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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. If I remember we didn't go with all pro McKinney because of "character" issues. NICE is not a quality we should be looking for in an offensive tackle.
  2. 1. Offensive line. Gonna look funny having TO and Lee Evans looking back thirty yards at Trent lying on his ass. 2. Defensive line. Poor pass rush and run defense. Can't win with poor time of possession and TO can't catch passes and Lynch can't rush when they are on the sidelines. Two fundamental flaws that are clearly fatal if not addressed.
  3. Early Bills that I would nominate? Cookie Gilchrist, Tom Sestak, Mike Stratton, Pete Gogolak, Butch Byrd and George Saimes. Gilchrist, Sestak Stratton and Gogolak for certain and the others were definitely worthy of consideration. At the next level of consideration I'd put Ernie Warlick who was a vastly under rated tight end. Is Lance Alworth in the hall of fame? Gino Cappelletti and Babe Parilli are two patriots who jump out as early stars.
  4. he was a very very troubled man, but he knew his football. His strength was he understood the basics. The early team was built around very exceptional offensive and defensive lines (and Cookie) and with OJ he knew that a great running back meant nothing without a great offensive line and tight ends and receivers who could block (JD Hill). He probably would have won the superbowl with the Levy teams, but there were demons in the guy and he always found ways to quit or wear out his welcome. That being said he still belongs on the wall. He was last a "coach" at a junior college in Alfred New York.
  5. Build from the trenches back. Defensive tackles and ends first. Then linebackers, then corners, then safeties. Look at it this way. If you can't stop the runner before he he gets past the line of scrimmage, you are almost dead. If you give the quarterback two or more seconds than normal...you are dead. All the time. A great pass rush can make up less than stellar pass coverage, and run stuffers give the backers some flexibility. LINE first.
  6. I've been buying properties at pretty dam good prices and renting them. Friend of mine just bought a great house in LA that sold for 975,000 three years ago for 425,000. I'm waiting a few more months and going back into the market as this thing bottoms out. I suspect it will start to pick up late next fall.
  7. What's so great about the Mona Lisa? What's so great about the Beatles? What's so great about Beef on Weck? What's so great about Niagara Falls? NIAGARA FALLS!!! Slowly I turned...step by stepp...inch by inch....
  8. A case could be made for Saban. He did have considerable talent (Gilchrist, Kemp, Dubenion, Warlick and a defense that started with Day Sestak McDole Dunaway and Stratton Tracey and Jacobs. He knew you build champions on the lines (Billy Shaw, Bemiller, etc on offensive line.) and work backwards. He did the same in his second tenure with Simpson in drafting and implementing "the electric company" as a top priority. .Dick Jauron...take notice.. All in all I'm going to have to give Levy the slight edge. Saban was mercurial and had too many personality clashes which prety much tarnished his career. I'm going to go with the more level headed guy who produced year after year.
  9. No. You were who you thought you was. You are who you is.
  10. Great idea...then we will have six receivers open and turning to see TE knocked on his ass. Why on earth aren't we fixing the offensive line? Nothing happens until we get the trenches in order.
  11. Me too...as long as they stay in Buffalo.
  12. This pulling the gun thing is different than life when I was a cop back in the day. Pulling your gun was a BIG thing and you didn't do it unless you had every intention of using it. I'm amazed at the apparent willing to pull your weapon every time there is any tension. Do these cops have any training in common sense?
  13. Wow...do you hate Moms? Puppies? the Higher Power? How can anyone hate the 3 stooges?
  14. F'n A!!! Is someone going to remake the Mona Lisa next? Rewrite Moby Dick? Sing Sinatra? Perfection should be left alone.
  15. Is there a juicy story behind how you know its not VB's body? Do you have pics?
  16. I'm impressed. However it may be a little too much to expect. Its like trying to re-do the Godfather or Potemkin. There are some roles that the great actors make their own and anyone trying to reprise the role does so at great risk. Hamlet after Olivier? suicide. I'm sorry...Curly Larry and Moe were, when all is said and done, Curly, Larry and Moe. It would be a shame to see three quite good actors go down trying to step into the shoes of the giants.
  17. If he's around in round 6 and we've taken care of the offensive and defensive line and gotten us an OLB and a TE
  18. could the inability to stop the pass rush effect the QB rating?
  19. Let's see...you walk into a restaurant and there are a bunch of drunk guys sitting at a table and all you want is a quiet meal. You don't say anything to them, interfere with their meal or drink but go sit at your table. The drunks don't get up and come over and introduce themselves but think YOU are obligated to come to their table...and you are the jerk because you didn't come to their table?
  20. I like your thinking and, as I have said, I'm a friggin liberal!
  21. 1. One game does not a season make. 2. New England has at least as many question marks as we do. 3. Assuming (big assumption) we shore up the offensive pass protection, I have confidence that TE can get the ball to two pretty darn good wide receivers, and I have confidence in Jackson and possibly Lynch having a good game. 4. On defense we still have to improve the pass rush..but if we do we should expect Brady to be at least somewhat rusty. I don't know about the season as a whole, but I'm not ready to hand this game to the Pats.
  22. What is wrong with the bankruptcy courts? I'm a frigging liberal but even I can't understand why we didn't deal with these companies in the context of bankruptcy with special masters and perhaps special legislation and the creation of a new Resolution Trust kind of situation to deal with housing issues. Seems like we are following the Bush strategy of to paraphrase Henry Paulsen..give them money and ask no questions.
  23. We should take the best offensive or defensive lineman available in rounds one through four. The only exception might be for a quality OLB in rounds two or later. We go NOWHERE unless we do something about the trenches. Not getting our offense on the field because we can't stop the run and not getting the ball to Evans or Owens because Edwards is on his ass is not the way to get to the playoffs.
  24. No seriously..how DO you feel about facebook?
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