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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Seems like most of the players I'd put on the team have either been in the first post or the replies. Two I'd mention would be Reggie McKenzie and fullback Cookie Gilchrist. No way at all if we are only considering football that we could ignore OJ Simpson.
  2. The family that slays together stays together.
  3. what does a good looking girls butt have to do with it?
  4. Actually LA makes a point...Clinton was in the right place at the right time when our economy was good..when we actually won wars...when we were respected throughout the world...when we have a surplus...and that place was... THE WHITE HOUSE DIRECTING ECONOMIC AND FOREIGN POLICY And on the other hand George W.was in the wrong place at the wrong time....when our economy tanked, when the bank bailout (no questions asked!) failed, when Katrina went wrong...when there weren't any WMD's to justify and unnecessary and expensive war....and that place was.... THE WHITE HOUSE DIRECTING ECONOMIC AND FOREIGN POLICY
  5. Happy birthday son! how was the party Great dad...went to the Sundowner got my first beej! TERRIFIC!!! How was it? Gee dad...it tasted awful and hurt my throat!!! What a waste of $300.00
  6. I might quibble over the names, but you're reasoning is just right. We need to really upgrade the trenches more than ANYTHING else. I've got to look over the names you've mentioned but you've certainly got the right philosophy.
  7. Let me get this straight...did they ASK you for a beej...or did they OFFER you a beej? The difference is kind of important.
  8. Actually I'm kind of pining for the days of Bill Clinton...You know big surplus, fine economy, actually winning the war in Kosovo, good relations with other countries, respected by international community. But hey...that's just me. You're entitled to your opinion and you can feel free to keep up your dick cheney and george bush posters.
  9. Your too kind to Bush and Cheney..its more like they destroyed the furniture, shyt in the tub defaced the walls, left rotten fish in the laundry and pissed the bed before they left. Their unnecessary wars, the economy, foreign and domestic policy, and foolish spending (bank bailout?...no questions asked?) kind of left the new administration with something that is going to take a lot more than four years to fix.
  10. Actually, I don't think we'd have any choice but to turn them into a parking lot. A cop I knew once put a bullet into the back of the head of motorcycle gang member (many years ago). He said it was a "warning shot". I asked him what he meant by that...he said "it wasn't THAT guy I was warning!"
  11. If there were a real budget crisis the college would cut non-revenue producing athletics. It would do a cost benefit analysis of basketball, pretty much as Calhoun did on a spur of the moment...and Calhoun would probably be safe as can be as long as he produced revenue.
  12. Anything that kills chihuahaus should be protected and revered.
  13. Or do you and the long suffering Mrs. Stuck have the same people mothers day and fathers day cards?
  14. I wouldn't waste a lot of thought time or money on a backup. They are all there, all mediocre at best and not going to make much if any difference on our season. Hamdan is as fine as anyone. If we really wanted to make an improvement we'd have gone for Kerry Collins, Warner, Garcia or maybe McNabb. Once you decide to go with Trent, have Hamdan who gives a rat's ass who you get as a backup?
  15. I'm kind of intrigued by Washington. He was so outstanding in college that I thought he would have a great nfl career. Couldn't seem to break into the lineup regular at Cincy and apparently wasn't a huge contributor at New England. I'd like to see him get a shot here and see what he can do. When push comes to shove though you'd expect a guy to show real talent and break into the top ranks by five years. I'll pull for him if we sign him...but more for love of a UT grad than for any evidence of what he's shown in the NFL so far.
  16. An excerpt from James Dickey’s “The Firebombing”: Gun down The engines, the eight blades sighing For the moment when the roofs will connect Their flames, and make a town burning with all American fire. Reflections of houses catch; Fire shuttles from pond to pond In every direction, till hundreds flash with one death. With this in the dark of the mind, Death will not be what it should; Will not, even now, even when My exhaled face in the mirror Of bars, dilates in a cloud like Japan. The death of children is ponds Shutter-flashing; responding mirrors; it climbs The terraces of hills Smaller and smaller, a mote of red dust At a hundred feet; at a hundred and one it goes out. That is what should have got in To my eye And shown the insides of houses, the low tables Catch fire from the floor mats, Blaze up in gas around their heads Like a dream of suddenly growing Too intense for war. Ah, under one’s dark arms Something strange-scented falls—when those on earth Die, there is not even sound; One is cool and enthralled in the cockpit, Turned blue by the power of beauty, In a pale treasure-hole of soft light Deep in aesthetic contemplation, Seeing the ponds catch fire And cast it through ring after ring Of land: O death in the middle Of acres of inch-deep water!
  17. Chances are if you are in Dresden or Tokyo (Amnerican Firebombings designed to take out a lot more than railyards.) the firestorm is going to get you regardless of which "cellar" you get to. Those firestorms were one horrible way to go.
  18. If the first year was 1959, and the first actual season was 1960 it would be the 50th anniversary of the team, would it not? Next year would be the 50th season? In any event...who gives a shyt? I think we actually had a few years where we probably shouldn't count it as real seasons..the dan darragh, kay stephenson years come to mind.
  19. 'In air campaigns against Japan during World War II, LeMay abandoned the established policy of daylight, precision bombing. Instead, he loaded his B29's with firebombs and sent them out over Japanese cities during the night. As LeMay described it, the B29's "scorched, boiled and baked to death" some 300,000 people Actually a goodly number were poached, fricasseed and, in some cases, fried.
  20. he's no spring chicken...my goodness how OLD is he?
  21. I'm not sure there is a bona fide #11 pick for us other than maybe Orakpo. Trading down, if an option might give us strength in late 1 and in the second to really look at centers gaurds and the tier of defensive linemen that could help up go to the next level.
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