is a surgeon and former head of the med school and he said "You should talk to Mary, she's been here fifteen years and never missed a day." So I asked her and she said every day she uses a nasal saline spray, and that's been the key. Handwashing and keeping your hands away from your face and mouth. Now I have to put these things into practice...easier said then done. Good luck everyone with the various bugs going around this year.
  10. Greer is a starter and given a choice wil go where he will be given that opportunity. If we can sign him, it would be a very very good idea. Do you really think we will go through a season without one of our starting quarterbacks missing at least a few games? Youbooty is like a china doll...pretty when he plays but very breakable. We'll be lucky to keep Greer but we should make a serious run at resigning him.
  11. Washington started in office at the end of the eighteenth century. Who the heck WERE presidents in the 7th century?
  12. I agree ...don't be surprised to hear that the Bills have released their veteran Jockstrap washer in the next couple of days.
  13. Haynesworth is the biggest impact player available in the draft and the effect on our defense would be HUGE. Saturday would be great as well and exactly what we need, but we would really be stretching the wallet to get both of them. Scaife is a great choice. Maybe going all tennessee in free agency with Haynesworth, Loper and Scaife might be a next best choice and a little easier on the bankroll. If this is the track they are thinking I'm very very happy.
  14. Look Football players have unlicensed guns. MANY of them do. He'll get a four game suspension like Plaxico Burress and Fred Jackson will start the season and we'll move on. Hell..if he gets the same suspension he should also be allowed to shoot Plaxico in his other leg.
  15. The point is no one is bothering to laugh. ML isn't pacman jones, or anything like it. The point is nobody gives much of a rat's ass about a 7-9 team in any respect. Gotta get over the .500 mark before you get on the radar and gotta get into the playoffs before anyone cares. That's the bottom line. You gotta win 3 game or less to qualify as a laughingstock.
  16. Its called a "statute of repose" in some states. Given that its a mattress, "statute of repose" sounds more appropriate.
  17. It might be a scam. To be safe send them your social security number, bank account number and PIN. If they rob you blind, don't complete the sale, and keep your Paypal information safe.
  18. In his first statement after his arrest on felony gun charges ML asserted that he bought the gun on the advice of friends in an internet cult group called "Off the Wall" in order to stop dog barking that had kept him up for some time. Arrested at a store where he had just bought dog food, antifreeze and other bizarre things ML indicated he was operating under advice from friends in a chat room. "I liked Off the Wall for their wonderful football advice, but mostly becaause the site seemed to attract obsessed pre-pubescent Japanese schoolgirls" Lynch iterated in his first interview since the arrest.
  19. You might want to have a chat with the neighbor. If that doesn't work..show him the business end of YOUR 45. If that doesn't work shoot the f-ing dogs. or shiv them..what the hell.
  20. Personally and with no disrespect for Montana, I'd have to go with Baugh. QB's in that era had much more personal responsibility on a play by play basis, lacked the computer feedback after every play. Montana had Bill Walsh on his sideline and in his helmet. Norm Van Brocklin, Johnny U, and some of the other older qbs have to have an edge for this reason.
  21. well...our biggest problem from what I've seen in the press and on this board is the pass rush. Stroud and Haynesworth? That takes care of that and it would certainly clog up anyone running between the tackles. I can't think of any one who would fix our weakest area most effectively. Ralph is 90 and if he want to go to the superbowl before he goes to heaven he might want to give this serious thought. I like Scaife and Loper from tennessee as well.
  22. I think the ranking is pretty darn accurate. Otto Graham is the best that ever was.
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